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69 Inspirational Letterboard Quotes for Everyday Encouragement

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In today’s fast-paced, it’s often a luxury to slow down and appreciate the simple things surrounding us. This is where letterboards come in. 

They’re like a friendly neighbor who always has a wise word or a cheeky comment to lift your spirits. And the best part is you can change the message whenever you fancy, keeping everything fun and fresh.

We’ve rounded up some of the most inspiring letterboard quotes that will surely not only inspire you but also make you think. Let’s stroll through these charming messages and find a few that speak to your soul.

1. “Broken crayons still color.” — David Weaver

2. “Be a fountain, not a drain.” — Rex Hudler

3. “Happiness is only real when shared.” — Jon Krakauer

4. “Don’t be sad because sad spelled backward is das and das not good.” — Unknown

5. “I am unable to quit as I am currently too legit.” — Unknown

6. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” — Will Rogers

7. “Not all classrooms have four walls.” — Unknown

8. “Relax, we’re all crazy. It isn’t a competition.” — Unknown

9. “Have courage and be kind.”

10. “Are flowers not the stars of the earth?” — Clara Lucas Balfour

 11. “Good people bring out the good in people.” — Roy T. Bennet

 12. “You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.” — Pema Chödrön

 13. “Don’t grow up. It’s a trap.” — Unknown

 14. “Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous.” — Unknown

 15. “Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be okay.” — Naomi Brickel

 16. “May the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary.” — Xan Oku

 17. “Every day may not be good, but there is some good in every day.” — Unknown

 18. “The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.” — Og Mandino

 19. “Don’t get sidetracked by people who aren’t on track.” — Arnold H. Glasow

 20. “You didn’t come this far to only come this far.” — Jesse Itzler

 21. “Don’t tell them your plans, show them your results.” — Peter Shallard

 22. “Run away from people who turn off your smile.” — Unknown

 23. “Blessed are the curious as they shall have adventures.” — Lovelle Drachman

24. “Your story isn’t over just because there was a bad chapter, keep reading.” — Unknown

25. “Leave it better than you found it.” — Bruce A. Nordstorm

26. “The comeback is always stronger than the setback.” — Nelson Mandela

27. “You are the main character, remember to act like it.” — Unknown 

28. “Focus on the first step, not the whole staircase.” — Diana Turner

29. “They told me I couldn’t, that’s why I did.” — Unknown

Letterboard Quote

30. “Don’t ignore your own potential.” — Unknown 

31. “You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on.” — Nicolas Rauchenwald

32. “One day or day one. You decide.” — Paulo Coelho

33. “Don’t be like the rest of them darling.” — Coco Chanel

34. “Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.” — Jamie Lyn Beatty

35. “When you focus on the good, the good gets better.” — Abraham Hicks

36. “Be careful when you follow the masses. The M is sometimes silent.” — Unknown

37. “God can make a bug’s butt light up. He’s got a plan for you.” — Charles Martin

38. “The fears we don’t face become our limits.” — Robin Sharma

40. “Do small things with great love.” — Mother Teresa

41. “Consistency is more important than perfection.” — Unknown 

42. “The world needs who you were made to be.” — Joanna Gaines

43. “Travel is not reward for working, it’s education for living.” — Anthony Bourdain

44. “More moves, less announcements.” — Cody Dallas

45. “If you’re looking for a sign, this is it.” — Charlotte Freeman

46. “Be someone who makes someone else look forward to tomorrow.” — Unknown

47. “Deep inside, we’re all golden sunflowers.” — Allen Ginsberg

48. “Your only limit is your mind.” — Unknown

49. “Feed your soul, not your ego.” — Jessica Walsh

50. “Live less out of habit and more out of intent.” — Amy Rubin Flett

51. “Be a voice, not an echo.” —  Albert Einstein

52. “I’m just a masterpiece trying to master peace.” — Dalai Aya

53. “The mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime.” — Unknown

54. “Everywhere you go, there you are.”  — Confucius

55. “Breathe in peace, breathe out love.” — Cheryl Wilfong

56. “The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately.” — Luis Cortes

57. “You are enough just as you are.” — Meghan Markle

58. “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.” — Annette Funicello

59. “Be proud of how far you’ve come.” — c.r. Elliott

60. “The best view comes after the hardest climb.” — Unknown

61. “Find joy in the journey.” — Thomas S. Monson

62. “You have what it takes.”

63. “Little by little, day by day, what is meant for you will find its way.” — Unknown 

64. “Stay humble. Hustle hard.” — Unknown

65. “Never lose your sunshine.” — Unknown 

66. “Happiness is an inside job.” — William Arthur Ward

67. “Courage & Confidence.” — Unknown 

68. “Home is people. Not a place.” — Robin Hobb

69. “Wake up and do something awesome.” — Unknown


Make Your Space Speak Positivity

Life is too full of serious stuff to have boring walls at home. These letterboard quotes? They’re like having a witty friend, always ready with the right words. 

So pick a quote that makes you grin, and pop it somewhere you can see often. Trust me, it’ll make your day a little brighter.

And here’s a little secret – these letterboards are great conversation starters whenever family and friends visit. So let those walls of yours say something inspiring to help you get through the day no matter how chaotic it may get.