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It is "Registration" not "Registeration"

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One of the common mistakes I do see people make in the English language is that of writing "Registration" as "Registeration". Although, I do not see this mistake as annoying since it's only normal for people to assume that the process of registering should be spelled as "registeration". Perhaps, the correct form was "registeration" but pronunciation made registration to be accepted as the correct form.

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  • 3 months later...

I doubt it was so. The English language is just a tricky language in which the rules scarcely apply. There are many other words that take a twist, for example, maintain/maintenance, so we just have to familiarize ourselves with these words and their spelling and not be confused by them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have never encountered registeration in my life. I have encountered other bizarre misspellings though which I can understand since most of these people are poor in English. A lot of foreigners in our country can't speak English the way we can and I'm not sure if it's something to be proud of but I still am. People flock our country because we teach English in the kindest most pleasant way for foreigners to enjoy while natives are not given the same special treatment which is just wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have never encountered registeration in my life. I have encountered other bizarre misspellings though which I can understand since most of these people are poor in English. A lot of foreigners in our country can't speak English the way we can and I'm not sure if it's something to be proud of but I still am. People flock our country because we teach English in the kindest most pleasant way for foreigners to enjoy while natives are not given the same special treatment which is just wrong.

I agree with you. We should stop having this horrible double standard. A mistake is a mistake no matter who makes it. We should not be so lenient to foreigners while we make fun of our fellowmen.

Back to the topic, I have also never heard "registeration". Maybe it was just a typo or something.

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English is a very hard language and it there are different spellings and ways to say the word depending on where you are in the world.  The word "muffler" for instance...if you are in England, it means a type of scarf and in America, it is a car part.

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English is honestly a very tricky language to learn and it can be confusing to certain people especially with a group of words that are spelt differently, pronounced similarly, and with different meanings, for example "two, too, and to".

So it is understandable if a non native speaker makes a lot of mistakes in spelling but it would always be nice to have people who noticed their mistake to correct them nicely. 

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I've never seen someone try saying or spelling the word as "registeration" before, actually.

-- Thankfully, that is, haha.

I've certainly seen a plethora of other terrible misspellings and the like, though.

One of my pet peeves is when someone says "irregardless" instead of "regardless." It's a completely redundant prefix, and yet it's used so often that now it's a real word! It makes me pretty frustrated.

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It actually reminds me of the word "conversate". It is not a proper English word, the proper word is "converse", but for some reason it has become mainstream and used frequently enough to be considered as a "legitimate" word. I always hear that word in songs too!

The word "registeration" seems like a dumb person wrote it, lol. I hope those people can be corrected as soon as possible! They are "murdering" the English language!

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Actually I've never seen no one writing registeration and it seems a rather obvious mistake even for me that am not a native, but on the other hand it's spelled that way so that is most likely the cause of people writing it.

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Registration is and always was the proper way to say this word. People may make this mistake because of they are trying to apply the suffix "-ation" to the word register in the way it may work with some other words.

I definately think this is the case with "registeration". I too have never heard of this misspelling before, but now that you mention it, it sounds very logical that someone who just learned the word "register" would figure that the general suffix -ation would be added to that word aswell. Because, well... If you have a weak memory and your english isn't too good, "registeration" does sound somewhat simlar to "registration".

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I've never seen anyone write/spell out "registeration" before, but I can understand why people would make this mistake. Is this a common mistake anywhere though?

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"Registration" is the correct word, as the letter "e"  is an unnecessary surplusage.  It's more or less similar to other words where the vowel is omitted, such as "judg(e)ment" and "acknowledg(e)ment."  However, "judg(e)ment" and "acknowledg(e)ment" used to be good words until the letter "e" has been omitted, and therefore the words "judgment" and "acknowledgment" are currently recognized.  "Registration" has always been the correct choice with respect to syllables - \re-gis-ter-a-tion\ has five, while \re-gis-tra-tion\ has four.

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I've honestly never seen this mistake ever being made before, even online, but I could see how it can be easily confused as it seems like a natural enough transition, which now makes me wonder why they eliminated the E in the first place. I suppose it's partly because it sounds better.

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I've also seen some people use "registeration" and I think it's because they just convert the verb into a noun without omitting some letters.  If the person is a friend, I would try to correct him or her because it's rather annoying to hear and it's really not right.  Also, I think it's a common word to get wrong.

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I am still yet to encounter "registeration" as a grammatical mistake. I haven't seen someone commit this mistake yet. Maybe on some forums where people are not very inclined to speaking (or writing) in English. But we can't blame them for this type of mistake. I agree with what others say; the root word is register so they just added -ation to refer to the process.

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