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Is Telepathy some kind of language?

Denis Hard

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Some say it's real. A mine shaft collapses burying some poor miner and luckily he survives. To get rescued, he projects images of the accident to a close friend or family member who then leads a rescue team to the place.

Um, that's just one example of telepathy in action.

Hmmm? So, is this a real language or something entirely different?

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I have never experienced this before and so i have not really ever thought about this. But i have been able to communicate on a higher level of thought with some family in the sense that we have the same thoughts and ideas at the same time. So i think that telepathy in some ways is possible.

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I am a pretty skeptic person by nature myself, but with that in mind I've read some interesting material on the subject. It seems that if Telepathy excited, it wouldn't be bounded by the traditional concept of "language", rather it would be a direct connection of the feelings and emotions of the consciousness between two people, you would just sort of know what the other people means, without the use of any words and sounds, you know?

It's a fascinating philosophical concept too, in relation to perception, communication and linguistics.

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Yeah it is, and it is also scientifically proven, although it's not really considered as another form of language, but it is considered an ESP or a paranormal event. They say that where attention goes, energy flows, so no wonder a person that you suddenly remember ends up calling you, because it is telepathy at work. After all, thoughts are energy.

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I agree with Sidney... sorry but I doubt Telepathy can be considered a kind of language, not at all.  I do believe it exists tho, after all humans are very complex beings! Our brains are amazing!

  Sadly most of us use only a small portion of it, but if we could use our full potential... I'm sure being able to use telepathy would be one of the many things we could do with our minds!  Seriously, mind over matter!  The mind is a very powerful thing! 

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That's a very interesting question. If telepathy was real, which I really doubt, I think it would be labeled as something like "mind language", similar to body language or sign language, and it would be classified as a non-verbal form of communication, so technically, yes, it would be considered some kind of language.

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This is a fascinating discussion.  Since language is communicative in nature, it seems telepathic transmissions would be similar in this regard.  We are so evolved yet still have not fully tapped the powers of the mind, I am sure this has been and will be an ongoing discussion.  I see no reason not to consider  telepathy though as a type of "higher" communication and language.

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THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TELEPATHY. Telepathy is pseudoscience! There is no such thing because there have been no real cases of this, nor is there any evidence of telepathy actually occurring. Honestly, do not believe anything that is not based on real scientific evidence. This is not a "philosophical concept" because there is no logical backing!

Can anyone give us a REAL case of telepathy? I think not...

The only reason why telepathy is regarded by the average person as a real phenomenon is because of the media and all the entertainment that we absorb. Absolutely do not take what you see in the movies for granted. They are for entertainment, not knowledge.

Yeah it is, and it is also scientifically proven, although it's not really considered as another form of language, but it is considered an ESP or a paranormal event. They say that where attention goes, energy flows, so no wonder a person that you suddenly remember ends up calling you, because it is telepathy at work. After all, thoughts are energy.

No, it is not scientifically proven. In fact, telepathy cannot be scientifically proven because there is no way to test it (and that raises a huge red flag in the field of science). In addition, THOUGHTS ARE NOT (significant) ENERGY. TELEPATHY IS NOT PROVEN. TELEPATHY IS NOT REAL.

Some people believe in some "power" when they think of something and it happens. Count the number of times you thought of something and it did NOT happen. You will be surprised at how biased you are toward the time that it did happen compared to the times it did not happen! And people still call it real.

Sometimes I feel sad about the things that people believe. That is why I am all worked up here. :)

Thus, we can conclude telepathy is not a language (because it does not exist). :)

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Telepathy is a form of communication, but not a language.

To me, it's a gift most people have, but rarely use (at least overtly).  When couples have been together for a while, they can sense things about each other that is akin to a sort of telepathy. This, I believe, is true about mothers with their children. 

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I. Telepathy is not real

In this first section, we will see that telepathy is not a real phenomenon through refutations of previous posts.

Telepathy is a form of communication, but not a language.

No it is not!!! Telepathy is not a form of communication because there is no such thing!

To me, it's a gift most people have, but rarely use (at least overtly).

If no one uses telepathy, then how do you know it exists? We cannot assume something exists because we see it in movies.

When couples have been together for a while, they can sense things about each other that is akin to a sort of telepathy. This, I believe, is true about mothers with their children. 

This is not telepathy. This is called knowing your significant other or loved one enough to use induction to estimate what they may do or want next because of past habits. We have the brains to sense a pattern. This is not the same as telepathy.

We are so evolved yet still have not fully tapped the powers of the mind, I am sure this has been and will be an ongoing discussion.

This will be an ongoing discussion because sadly, most people cannot differentiate between pseudoscience and real science.

I see no reason not to consider  telepathy though as a type of "higher" communication and language.

I see a reason not to consider telepathy as a type of "higher" communication - TELEPATHY IS NOT REAL.

Have you guys noticed something? Some people say that most people have it, some people say that most people do not have it, while others say that it is just a power of the mind. There is no consensus on what telepathy is because it is a human fabrication with no scientific backing.

