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      Top 5 language you want to learn? | Language Learning Jump to content

      Top 5 language you want to learn?


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      Mine are

      1. French

      2. German

      3. Russian

      I want to learn the first three because of their involvement in classical, romantic and impressionistic music.

      4. Latin

      5. Greek

      The last two I want to learn because of their involvement in today's civilization, in different fields like music, medicine and sciences.

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        I'd like to learn:

        1. Chinese

        2. Japanese

        3. Korean

        4. German

        5. Arabic

        I think these languages would help me in so many ways if I were able to master them. Chinese is my top choice because I would like to communicate with more people in China and understand the culture more.

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        1. French

        2. German

        3. Spanish

        4. Mandarin Chinese

        5. Japanese

        I want to learn French because France is the first place in the world I would like to visit if I had the chance to go abroad. Also, I want to watch raw French movies so that there would be nothing lost in translation.

        Next, it is my impression that German and Spanish would be easier to learn after learning French (I have no basis for this).

        Of the five I've listed, German is the most random choice and all I know is that I want to learn the language and, consequently, the culture around it. Perhaps it's because I know and hear so little about the country relative to other EU countries.

        Spain was a colonizer of the Philippines and a lot of our words are influenced by Spanish. I even know how to sing our National Anthem in Spanish and my mother and her siblings told me that it was part of the curriculum back in their time.

        Then I chose languages that are closer to home.

        Mandarin Chinese is a practical choice. I meet Chinese and Filipino-Chinese often and it would be nice to converse with them in their language for a change.

        For the fifth place, I was weighing between Japanese and Korean because I enjoy their contribution to the entertainment scene. In the end, I chose Japan because it ranks higher in my list of places I'd visit. 

        :angel: :grin: :nerd:  :shy: :ninja:

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        Here's my top 5 (no. 2 to 5 not in any particular order):  :smile:

        1. Mandarin Chinese

        2. Japanese (Nihongo)

        3. Spanish

        4. Korean

        5. French

        I like to learn Mandarin because I'm married to a Filipino-Chinese and all my kids go to a Chinese school so there.  :grin:  As for the other four languages, no particular reason.  I just find them interesting to learn.

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        I would love to know all the languages in the world, but I guess I'd love to master the ones I have knowledges first. If I had to pick five I'd go for Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese, seems a life-long project though...  :smile:

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        >Japanese - primarily because I'm heavily interested in Japanese culture, and there's a different "feel" whenever I encounter new sets of kanji

        >French - I'm, uh, 1/16 French, so I think it's a miniature obligation for me to learn the language. However, I also found the language interesting - especially the way speakers say words. As much as I don't want to see French solely as a "romantic language," the way the words are spoken are really good to the ears

        >Latin - not because of things like using them in science, music and other things, but primarily because I'm simply interested with the way phrases and sentences are formed. It's interesting because, as much as it's a dead language, I at least could get an opportunity to learn how life was like when Latin was still a living language

        >German and Russian - these languages have their certain appeal to me, a certain "beauty" of sorts that I couldn't describe. It's like, when I get to hear words spoken in German or in Russian, I get this pleasant feeling and a tendency to want to really learn how to speak the language. It's kind of more of a natural interest than actually having some sort of reason.

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        The 5 languages I'd like to learn are:

        1. Spanish - Because I've liked this language ever since I was a kid & I would hear my friends speaking it. I wanted so bad to be able to converse with them in their native tongue.

        2. Japanese - This one holds a nice place in my heart because of my Love for Anime.

        3. Hindi - This language just sounds amazing to my ears lol.

        4. French - No particular reason

        5. Russian or Portuguese

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        If I could just snap my fingers and be fluent in five new languages I think I would have to go obvious and pick Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Mandarin. I don't think I'll ever have the drive, the time or the memory capacity to learn all of these but it's fun to pretend!

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        1. Japanese (Currently studying this... so it's kind of self-explanitory)

        2. Korean

        3. French

        4. Latin

        5. Chinese

        My reasons for wanting to learn these are pretty silly if you ask me, hence why I'm only learning japanese at the moment... It's possible that I will learn another language in the future, jsut because I like learning languages and I just want to know more about another country and all... But yeah. As for japanese, I'm learning it to read japanese literature/manga/light novels/visual novels, and watch drama/anime/etc. In other words, to understand japanese entertainment. I'm of course also very interested in their culture, but my "goal" would be to understand all types of entertainment, which is of course a very huge goal... Since I'm certain there are very advanced types of literature in japanese, that would require me to know about 3000 kanji or something. Not a problem though! I love learning languages :) Either way, since it's so far away that I will reach that goal, I'm not really studying at the moment with the carrot in mind. If I was constantly thinking of how much time I have left until I reach the goal, I would be driven nuts and stop studying, because it would be so far away.

