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      Lerning while asleep. | Language Learning Jump to content

      Lerning while asleep.


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      I have never tried it, but I don't think it would work. At least not for learning. Your mind does not shut down entirely when you sleep, but I do not think it learns things while sleeping. It's more like synthesizing information that is already comprehensible to it. Now if Benny Lewis claimed that this worked, then I would believe it probably!

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      It's pretty irresponsible to try and look for an easy way to learn a new language though xD

      People spend their whole lives growing up with language and only very few are able to master it completely. You can't just up and learn language that easily, you know? It's pretty insulting.

      As far as audiotapes go, most of them weren't even designed for the sleeping mind. I've listened to a few and they all require you to be very awake during. You have to repeat the words that the instructor tells you, and the audiotapes are only meant as a crash course-- something you listen to while you're on a flight to your destination or something. They aren't good for substituting the learning process at all. They're just enough to get you by.

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      I cannot see how it is irresponsible to try and look for an easy way to learn a new language.

      Some people can pick it up quickly while others have to work very hard at it. Your statement does not make a lot of sense, it is a bit  like saying it is irresponsible to use a car instead of walking because it is easier.

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      Though I like the idea of learning subliminally, I don't know that it is possible. However, what has been studied and proven helpful is to nap AFTER learning something. So if you study some words for an hour and nap immediately after, the study proved that the information is better retained. Flash cards with pictures are always very helpful for learning words, and repeating a phrase over and over throughout the day. Just saying the word doesn't always help. The brain works with all yours senses, so if you can say the word out loud, read the word at the same time, and accompany with an image of the word, then your brain has a more complete understanding of what you're trying to learn.

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      I have never tried that. Is it effective? Does anyone know of any studies that either proved or disproved the theory that you can learn new things while asleep? It sounds a bit fishy to me, to put it mildly. Having said that, I'm also interested in first hand experiences, if anyone here tried the method.

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      No, i've never tried it and I have a difficult time even comprehending how that would work with the brain resting and all. I guess those that it does works for are totally different from the rest of us.

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      There is an interesting article that discusses the possibility that we can learn language while sleeping. Here it is:

      The only type of sleep language learning I have done is listening to foreign music. I find listening to music to go to sleep is very relaxing. Most of us have experienced the ill effects of watching a violent or over-active film right before bed and waking up having had a crazy dream. I believe that a similar effect can be had in a positive direction with regard to language learning in that if we go to bed after having had studied language, or after having fallen asleep while listening to language, our brain will work at 'computing' that information for our benefit. While I do not think it is the only way a person should attempt to learn language; I do believe that once you seriously embark on the language learning process, you should avail yourself of any avenue of study. Using only one process is boring and very hard to retain.

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        On 9/19/2014 at 5:17 PM, christendenkt said:

      Thanks for that article!

      My pleasure. It is good to read different opinions on a subject.

      The members have brought up some interesting views on this subject and they have been educational.

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      I have to admit that the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread was sleeping with my Trig book under my pillow when I was in college.  And praying.  A lot.  One or the other must have worked since I managed to pass the course with a C and fulfill my math requirement.  :laugh:  Not sure I would recommend the book thing to learn a language  I'm sure prayer never hurts anything. 

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      That's an interesting article. Maybe the info gets processed into our dreams? Who knows, right? But I think they are capitalizing on the aspect of learning through constant subliminal repetition. I remember that the song that was playing in the background at home while I was sleeping got included in my dreams, like it was playing as a background sound. So I think that's how it will work if you are trying to learn a new language while playing audio tapes in your sleep.

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      I've tried this once before, for about 2 or 3 weeks, and I did so diligently, but unfortunately it didn't work for me. I think it's much better for me to be awake for the lesson. I'm not sure if it works for anybody else, but for me, it did not work at all. Although, I don't know what I was expecting from such a technique exactly, but I guess I wasn't really expecting that much anyway and I was merely trying it out for the sake of knowing for myself if it would or would not work, and it just turns out it doesn't - for me, at least.

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        On 9/16/2014 at 11:27 PM, RAHSTYLES said:

      Have any members ever used the audio tapes that are listened to while asleep and were they effective.

      I guess if it were really possible people would use it as a normal method of learning. What I'm trying to say is it's just the same thing as when a new miracle medicine pops up that makes you lose weight, if it worked it would just be called medicine.

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      I would also like to hear the answer to this question because I would be very happy to put it into practice. Learning while sleeping can be a dream come true if it were possible. I will check back later on this thread to find out if someone has shared more about this.

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      Although I have not heard the audio tapes to tell you if they work or not, I can definately say, yes! they do work. And I can say this without even listening to the audio tapes because its a proven fact that individuals are able to learn and listen in their sleep. I am not a college professor nor am I at the top of my class when it comes to difficult problems. I just know from experience that you can learn in your sleep. I have left the T.V. on plenty of times to tell you, I know exactly what they where saying and what the topic of discussion was about without even having to be phisically awake.

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      Love the link shared here! Here it is again, just in case people don't know what I'm talking about: . Anyway, it's a nice theory. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be effective as the ONLY method of learning, but if it can help and you don't mind the noise while sleeping, then why not right?  :wacky:

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      As far as learning a language goes, I cannot accurately say that it will or won't work for you.

        From personal experience, I can say that I have had great results with working out some personal emotional and self confidence issues using recordings made on my smartphone in my own voice.

        It takes time and persistence, and really comfortable headphones, but it worked for me in that regard.

        Your mind never sleeps, your brain goes into dormant states. There is a vast difference between the brain and the mind.

        I would suggest making recordings of what you want to learn and listen to those to help you retain the information while you sleep. Don't give up.

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        On 9/16/2014 at 11:27 PM, RAHSTYLES said:

      Have any members ever used the audio tapes that are listened to while asleep and were they effective.

      I have but it was only effective when I was falling asleep but later on deep into the sleep .I was aware that the tape was playing but I did not grasp much from it.

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      Hm...I've heard of studying in certain times in relation to when you'll be sleeping and how that can help retain information, and I've heard of people recording themselves and then *reviewing* their studies in their sleep, but I'm hesitant in thinking it would work for new information. It would be pretty cool though ;).

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