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      jamesbonner - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      About jamesbonner

      • Birthday 08/24/1993


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      1. Well as I know, this is one of the main differences between the American Accent and the British Accent, the americans spell the S in the end of words Z and write it Z sometimes, but in the british accent they spell it S that's all
      2. well I don't consider songs as a good way to learn arabic but yeah, anasheed are the best since they are slow and contains good and correct words
      3. I really love this article, it contains a very convencing reasons to teach Arabic in programs of the English speaking countries ! thank you for sharing !
      4. I'm a native arabic speaker, and I can tell you that the real Arabic and the perfect one is in the Quran, there you can find the good language, and yeah I think it's a good way to learn arabic !
      5. Hello Wolfette welcome in this forums I hope you'll learn a lot more languages here. I can help you with French and Arabic if you want so good luck
      6. well in France they speak teh acadimic French, but in the other countries, they speak an easy french that everyone can learn easily
      7. I remember the first French Movie I've seen was "la vie d'adele" it was a rude movie lol it's about a story of a girl and how she became lisbian the worst movie I've seen
      8. sure bro I'll translate it for you so you can learn, السلام عليكم peace uppon you اسمي معاذ و انا من الجزائر، عمري 20 سنة my name is mouad, I'm from Algeria, I'm 20 years old لقد فتحت هذا الموضوع لكي اساعدكم على التكلم بالعربية I've opened this topic to help you speaking Arabic يمكنكم التكلم عن اي شيئ تريدونه you can talk about anything you want مرحبا بكم you are welcome
      9. that's what I was trying to say, I think that topic maker have seen a website with a small font and he tought that that's how the arabic letters wrotes
      10. Well i'm native arabic speaker, and I don't really thing that the letters are too small, in the hand write, we write the letters as big as we write the english letters, maybe you've seen that in a website with small front, maybe because your computer doesn't have arabic fonts, or maybe because it's the first time you see new letters lol
      11. In my country, most of the RAP is underground, there is only few mainscreen rappers only, I can name one of them which is considered as my country RAP godfather, he been rapping since 1996 till today, it's name Lotfi DK I adore rap music and that's all what i listen to
      12. well actually it's a little bit hard to combine letters, because in arabic, the letters are more than the english letters, you need to learn how to spell the arabic letters first so you know to translate the sounds to the right letters and about Antisar : A = أ n = ن ti = ت sa = صا r =ر so its : انتصار
      13. I always use the same websites, you can find any movie/serie you want with all kind of subtitles, but I don't really know if I can share it here or not, if the admin allow that then just reply here and I'll share it for you
      14. well I can help you with the two languages I know : in arabic we say : لا أستطيع تخيل حياتي بدونك I can't = لا أستطيع imagine : تخيل my life : حياتي without you : بدونك and in French we say : je peut pas imaginer ma vie sans toi je peut pas : i can't imaginer : imagine ma vie : my life sans toi : without you I hope that i've helped you a little bit
      15. it's better to be in English, and the accent doesn't means you are unprofessionel ! also for the small mistakes, every one do those mistakes even the native speakers so I think you are doing well, and you can share your links here so we can see them
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