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      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends? - Page 4 | English Language | Discussion Jump to content

      Do you over use "LOL" when you write to your friends?


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      Got to say that I am also a bit guilty of using LOL.

      I don't really like it though, and usually it actually means - Brought a very slight smile to my face but I guess BAVSSTMF was not as catchy.

      If something is genuinely funny or amusing I will use pmsl, rofl or more commonly Haha.

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      Unfortunately, I do and have been doing for quite some time now. Its become so serious that I even use it while speaking when one of my friends cracks a joke instead of laughing. I think it has become somewhat of a standard while texting people, "Omg LOL!". It's really sad and is an insult to the English language, I'll certainly try to reduce using it from now on. Haha! (How's that for a beginning?  :tongue:)

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      I used to use it more but rarely do now.  I'm not sure why it is that I don't, do I not find things humorous anymore or did I simply got out of the habit.  I don't even use it that much when I text so the mystery for me of the vanishing LOL continues without an answer.

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      I almost never use the word 'LOL'. I think it sounds so stupid. I prefer to say 'haha' or something like that. But I must admit, sometimes I don't know what to answer, and then LOL is the perfect solution.

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      I just find "Lol" juvenile...never liked it or the expanded version (roflm....)  I really think if something is funny you can say "ha" or use a smiley or tell someone it is hilarious...are we really that "busy" to not write what we mean....I wonder if these people who use it are really laughing "out loud" and are they really "rolling on the floor..."?

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      Generally, when I talk to my friends it is through Skype or in person. So most of the time I just laugh.  However, when I instant message or use Facebook I will use it on the occasion. However with emoticons now I don't have to. I think it is better to just compliment the funny joke or expression by responding with "that was hilarious" or by simply laughing and not pointing out your laughter as it is not necessary.

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      I never use it. I did use it when I was maybe 15 years old (okay, okay, maybe up to even 18 years old!) but now I just type "Hahah" or other onomatopoeia for the sound of laughter. I think "LOL" just because far too much of an expression - when we all know that, at least MOST of the time, we aren't actually heartily laughing by ourselves in front of our computer.

      Recently I saw someone suggest the fad should be "SALTS" -- "smiled a little, then stopped."

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      The only place I ever meet friends who I write to is on the net. In some communities, the use of acronyms such as LOL is obligatory. For example if I'm using an instant messaging service then quite obviously I'd have to use such acronyms because they save time. However, if I'm writing an e-mail to a friend [which is rare] then I don't use acronyms.

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      The only time that I use that particular abbreviation is when I'm actually laughing out loud, or when I'm trying to be ironic.  The latter is probably kind of silly, but in those cases I'm usually doing it because the particular friend that I'm using it with gets annoyed by it, and it's fun to tease them.

      In general, I tend to mostly use those kinds of acronyms when I'm actually trying to communicate something important and want to shorten it.  That tends to boil down to mostly things like 'afk' or 'brb'  The sentiment of lol is usually not one that I feel is best communicated with an acronym, though. 

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      I don't use it very much anymore, when I do its only on a text - a very funny text.  It gets over used and I felt like I was using it too much and short cutting my writing.  I would never use it in an email, it seems like lazy writing to do so.

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      I'm guilty of this!  And a lot of the time I use LOL and I'm not even laughing HA!  I've found it's a good way to kind of end a conversation if you've run out of things to talk about...because there's not much more to say after you've said LOL unless the person responds with more!

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      I've been using LOL since my childhood so it's just one of those automatic things that I text or type online to my friends. I guess it's a good way to show that what you said or what your friend said was funny. I wouldn't say I over use it though because I use it in the right context all the time.

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      I use LOL almost every other sentence. I have also made it a big habit of doing that... I've been trying to change that habit as of right now when I post on forums where I have to be a bit more formal about the way I type  :wink:. Otherwise, I'd be talking like this LOL. See there it is again LOL. Oh no, my habit... must resist... LO...L  :laugh:

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      Yup! I use a really wide variety of emoticons when I speak to my friends, I actually stopped at one point between 15-16 or so but then picked it back up again for no reason at all.

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      I'll never understand people who use "lol" in spoken conversation, be it in real life or over the phone/internet. It's the vocalization of an abbreviated term which refers to a vocal sound you could just make in the first place. It's like saying "ha ha" without actually laughing, it feels insincere and false.

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      Definitely used to be guilty, but I'm gradually trying to phase it out of my online conversations. The thing is, what can replace it?? Haha just sounds awkward to me. LOL just so perfectly captures it! Haha. Lol. Ugh. :bored: :bored:

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      I always over use it, it'[s so bad! I use it in almost every single sentence, just because if I don't people might think that I am being moody or too serious, and sometimes I sound blunt so I need to soften my sentence, so year I always use it - lol

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