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Has anyone been to France?

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Have any of you been to France? I have not yet, but hope to in my near future! The thought of being able to converse with real French people excites me. I have never had that opportunity, though I have been able to converse a little in French with someone from Canada before. I am learning, and brushing up on, Parisian French, though, not Canadian French, and there are a lot of difference!

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Yes, I was in France 2 years ago at a school exchange.^^ I was really exited and I was afraid of not being able to communicate with French people. But that was not a problem at all! The people there were so friendly and everyone tried to speak German to me (of course I tried to speak French to them). The people that couldn't speak German tried to speak a bit slower to me, but I also understood a lot when they spoke French to each other. It was a very great experience to go there!^^

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I have been in France once, but only as one of the countries I had to pass through in order to get to the UK.
I have been in France when I was really young too (Disneyland Paris), but I can't remember anything about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I am French so of course I have already been in France ah ah !!

If one day you are preparing a trip in France don't hesitate to ask me I could advise you some nice cities and places you would have to visit !!! (like Paris of course but also Mont Saint Michel, Bretagne or in the south Toulouse, Nice, Cannes etc.) :P 

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I am trying to learn french so I am hoping to get to go to France someday so I can get some use out of my education and hardship. I just hope I am able to come close to the original accents and pronunciations as that is the one aspect that really appeals to me. The task of learning this language which is completely foreign to my own for now seems a bit overwhelming but hopefully with some time and a lot of discipline and practice I will learn and get to use it among the locals one day. 

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