A very common English idiom you might have heard is “to turn the other cheek.”
Many idioms in English use animals, such as saying “the elephant in the room” for a big topic that everyone is afraid to discuss or “hold your horses” to tell someone to slow down or wait.
Another animal idiom is the phrase “silly goose.”
What does someone mean when they call you a silly goose? Should you feel flattered, angry or something else entirely?
Well, let’s find out!
What does the expression “silly goose” mean?
The expression “silly goose” means that someone is acting foolish or behaving in a lighthearted, nonsensical manner. Comparable to saying “Don’t be ridiculous!”, it’s often used affectionately towards someone you care about. Outside a friendly context, it can come across as condescending.
Who might use the expression “silly goose”?
English is spoken in so many different countries throughout the world, and its pronunciation, vocabulary, and even its grammar can differ a great deal from place to place.
Therefore, you may run into idioms that are common in one place and not another.
An example of this is the expression “a hit dog will holler,” which you are unlikely to encounter outside of the United States.
While “silly goose” is likely to be understood in many places where English is spoken, you are most likely to hear it in the United Kingdom than anywhere else.
It would be unusual to hear an American person call another American person a “silly goose.”
“Silly goose” is also a somewhat old-fashioned expression.
You’ll still hear British people, particularly English people, say it on occasion, but these days, you are probably more likely to encounter it in older books.
An expression you might also hear in the UK that is interchangeable with “silly goose” is “silly sausage.”
With whom would you use the expression “silly goose”?
This is a casual expression that you would use with a close friend or a child. You wouldn’t say it to your boss or to someone that you don’t know well.
In fact, while this is generally an affectionate expression, there are contexts in which you could use it as a way of being mildly condescending toward another person.
How do you use the expression “silly goose” in a sentence?
In most cases, you would call someone you know well a “silly goose.”
You might say it to a child you’ve just walked in on who has their toys lined up and seems to be playing some kind of elaborate game:
“What are you up to, you silly goose?”
You might also use it with a close friend to reassure them that there isn’t anything to worry about:
You: “You could never be a nuisance, you silly goose!”
Here’s another example:
Your friend: “I’m worried about my job interview tomorrow.”
You: “Don’t be a silly goose! You’ll do a great job.”
You could also use it about yourself to acknowledge that you’re being ridiculous about something:
I know I’m being a silly goose, but I can’t stop thinking about that stupid thing I said in the presentation today.
Keep in mind that “silly goose” should only be used in situations that are fairly light and low stakes.
If you call someone a silly goose in a more serious situation, it could come off as insulting, which we’ll discuss more below.
Using “silly goose” as an insult
Language can be subtle! Sometimes, meaning can shift depending on the situation, and it’s important to note the context in which something is said.
It could have more negative connotations if you’re discussing someone when they are not around.
For instance, you and a friend might both be talking about a coworker that neither one of you likes very much:
Your friend: “Ugh, she’s such a silly goose! Don’t pay any attention to her.”
While “silly goose” can be affectionate and reassuring when it’s coming from a friend, it can also be dismissive when someone else says it to you.
In fact, it can be a tell-tale sign that they don’t take you very seriously!
Your sister: “Oh, you silly goose. Plane crashes are very rare.”
It may look like a subtle difference when you call your friend a “silly goose” for being worried about a job interview.
However, it’s different when your sister says the same about your worries regarding a plane crash.
This is why it can be tricky to convey things in text since communication is about more than words! There’s body language, tone of voice and even your prior relationship with the person.
Consider the job interview example where your friend is seeking light reassurance. In response, you provide that reassurance by reminding them that they’re merely being foolish.
In the plane crash example, imagine a situation in which you have a serious phobia that your sister has always been dismissive about.
Her intent here is not really to reassure you but to tell you that she thinks you are being ridiculous.
A kinder sister would talk to you seriously about your worries and point out ways you could manage your fear instead of dismissing you.
“Silly goose” can also be used in a condescending way to try to establish someone’s status over you.
For example, maybe you are raising a concern at work during a meeting, and a competitive coworker is trying to put you down:
Your coworker: “You silly goose, our schedule is fine.”
What has happened in an exchange like this one is that your coworker has suggested that your point is so ridiculous it doesn’t even deserve consideration.

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of linguaholic.com. Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.