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What Are Your Favorite Movies that Have Helped You Learn English?


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For non-native English speakers -- and native speakers, too -- let us know which movies have helped you in your study and mastery of English?  Are there any specific movies or movie genres you have enjoyed and found beneficial?

Please share your favorites with us. 

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Actually, I could not just name one specific (or a few) movie(s) that helped me to increase my command of English, it is more the sum of all the films together that helped me to do so. Subtitles (in English as well) always helped me quite a lot to learn new English vocabulary-->when reading the subtitles, you might be able to pick up the meaning of a certain expression or word even if you did not came across this specific word or expression earlier on (context helps you to understand it).

Anyway, some of my favorite films in English would be: Se7en, Kill Bill, Memento, Hangover and this pretty new film with Bradley Cooper, where he constantly is on drugs...can't remember the name at the moment.

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I think Disney movies are really good movies to watch as a new speaker. The dialogue is simple, the story is usually very good and the animation is fun for all ages. I've actually been watching a few French animated films to assist me.

I'd suggest Will Smith films as well. Very simple storylines, clean acting and very natural dialogues.

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Well I am native so it hasn't really helped me with my english but if I do learn a new word in english then it is often through comedies. Although that might be because that is all I watch. But still they are funny and help you learn english. My favourite film is Johnny English because it is about a spy that is useless. Also Rowan Atkinson is a good actor.

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Is it strange that I will watch a foreign film with English subtitles and use that to learn the proper spelling of commonly misspelled words? I'm odd I suppose. Oh well, at least I get to use anime as a 'learning' tool despite being a native English speaker.

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What really helped me to learn English was not a movie exectly it was cartoons.  I cannot really name one in particular but they were really beneficail in my learning the English language. I used  to spend hours on end  just watching them.

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Not exactly a movie, but I definitely learned a lot from watching the 90's sitcom FRIENDS. Before I watched the series, I was not confident with my grasp of the English language. After watching all 10 seasons, I became more confident with both speaking and writing in English.

Not only was FRIENDS helpful with my learning of English, it was also very hilarious. I recommend the show to people who are currently struggling with the language.

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Learning a language from a movie basically happens if the movie has lots of lengthy and proper dialogues. In that context, I have learnt a lot of English from the old Hitchcock movies and off late from Will Smith movies :)

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