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        also id like to learn some japanese and/or some chinese. also id like to learn whatever language they are speaking in Turkey right now. that makes seven new languages that i would like to learn in my life.

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        1) Korean

        2) Dutch

        3) Indonesian

        4) Italian

        5) Portuguese

        But before learning these I want to master my Japanese and Mandarin Chinese first.

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        5)Chinese (Advanced Mandarin)

        I don't really have much specific reasons as to why I have those as my picks other than I like the culture they are rooted in and that I'd love to be able to understand their media first hand as much as possible.

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        The top five languages that i'd like to learn are the ones I think would be more familiar in my present environment.






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        Well, right now I only have to learn dutch :P  But if I had to pick 5 languages to learn, then the list would go like this:

        1) Dutch (Duh!).

        2) English (I need to improve my English even more!).

        3) Hebrew.

        4) French

        5) ?????  <---- Sorry, no idea what to put here, since I don't  feel any kind of interest in learning any other language.

        I'd be happy if I could at least learn dutch to an acceptable level. If in 6 months I can't speak basic dutch, well, I'll be in trouble. I'd like to speak french because a lot people around the world speak it.

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          On 5/29/2014 at 8:05 AM, Baburra said:





        5)Chinese (Advanced Mandarin)

        I don't really have much specific reasons as to why I have those as my picks other than I like the culture they are rooted in and that I'd love to be able to understand their media first hand as much as possible.

        Awesome list!  Do you mind me asking why you want to learn french and Swedish!  Specifically Swedish? I'm just curios :)  When I was younger I was so fascinated with Scandinavian countries, their culture, languages and mythology... I wanted to learn Norwegian, danish and Swedish so badly!  At one point I even thought of learning Icelandic, sadly that never happened :(  A lot thing got in the way (life) no longer had time for that hobby and had to fill my time with other things.

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        From order of priority, these are the top 5 languages I'd like to learn.

        1. French - I am fascinated by it and I'm very challenged by its difficulty.

        2. Nihongo - Because of my love for anime and my fascination for the Japanese culture in general

        3. Italian

        4. Spanish

        5. Portuguese - I think it is a very beautiful language both when sung and spoken. I love bossa nova music and would really wish to understand the culture and language behind these songs.

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        So I complied a list of what we have so far:

        Each "1" = 1 vote

        French      1111111111111

        German    1111111111

        Russian    111111

        Latin       11


        Chinese    1111111111

        Japanese  1111111111111

        Korean      111


        Spanish    1111111

        Italian      11111


        Portuguese  11

        Dutch 11






        Interesting things:

        - People who want to learn Japanese also wants to learn Chinese (vice versa)

        - People who want to learn French also wants to learn German (vice versa)

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          On 5/27/2014 at 9:09 AM, Flopster said:

        [list type=decimal]






        I really want to learn Chinese or Japanese because in the future, hopefully, I want to be able to move over there and live in either Hong Kong or Tokyo!

        Wow you are just like me! Hong Kong and Tokyo (or somewhere else in Japan) are the two places that I might consider moving to in the future.

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        My top languages that I would really like to learn include:

        1. Japanese

        2. Spanish

        3. Italian

        4. Tamil

        5. Hindi

        I really like how these languages sound and I know a few words from each. :) Some of languages are used at a wide range and I think that it is important to know them for when you travel.

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        • 2 weeks later...

        The top 5 other languages I want to learn apart from Spanish which Im6 still learning are:-






        I love these languages and the people and country where they are spoken.

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        • 3 weeks later...

        I tried to learn French before but stopped and the same thing with  the Arabic language but if I would choose the Top 5 languages I would want to learn, they are as follows:

        1. Italian

        2. French

        3. Japanese

        4. Portuguese

        5. Chinese

        Studying another language is indeed fun for you can also get to learn about their different cultures, the way of living of people and their traditions. You can also get to meet new friends of different nationalities.

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