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      Fruit and Vegetable idioms | English Language Learning Jump to content

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      What about fruit and vegetable idioms? I know there must be some in the English language but I can't think of any on the top of my head. Please help me out! thank u

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        What about... ''bad apple'' ;)  We have a saying here that goes something like: ''A bad apple can spoil the rest''.   I use that one often, I guess it's one of my favorite fruit idioms.  I rarely use ''Go bananas'' and ''sour grapes''.  I also like the ''to go pear shaped'' idiom :P  And I have used the ''compare apples and oranges'' a couple times. 

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        One of the modern ones that I really adore is the use of the word "potato" to label something that is of low quality or in some cases even useless. I find it so funny and amusing and it just sounds so right that I sometimes wonder why it was not invented earlier in history. I see it used most often when people say they only have an old or outdated phone handy to capture video and they will attach the uploaded video with a description that reads "sorry for the potato quality, I only had an old phone nearby." I also see and hear it a lot in video games, especially in competitive ones where character stats are continually being evolved and molded and at times they will become the best pick for a specific season but in some they will be regarded as "potato" characters. 

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        • 1 month later...

        In the US, a lemon refers to a car that you've purchased that turns out to be defective.  Occasionally you'll see any defective item referred to as a lemon.

        "Life is like a bowl of cherries" is a phrased lifted from a song. It means life is great (or peachy, another fruit idiom).

        An apple a day keeps the doctor away means a healthy diet (such as one that includes fresh fruits like apples) keeps you from getting sick and needing to see the doctor.

        As American as apple pie is a funny one in my opinion. It means to be typically American but doesn't apple pie have it's origins in Europe, like French galettes. I guess that is the American way, we took a little bit of all cultures and made them part of our lives.

        I forgot about "how do you like those apples", which means "how do you like THAT!"'s a sassy reply, not one that a child should give an adult.

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        • 3 months later...

        I periodically hear the phrase "apples to oranges" to say that you cannot fairly compare two objects/people who are vastly different from each other. 

        "When life throws you lemons, make lemonade" to imply when something in your life goes sour, make the best of the situation by turning it into a good thing. 

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        Peach is kind of used like honey as an endearment for someone that is sweet, beautiful, or excellent.  If your in a pickle, you're in a tight spot.  Apple of (one's) eye is someone who is beloved by another person.  The apple never falls far from the tree suggests that kids end up being like their parents with much difference.  As American as apple pie implies that something is quintessentially Americana or shares it's values or culture.  How do you like them apples?  Is usually a taunt that refers to an undesirable state or situation, though it can be neutral in some contexts.    Cherry-picked, means the best selections has already been taken. To not give a fig is to be unconcerned or unbothered.  Peaches and cream is saying that everything is okay, but I've only heard this said sarcastically.  When someone is full of beans, it means they're talking nonsense or their full fit.  Dangle a carrot is basically the illusion that you dangle a small prize to get someone to do something.  Think of a donkey following a carrot on a string while pulling a cart.  Cool as a cucumber is someone that is unfazed by tough situations.   Pass an olive branch is to make peace or call a truce. Pea-brained or melon head implies that someone is stupid or slow-witted.  Like two peas in a pod implies that people are extremely close.  Hot potato is a controversial or difficult issue.  A couch potato is someone who spends excessive amount of time in front of the television or computer.  Small potatoes implies insignificance.  Hoping something will bear fruit is hoping that something will bear results.  Forbidden fruit references Eve's fall and suggests something that is attractive but forbidden.  Fruits of one's labors is the results of one's efforts.  Becoming a vegetable is when someone is rendered physically disabled or to virtually cease mentally activity, usually when people go comatose.

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        • 3 weeks later...

        Apple Doesn't fall far from the tree — people invariably end up growing up to be just like their parents.

        Not give a fig — to be less than concerned about something.

        Like Two peas in a Pod — used when two things are so similar to each other it could be hard to tell one from the other.

        Small potatoes — something that is not that significant.

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        Going bananas is a good one.  I always call people nuts when they are acting crazy.  Another one that one of my friends always said and I never really knew if it was a thing, but I liked it, was saying that people were "out of their noodle" when they were out of their minds or acting crazy.  I am not realizing all my examples are of people acting strange, and maybe that says something about me.

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