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      Help! want to make sure I'm saying things right | Japanese Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Help! want to make sure I'm saying things right

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      Kinichiwa! watashi gozen Grant! just wanted to make sure Im saying things right only been learning for about a month now, please help me and if you need any help for english just ask as its my 1st laugauge arigato

      eng                   jap

      I Love You        watashi ai kimi wa                  are these right???

      I am Grant      watashi gozen Grant

      I ate steak     watashi steak tabemashita   

      I Love god   watashi ai kami

      will be more soon hopefully will keep learnign detrmined to learn japanese as I really respect and love the culture music and all my faviorte video games come from japan arigato oyusmi nasai watashi ai kimi wa


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      • 2 weeks later...

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      there is more than way one to say I love you in Japanese. You can find some more info about it here:

      I just studied Japanese for a few months. Your other sentences sound alright.  But as I said, I am a newbie as well when it comes to Japanese. 

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      • 2 years later...
        On 2/24/2018 at 4:58 AM, linguaholic said:

      you could probably ask our member @Blaveloper, he is fluent in Japanese. 




      Whelp, sorry for the 2 year bump, I totally forgot about this forum.(;^ω^)


        On 2/11/2018 at 11:17 PM, RideLight117 said:

      Kinichiwa! watashi gozen Grant! just wanted to make sure Im saying things right only been learning for about a month now, please help me and if you need any help for english just ask as its my 1st laugauge arigato

      eng                   jap

      I Love You        watashi ai kimi wa                  are these right???

      I am Grant      watashi gozen Grant

      I ate steak     watashi steak tabemashita   

      I Love god   watashi ai kami

      will be more soon hopefully will keep learnign detrmined to learn japanese as I really respect and love the culture music and all my faviorte video games come from japan arigato oyusmi nasai watashi ai kimi wa



      This is very wrong.
      Although "watashi steak tabemashita" is the closest to correct, but still wrong.
      One hint: no subject marker, and "steak" is not turned into the way you'd say in kana.

      The most wrong is "watashi gozen Grant", which quite literally means "I before noon (not even a word to begin with)".
      I see how you've come to this, because if you write "am" into a translator you'll get gozen (午前), except the translator doesn't know you mean "am" as in "to be", but instead thinks that you mean "am" as in "between mid-night and noon".

      For some corrections:
      I love you → 大好き(daisuki)・you can add あなたは(anata wa)or 君は(kimi wa)at the beginning, but subjects are normally dropped if it's obvious as to who you're referring to.
      I am Grant → グラントです(guranto desu)・likewise you can add 私は(watashi wa)at the beginning to explicitly say "I am Grant", but since you're introducing yourself it's better to not add it in at all.
      I ate steak → ステーキを食べました(suteeki o tabemashita)・or change 食べました(tabemashita)into 食べた(tabeta)for informal situations, or 食った(kutta)for very informal situations.
      I love God → 神様は大好き(kami-sama wa daisuki)・although "kami" is not a good translation of "God", as "kami" is generally specifically referred to the Shinto "kami-sama", not the Christian "God", the Islamic "Allah", etc. On the other hand, there isn't really a word for the Christian "God" in Japanese due to the lack of Christians in Japan (they exist, but the percentage is ridiculously small).

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