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      Do you use your first or second language more often? | Language Learning Jump to content

      Do you use your first or second language more often?


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      I just realized that I probably use both around the same. Even though I haven't actually spoke any 'real' English (like had a serious conversation) wiht anyone else than my English teacher.

      I use Croatian in everyday life when talking to my friends, family, girlfriend, etc., and in school when writing. But I spend a great amount of time on-line, where I use English more.

      So, what about you?

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      I speak English in class and with family and friends. I speak Filipino with some of those who came from the Philippines, as well. If I were to weigh which one I use more often, it would definitely be English as it would be easier for everyone to understand each other immediately instead of wasting time translating what one is saying to another if we all hung out as a group.

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      I live in the US so I'm naturally using English more than any other languages I know, granted, I'm not fluent in anything else but I wouldn't be able to communicate with most people if I were walking about speaking Japanese.

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      Everyday it is part of my life using my native Tagalog language and my second English language even though I am living already in another country. I had a foreign husband and we speak three languages at home (Tagalog, English, Korean) which we both tried to learn each other languages and everyday we are learning from each other languages.

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      I would say I use my second language, which is English, more than my native language. I live in the United States, English is the primary language that I would speak to people. My native language, Chinese, for instance, that I only use it with my parents and my wife because I feel comfortable speaking Chinese with them both at work and at home. I only use English when I speak with people who would speak English.

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      I wish I used my french more :(. It's been a few years I don't ever have to use it wear I am (Metro Vancouver area B.C. Canada). It does come in handy when I go back east though. It usually takes a few days to shake off the rust but it's just like riding a bike once you're fluent it never completely leaves you. If you needed to it'll come back to you in a heartbeat.

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      • 1 month later...

      I use my first language more often than my second language. I live in my native land among people that speak the same language so I get to speak it all the time. I only speak my second language around a few friends and family but not as often as I would want to.

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      I definitely use my native language more, as I'm still a lot more comfortable with it even if I am relatively fluent in English. I think it's because I don't really have that much of a reason to use English in my daily life other than when I'm online posting on forums and comment sections and on writing some of my articles. Otherwise, when I speak to people around me, even the ones who prefer to speak English, as long as I know they can understand me in our native language I'd still just use that instead.

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      I use any of the Languages I know depending on the person I am speaking to. If the person I'm speaking to uses English, I also use English specially when he or she doesn't understand Ilocano or Tagalog. For native speakers as much as possible, I use the Language that they are speaking.

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      I use my first language more often. Ive been learning Russian to teach my dog commands in Russian. I thought it would be cool if i was the only one in my family to get her to do tricks. But other than that I use my native tongue more often.

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      The people you interact with determine the language you speak, if you know more than one language that is. If you're working abroad as an expat, then most likely you won't speak your native language if your co-workers speak a different language. So, well. . .the language you speak is not a decision you make yourself I suppose. . .

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      I always use my first language which is English whenever I communicate to people. It's hard to communicate still using other languages that I have learned. This is so far proven effective to me.

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      I use English (my first language) much more often than Chinese (my second language). Most of my friends and colleagues speak English, prompting me to do the same.

      Come to think about it, I haven't had a conversation in Chinese for awhile. I should probably try to fit in situations where I could use Chinese.

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