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      Cover Art | English Literature Jump to content

      Cover Art


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      Personally, cover art is a big factor when I am deciding on which books to buy. I don't like cover arts that tend to be too general or those that only show the title. I also hate books that show actors on the cover. This goes for those stories that have been adapted to movies. Is cover art important to you?

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      Cover art certainly is important to me. It may even be a deciding factor when it comes to purchasing, especially books for children. Ever since I was a child i've always judged my books from the library by their covers. I only open them after gathering several that had interesting covers.

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      I collect books so the cover is a big deal for me. I'm more likely to be attracted to a book in the bookstore if it has a unique or interesting cover. If I'm buying online I also look at all the different editions to find the best looking cover. Still, if it's a book I really want badly and the cover isn't TOO ugly I'll still get it. I have to agree with you about the actors part though, I don't like it when books get a movie adaptation and they make an ugly cover with the actors on it :(

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      Well they say 'Don't judge a book by its cover', but I too am influenced by it. The appeal to the cover art must be because we believe it tells us about what is inside. The people who have selected the cover for the book, mostly a writer, must have done so by trying to give what best suits the content. And hence to a certain extent, the cover is a summary of that book. But, there are times that I do ignore a cover art, when the book is a major bestseller and there is a lot of hype about it.

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        On 9/5/2014 at 11:23 PM, chigreyofthenorns said:

      Personally, cover art is a big factor when I am deciding on which books to buy. I don't like cover arts that tend to be too general or those that only show the title. I also hate books that show actors on the cover. This goes for those stories that have been adapted to movies. Is cover art important to you?

      Oh yes it's pretty important part of the whole book. I tend to like covers that are really intriguing and mysterious. Cover's that tell you almost nothing that makes sense but once you read the book you would go "Ahhhhh so that's why the cover is like that"

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      The cover is the books first strike at getting your attention so if the book cover fails to get your attention then the chance of it being purchased is going to be less and less. I personally wouldn't pick a book with a bad cover not unless the reviews said it's a good read.

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      • 1 month later...
        On 9/5/2014 at 11:23 PM, chigreyofthenorns said:

      Personally, cover art is a big factor when I am deciding on which books to buy. I don't like cover arts that tend to be too general or those that only show the title. I also hate books that show actors on the cover. This goes for those stories that have been adapted to movies. Is cover art important to you?

      It is for me too, I don't like covers that  have a 80's design, like really old fashioned, but I feel so drawn to antique looking ones though.  I like nice covers, but not too ostentatious. I like simple covers, mot too ostentatious, but also not looking like a 5 year old designed it.

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      It is important to me as it gives me a good idea of how much effort is being put into the book to promote it but I try not to make it a big factor in my decision making as it's not often a good standard of measure as to whether or not the content is good. I think this is where don't judge a book by its cover can be applied, literally.

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      Although I do like cover art I am not too perturbed if they do not have some on the book. I love those books that have the plain brown leather look with a great font and if I am buying a book that has a picture on it, it must have something to do with the story. Harry potter for example is one of those but if I had to buy a book it is certainly for the author and no other reason.

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      Cover Art isn't a big decisive factor for me if I wish to purchase a book. Admittedly, having a great cover makes you take a look at the book. But my interest in the book stops if I skim through the book and find the writing style of the author not too appealing to me. I know of a friend who buys books because they have those lovely cover arts.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      It matters a bit. Sometimes an eye-catching cover will make me look twice at a book when I'm in a bookstore. This will make me curious and I check out the story, style, author. No matter how nice a cover is though, if the content seems boring, I leave it alone. In the end, the content will always be the most important thing for me.

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      • 10 months later...
        On 9/12/2014 at 9:04 PM, Serenity Fay said:

      I collect books so the cover is a big deal for me. I'm more likely to be attracted to a book in the bookstore if it has a unique or interesting cover. If I'm buying online I also look at all the different editions to find the best looking cover. Still, if it's a book I really want badly and the cover isn't TOO ugly I'll still get it. I have to agree with you about the actors part though, I don't like it when books get a movie adaptation and they make an ugly cover with the actors on it :(

      I agree. Cover art is to catch the book buyers' attention, especially for fiction novels. Of course a beautiful cover would be useless if the story is bad.

      I can't stand 80's styled cover arts. E-books, especially the ones written by indie writers, often degraded by ugly 'stock photo' cover arts.

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      YES!! Never judge a book by its cover is true in many ways but in the literal sense I care for it so much! I don't like the tacky clip art/stock photo pictures. Sometimes they even look like they were edited using Microsoft Word. There are a lot of cringe-worthy cover art for YA fantasy books out there as well and I want to burn these types of books when I see them :laugh: Sorry, that's a bit too much but I feel so strongly about it.

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