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      How to write this? Jeez or Geez | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      How to write this? Jeez or Geez


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      As sort of an exclamation I've heard something like "Oh jeez/geez, I can't believe that".

      How do you write that?

      My doubts are between jeez, geez, jeeze and geeze based on the pronunciations I've heard.

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      Jeez or Geez

      I use geez, but when in doubt I use two sources for uncommon words which are more likely slang.

      The most authoritative is the Free Dictionary,

      The most informal but with real street-people contributions is the Urban Dictionary,

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        On 9/20/2013 at 2:49 PM, Oakster said:

      As sort of an exclamation I've heard something like "Oh jeez/geez, I can't believe that".

      How do you write that?

      My doubts are between jeez, geez, jeeze and geeze based on the pronunciations I've heard.

      I have seen it written both ways.  It's the same word, just spelled differently.  With either spelling, it's a euphemism for "Jesus!" or "Jesus Christ!" used as an exclamation. Such use of the name is offensive to some Christians so therefore, the euphemism.

      But "jeez" and "geez" have become so standard that people may not necessarily be aware of the origin of the words. 

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      The most accepted spellings would be jeez and geez. Many works and authors have spelled them this manner. So definitely, not 'geeze' nor 'jeeze'.

      I totally agree with kitkat. Many people like using this expression without realizing its true meaning and origin.

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        On 9/23/2013 at 4:19 PM, Alfonso said:

      According to Merriam-Webster, both "jeez" and "geez" are correct, but in my opinion, Jeez is more correct since the term is a euphemism derived from the expression "Jesus" which some people use as an expression of shock or surprise.

      I agree. Jeez is probably more correct, since it is short for Jesus.

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      I never use it but the spelling that always felt more natural to me was geez because despite the origin to me the way it sounds I just always imagined it spelled that way. I don't think it's formally a word yet, if I'm not mistaken, so I guess unless they make it official we can use both or probably even if they do make it official since both are already widely used they will make them both acceptable. 

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      Bоth spеllings аrе ассеptеd. Gееz is а еuphеmism fоr Jеsus whiсh mаy bе sееn аs а sасrilеgе by сhristiаns whо mаy usе thе shоrtеnеd fоrm instеаd. It is а sоftеnеd сursе. It is my thеоry thаt Jееbus, Jееpеrs аnd gее whillikеrs аrе аll аltеrnаtivеs tо Jеsus аs а сursе wоrd.

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      • 2 years later...

      Only God judges our hearts. It is not our job to judge others. I personally don't swear and didn't know and never meant gees as a swear word replacement. That's why I spell it with a g. I know God knows this and understands and that's all I need to know. If I ever had children though I probably would break the habit of using the word for their sake. I'm a Christian but honestly if some Christians would worry a little less about what others say and do wrong and more about loving and and helping others, I think it would be alot more productive. Scripture does say, (judge not lest you be judged.) Also says, God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:17

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