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In a job market where many entry-level jobs require knowledge and experience of a subject, internships are becoming increasingly common. Internships are a great way to gain experience in a job market, and for a company to train a new potential employee. Should you include this in the job experience section on a resume?   …

Read More about Internship on a Resume — Work Experience or not?

Volunteering is a generous act of dedicating one’s time to a cause. This may be out of goodwill, wanting to gain experience in a new area or a mix of the two. The term “volunteer work” quite literally contains the word “work,” so should this be included in the work experience section on a resume? …

Read More about Does Volunteer Work count as “Work Experience” on a Resume?

There you are, filling out a job application when you run across a whole section you don’t understand. Filling out job applications is a high-stress activity on its own, and this can increase that stress. If you’ve just been asked for information for an MVR, you may wonder what it means and what the scope …

Read More about “MVR Information” on a Job Application — Meaning & Context

Writing needs more detailed attention than speaking because we have to consider grammatical elements such as sentence structure and writing style in mind. To add fuel to the fire, we also need to have a good grasp of the punctuation system to make writing more accurate, coherent, and unambiguous. As this is the case, we …

Read More about Comma after “Hey” — The Ultimate Guide

Hello, you! Thanks for dropping by on our humble page. You must be here because you’re either quite eager to learn more about how commas work, or you’re simply confused as to why they even exist. Punctuation marks are a writer’s inner cliques, and among all of them, the comma has always been dubbed as …

Read More about Comma after “Hello” — Rules & Plenty of Examples

Having a rough start writing your e-mail? How about ending it? Welcome! You must have found our site because you’re seeking ideas on how to express professionalism in ending your e-mail messages. Writing an e-mail could be an arduous task if and when you do not deliberately consider the overall context of the correspondence. Well, …

Read More about How to End an Email Professionally — Top Tips & Examples

No one really enjoys filling out job applications. It’s a task that can be both tedious and stressful because you are asked for a lot of specific information and it can be easy to make small errors that could jeopardize your chances of getting called for an interview. It doesn’t help that job applications often …

Read More about Division on a Job Application — Meaning & Context

Academia, which refers to the world of colleges and universities, has its own language. The different titles used by faculty are part of that language. To make things even more confusing, academic titles vary not just around the world but within institutions. However, you can make some broad assumptions about what titles mean, and we’ll …

Read More about Assistant Professor vs. Associate Professor — The Difference

You’re filling out a job application, and you feel pretty good about how it’s going. You have the right qualifications for the job, and you’re pretty sure you’re going to get invited for an interview. Suddenly, you run across a phrase you’ve never heard before, and you don’t understand what it’s asking you. How can …

Read More about “Unique Identifier” on a Job Application ― Meaning & Context