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Who's your favorite villain in fiction? why?

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Hello people!

I thought this would be an interesting topic for conversation for this forum, since a huge part of american culture is all about movies and TV.

I'll start, my favorite villain is Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies, I love the fact that he is so menacing but yet his story is not the one of a power hungry psycho but the story of a man who failed his master and had to live hating himself only to be redeemed by his son at the end, beatiful stuff.

So how about you? Very curious to read what you have to say :)

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Before I join in this discussion, let me correct a couple of things first, since this is the English Lounge section after all.

" I'll start. (Period here) My favorite villain is Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies. (Another period here) I love the fact that he is so menacing, (I would put a comma here because it's separating two themes) but yet (This doesn't sound right. I would've gone with "and yet" or "but") and yet his story is not the one of a power hungry psycho, (Comma here, the sentence would've been too long without a comma) but rather (Maybe this is just personal preference, but when introducing a contrasting revelation of something, I like to use 'but rather') the story of a man who failed his master and had to live hating himself, (Comma here. Just another preference for easier reading. Like taking a breath after a really long sentence :P) only to be redeemed by his son at the end. (Period here, it's the end of a sentence/idea) beatiful Beautiful (Wrong spelling) stuff. "

So here's the corrected version without my notes:

"I'll start. My favorite villain is Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies. I love the fact that he is so menacing, and yet his story is not one of a power hungry psycho, but rather the story of a man who failed his master and had to live hating himself, only to be redeemed by his son at the end. Beautiful stuff."

Whew, that took quite a bit of time. Regarding my favorite villain, I think I'm going for the Joker as well (the one played by Heath Ledger). The acting was so phenomenal. I don't read the comics, so I'm not sure how much he deviates from the comic depiction of the Joker, but Ledger's Joker is a true depiction of a crazy psychopath. It really is a shame what happened to Ledger after the movie.

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On 02-08-2016 at 9:38 AM, AgentD22 said:

I'll start, my favorite villain is Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies, I love the fact that he is so menacing, although his story is not about a power hungry/totalitarian psycho; but the story of a man who failed his master and had to live hating himself only to be redeemed by his son at the end, beautiful stuff.

Mr. House, from Fallout New Vegas. An ambitious scientist that found his own way towards immortality, although at the expense of his own quality of life. Anyways, Mr. House is an eccentric bloke and the mind behind the foundation of a Post Apocalyptic Las Vegas, restoring not only the brimming wealth of former classic Vegas but all the decadence for what is also well known (hookers, snobbish societies, gangs, booze, etc.). 

He's not necessarily an evil person, but He can easily antagonize your interests if you choose not to follow his selfish dream of establishing a technocracy; where only House will have the moral authority to decide which technology humanity shall develop, or which set of laws are suitable to shape human behaviour.

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My favorite villain is AM from Harlan Ellison's short story "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream".  It is a mad computer, but you can understand the reason for its madness and hatred.  It was responsible for controlling and carrying out World War 3, but it was given all the empathy and creativity of its human creators.  It could not use any of its human gifts for anything but war and killing.  Humans would certainly burn out with endless war, but AM was forced to kill and destroy because that was all its programming allowed it to do.  It eventually killed off everyone except for five people, and used its unlimited resources to make them immortal and torture them for eternity.  I don't admire AM, but Harlan Ellison did a masterful job of writing the evolution of a villain and showing what war can do to a mind.  

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My favorite would be Hannibal. I'm yet to watch the movie Silence of the Lambs but the eponymous villain of NBC's show "Hannibal" was really great — ruthless, intelligent, intriguing. It's always hard to find a villain you hate but sort of want to see more of. It's a shame they had to cancel the show.

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