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Dive into a collection of 46 heartfelt quotes that capture the essence of love, strength, and inspiration. These timeless words from philosophers, writers, and thinkers offer profound insights into the human experience, touching on themes of courage, healing, and the transformative power of genuine connection. Whether you’re seeking comfort, motivation, or a deeper understanding of …

Read More about 47 Heartfelt Quotes to Share with Loved Ones

Writing a letter is easy. Writing an e-mail or text message? Piece of cake! Writing a formal letter… that’s where things get complicated. You need to think about tone, word choice, formatting- the list goes on! Businesses, workplaces, and educational institutions are common places to which formal letter writing continues to be common. The rules …

Read More about Formal Letter Format — How to Write a Perfect Formal Letter

When you begin a new a job, you probably imagine yourself staying in that position until at least the end of the initial contract term. However, no matter how good and straightforward your intentions are when you take on a position, you can’t anticipate how your life will play out.  If something comes up that …

Read More about How to Write a Temporary Resignation Letter

Professionals do many things for us that make our lives easier. From doctors to teachers, restaurant servers to repair people and more, professionals make our lives healthier and more pleasant. It’s always nice to say “Thank you” or even “thank you kindly“ to these professionals. You might think that since they are paid to help …

Read More about Thank You Notes for Physical Therapist — Full Samples & Tips

Anyone working in today’s workforce knows that the way you present yourself is important. Part and parcel of that is mastering basic business English vocabulary, but few people realize that your business English journey doesn’t stop there. If you don’t pay attention, even simple acts like sending an email attachment can make you look unprofessional. …

Read More about “Attached with this Email” — Use THIS Instead

Once you have applied to the colleges or graduate programs that you are interested in, there is nothing to do but wait to see whether you get admitted.  You may find yourself refreshing your browser repeatedly, hoping the name of your first-choice college will pop up in your email inbox.  No matter how long you’ve …

Read More about How to Respond to an Acceptance Email in 9 Simple Steps

Recruiters and employers looking for a qualified professional to fill an open position often used LinkedIn to identify potential candidates.  To enhance your chances of receiving an invitation to interview, make sure that you are updating your LinkedIn profile regularly and that all your information is correct and well-presented.   When you are contacted for an …

Read More about How to Respond to an Interview Request on LinkedIn

The academic interview process is notoriously long and complicated.  While applying for a job in any sector involves research, drafting emails, waiting to hear back, and attending different interview rounds, academia takes the cake when it comes to having a drawn-out hiring process.  Understanding how the academic hiring process works can help you figure out …

Read More about How to Respond to an Academic Interview Invitation