Please, before you say that telepathy is some form of communication, prove it first! Do not be misled. Understand what you are talking about beforehand to gain greater insight.

II. Definition of Language and Telepathy

This section ASSUMES the discussion is of telepathy as portrayed in the media, not a real phenomenon. It attempts to answer the question that the OP has asked GIVEN that telepathy is not real, but only a fabricated idea.

According to Merriam-Webster, language is "the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each other."

Once more according to Merriam-Webster, telepathy is "a way of communicating thoughts directly from one person's mind to another person's mind without using words or signals."

An answer can logically and easily be deduced from these definitions. Language uses words while telepathy does not use words.

Therefore, telepathy (as a fabricated idea and not a real phenomenon) is not a language.

But keep in mind! Telepathy is not real! :)

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What a passionate skeptic we have here. Just read these links for your further negation. Our minds are made up already anyway. Take note, even the doctors and researchers acknowledge ESP. As a layman, how can you prove that it doesn't exist?



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Some say it's real. A mine shaft collapses burying some poor miner and luckily he survives. To get rescued, he projects images of the accident to a close friend or family member who then leads a rescue team to the place.

Um, that's just one example of telepathy in action.

Hmmm? So, is this a real language or something entirely different?

I have heard of these cases. I even practice telepathy (Lol)...only in meditation to God. I would say that it is a language since it involves symbols, modes and mediums of communicating in a way in which individuals understand each other.  :angel:

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If we simplify the definition of "Language" as a form of communication, then Telepathy can be considered a language.

Let's think about this matter in both realms of Fiction and Reality.

Now in Fiction, an alien race, supernatural creature or a superhuman being may not have the ability to move their mouths, but they can communicate to others with their mind. We can hear their voices and we can understand what they're trying to tell us - but they do not move their lips nor do they use speech from the voice. Or some characters do move and talk from their lips, but they're located in distant far away lands that they would be unable speak to anyone nearby. Hence they use Telepathy as a means to communicate to anyone they choose over vast distances. We hear their voices not through their mouth... but through Thought. Examples of such characters include Death from "Discworld", Sapphira from "Eragon", The Sorceress from "He-Man & The Masters of the Universe" and Professor X from "X-Men". To the works of fiction, Telepathy can be seen as a form of alternate (or even advanced) language. In addition, according to some legends from Indian villages, it is stated

that Telepathy was the original language of Humankind, until humans became more separate from Nature, began making civilizations and started new codes and speeches to spread cultural advancement.

Now in Reality, Telepathy isn't as prominent in our lifestyle. However, there are accounts of people with personal experiences involving this unseen phenomenon. For those people, telepathy is their choice of language - their choice of communications. There's also a theory called "animal magnetism" involving the harnessing and utilization of Thoughts naturally - but it has yet to receive full support from the scientific community. However, as I grew up in the wilderness before, I observed animals that communicated with each other without making any sound. In the wilderness of South Asia, as I meditated there during my training with Buddhist monks, I saw some dogs that identify with each other without using any barks, grunts or gerowls. Scent may have involved, but I've known dogs that communicated and identified one another in long distances as if they're contacting through thought. I also noticed of crows flying away before kids meters and meters away would try to approach them. Perhaps the animals have a hidden advantage where they that can sense our thoughts and emotions. When I was feeling sad once, I remember my dog approaching to me and comforting me... and I didn't even call my dog's name. Just by thought, my dog arrived. Had a similar encounter with a monitor lizard too. Monitor lizard was at my garden, but it got chased away. In my mind I wanted to see the lizard again, and next day... the lizard was in the middle of the garage... only to be chased away again  :laugh:

I have no conclusions regarding the absolute nature of Telepathy. More insight is needed... but for me, Telepathy can be considered a variation of Language.

Sincerely ~ Antiquarian.

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Telepathy actually happens to all of us sometime in our lives,, but we don't really notice or realize because we don't often believe in such a power like this. Language has taught us the way we communicate with other people and understand the form that's create within that specific language. It is a puzzle that we sometimes use telepathy to tell how we alter things around, which connects to languages at some point.

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Let's say telepathy does exist. What kind of language do you think you will be using when you're communicatiing telepathically? It's going to be whatever language that you speak so I don't think telepathy is a language. Much like using a telephone, it's only a medium you use to communicate with people.

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Telepathic powers I believe is one of the highest form of communication not all people possess. :) Since it it used to transmit an unspoken message through the mind, it is also a kind of language in one of the highest form. :)

Your response is one of the best I have read. Telepathy for me is a language. Once people are able to communicate and understand one another correctly, then they have developed a language for themselves. Now, to be able to communicate with one's spirit or mind, that is indeed something divine, spiritual and supernatural; and therefore must rank as the highest form of language/communication. I believe it happens in real life.

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  • 1 month later...

I think telepathy can in some sense be considered when looking at things like mirror neurons (http://www.brainfacts.org/brain-basics/neuroanatomy/articles/2008/mirror-neurons/),

Essentially it's understanding the goals behind the actions of others. I don't know if I would consider it a language, but there is a level of communication involved, and it's something that can be made use of.

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