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Everything posted by Mameha

  1. The situation here in Italy is even worse than for english (ma credo che tu lo sappia! :D) i really can't stand young people making awkward abbreviations using the "k" (which in Italian is not used) instead of "Ch", or writing a word without vowels, so people can't even recognize the word.
  2. @anna3101 This word order flexibility it's interesting! It happens always or there are some exceptions? In Italian you can do it too in some cases and people will anyway understand what are you saying and like russian the thing that changes is the emphasis but we can't change order always actually or the result can be weird and awkward @takibari I really liked what you wrote, really, it is really exciting to know the story of a places so far from here. We should thanks your national hero for letting your language remain!
  3. Mameha


    Since Latin was spoken here in Italy, most of Latin words are almost the same of Italian ones (the only thing that is different is the suffix because in Latin there are declinations and in Italian not) so if i read a Latin text i can recognize them and i can guess the meaning of a phrase. In addiction to this, a lot of Latin words are used in daily conversation like "Idem" that means "me too/same for me", we use it really often We most use Latin words in political/religious ambit, but really there is a long list of words and idioms that we use daily (and sometimes we don't even know!) so maybe for Italian people is easier to understand latin without learning it, but still there are words that are different so it's not so easy in the end.
  4. @lingualbabe Thank you for the %! It really helped understand better @sidney yeah i knew about philippines, this is one of the many reasons i like your country
  5. Ottima domanda! Per ritrovare la motivazione per lo studio ripenso a tutti i motivi per cui voglio imparare quello che sto studiando e questo mi da molta carica! Per il lavoro non saprei, forse penso che ciò che sto facendo è utile oppure penso a tutti i lati positivi
  6. I hope that in the future things will change actually...they should teach english to younger children because the sooner a kid starts to learn, better it is!
  7. @lushlala i've never been in Stienta actually, i don't know all the countries in Italy, especially the ones in other regions anyway i'm really happy that you had a good time in Ferrara! @Chris_A so Italy is one of the few European countries where not all speak english...i mean, here only young people know a little about it, and really not all... @Miya that's interesting, i knew that a lot of Asian countries didn't know english very well...but now you tell me this!
  8. In questo caso dovresti scrivere "LO" invece che "IL" Mi dispiace per il raffreddore e la febbre proprio a capodanno! E' un peccato....spero che sei riuscita comunque a divertirti almeno un po' magari nei giorni seguenti. Io sto bene, anche se a capodanno anche io sono stata un po' male! Avevo mal di pancia Ma ora sto meglio e si ricomincia con la solita vita dopo le vacanze
  9. I ive in Rome and actually my boyfriend live in Ferrara! It's a beautiful city where people prefer to use bicycle instead of car, in fact it's called "the city of the bicycle" Anyway i'm happy to know that you met nice people! And i think that maybe you are a nice person too who can be friendly with anyone i'm glady to hear that there are nice people around the world (in my country and others.)
  10. @linguaholic I don't know if i can make you examples right now because i just see them randomly, maybe in the future i can post something! @Pinutile Ty really! I just see these dots used really often, they seems to have the same meaning as us but are more used by Chinese people About the 6 or other things, maybe is a language used for videogames or something connected with them. And thank you for the link! Really useful
  11. Hello everyone! Actually i don't know if it's nothing, but i noticed that Chinese people use very frequently these suspension dots alone as an answer, not at the end of a phrase, and i was wondering if this mean something or no. For example here people use dots n this way to answer as a sense of disappointment or surprise, just to say "i have no words about this". I don't know if this is a stupid question, but in the doubt i asked here, i'm sorry but i am at the very beginning of this language, now that holidays are gone i want to study more and better during 2016 ^^ Watching some streamers on the famous syte "Twitch" (about videogames or a lot of other stuffs) i try to read the chats and translate something so sometimes i notice a lot of things, for example in Chinese streams people in the comments use numbers as... i don't know how to explain...slangs..way to say something, for example many people use a number to say that the streamer did a nice action on a videogame. About this, they spam frequently the number 6 and if i am not wrong, this means something like "cool",Anyway i remember other numbers like this that mean other things,...do you know something about it?
  12. Io amo la torta di mele! E' la mia preferita Il 31 farò una cena col mio compagno e alcuni amici, poi aspetteremo i fuochi d'artificio a mezzanotte Colgo l'occasione per augurarti un buon anno nuovo!
  13. This helps even in another way, when i am searching for a song and i don't know its name i digit on google bar the lyrics that i hear and i can find the title easily Btw actually i didn't try to do this but i know that it's really helpful because this implies that i need to hear the words carefully, so it can make me improve my listening skills
  14. Like i already said in the other posts, i will ask her again, i just wanted to make little conversations or maybe ask her some doubts, obviosly she can't teach me the entire gramatic rules, etc!
  15. If you read my other posts on this topic, i specified what i was searching for
  16. If they were happy to meet you, surely you spurred them where do you lived?
  17. I don't know if it is considered a "song", and since i don't know many Chinese songs (i should do ) i post the song that this Chinese girl sang in a show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKK9gap8lIM The girl is "Yunggiema". This is so beautiful, absolutely amazing
  18. I think that a child with parents who speaks differents language is a really lucky child. I would have liked to speak two languages (besides english) when i was young For exemple i know a guy here in Italy who speaks fluently Japanese and Italian perfctly because he has a Japanese mother and Italian father. Actually there is no reason not to teach both languages to a son. In the future, when and if i'll have a son, i'll teach him/her Italian as well as theenglish notions i know.
  19. @pesic87 Thank you for that, it is really helpful for my question! @lushlala There is nothing cool about losing the own origin, you are lucky that you have a really nice family that made you grow up with both languages! @czarina84 Thank you! There is still a lot of words, expressions and things in general that don't know about english (most of all i'm not used to speak english normally so i don't speak it as fluently as i speak italian when i talk). Here one of the most common words that people confuse are "dead" "death" and "died". I'm just one of those people here that really liked the study of languages, unfortunately i had the opportunity to learn only english in high school (some schools teach French and Spanish too, in fact my brother learnt French in secondary school), but i think that knowing the basics could be very very useful...it makes you have a lot of advantages even in daily life, ora at least this happens to me
  20. Oh i hope this doesn't happen! It's bad if a language disappears.. speak english is ok nowdays, it's the main spoken language in the world, but people shouldn't forget about their origins and own language, which is one of the biggest patrimony of a country
  21. I think that is all about the way people correct a person. If they are rude obviously it's not correct, but i think that someone can correct people gently and maybe with a smile, at least i would do this
  22. I was wondering about this: In which countries english is spoken in daily life in addiction to the native language? I mean, here in Italy schools teach basic english, but i don't really think it is so important. Obviously if you are going to find a job a requirement is "good knowledge of english language" but not all can speak it fluently (actually almost no one), it is not used daily, we speak only Italian and its dialect. If you are Italian and you go to a store and start to speak english fluently, people may not understand what are you saying and probably watch you with the eyes wide open I'm not so fluent and good in english but i had a friend at school who couldn't speak a word of it, in fact we had to help her doing english homework at university. I don't think this is really good, i dare to say that is absurd not to know a word of english nowdays. I'm not saying to speak it fluently, but i think that knowing some basic notions, basic conversations, words etc, would be really helpful. What about your countries? How much is english used and how it is considered?
  23. Ciao e benvenuto! Quindi vieni dalla Slovenia o Italia? Me lo chiedevo perchè sei madrelingua di entrambe
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