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Obenkyo for Android [JAPANESE]


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This is the app I use occasionally for studying my kanji. Also included is hiragana, katakana, numbers, JLPT vocabulary, and a pocket-friendly version of Tae Kim's grammar guide. It's received some updates since I last used it to actively practice. I highly recommend you check it out. Personally, I think it works better on a tablet, though you should be just fine running it on a phone. The kana and kanji also have stroke orders, so you can practice writing. If you have a stylus, you can comfortably practice on the screen.

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hey amatenshi, have you heard of the App called Kanjibox? It is an amazing app for studying Kanji offering great content and really "gamifies" studying characters. In case you did not come across this App, you should give it a go!

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I've never heard of Kanjibox. It sounds like it would help me out quite a bit. One problem though - I  can't find it on Google Play. Is it incompatible with my Samsung Galaxy S3? I'd be surprised, if so. Is it an iOS exclusive app?

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  • 1 month later...

I have actually downloaded obenkyo and it looks good. It lets me write! Haha. Unlike other apps, they just show you the characters and not let you write. :) Thanks for sharing this. And the best thing about it is that it is free. Hooray!

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Thank you very much for sharing this application. Occasionally I bring my android tablet around at school and this will be of great help for me when learning Japanese.

I've been using Kana (Hiragana & Katakana) by TenguLogi up until now, and a second app won't hurt :)

I don't know how this compares with the one you listed, but it was also great help for me. Here is a link if anyone else is interested in alternative apps that teach Japanese!


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  • 2 weeks later...

You people seem to be liking it. I'm glad Obenkyo is working for you. If you want to practice writing, it'll help to invest in a stylus, which is probably cheap. I have one that I use with my tablet, though I suppose it would also work just fine on my phone, despite the screen size.

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  • 1 month later...

I tried using this a few months ago to learn hiragana and katakana, but while I managed to do well on the multiple choice tests, I never really remembered the characters until I tried out the writing test by accident. Turns out muscle memory helps tremendously.

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I don't use the app u mentioned but I will definitely test it. I have installed a while ago a similar app to the one you described. It's called JA-Sensei and it's been quite helpful. It has many exercises and tests and modules to teach you how to draw all the characters.

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I tried using this a few months ago to learn hiragana and katakana, but while I managed to do well on the multiple choice tests, I never really remembered the characters until I tried out the writing test by accident. Turns out muscle memory helps tremendously.

Yep, that's what it takes really. Japanese kids write out kana and kanji heaps of times to learn them so it should be no surprise that it takes the same kind of thing for a foreign learner to learn them too. It's pretty boring, hard work but it pays off so much in the end when you can use them in real life!

Also, Obenkyo is great for learning vocab and kana/kanji for those reasons. I like that it has a few different modes to make it easier and harder to get through the quizzes. I've found myself coming back to it a few times now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You people seem to be liking it. I'm glad Obenkyo is working for you. If you want to practice writing, it'll help to invest in a stylus, which is probably cheap. I have one that I use with my tablet, though I suppose it would also work just fine on my phone, despite the screen size.

Most styli that aren't super expensive have really fat tips though, do they work alright? I invested (far too much money) in a slimmer tipped stylus for some idle drawing and sketching ideas on my tablet but I feel better using that one only at home. :)

I really want to check all of these apps out. I really need a better study tool for Japanese vocab :(

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Update: I tried out the Obenkyou app last night taking a break from my homework, and I love it! I wish it had a writing practice area other than the writing tests, but it looks like the developers are still adding features to it.

I'm going to be working with it more this week(end) and testing everything out. Looks promising!! Thanks for sharing :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

This looks just like what I need, I'm installing it right now.

The only problem I can somewhat foresee is the fact that my phone has a relatively small screen, so things might not work perfectly here...

I'll let you guys know how it works out.

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The screen on my old phone wasn't that big, and it was fine. Just the writing tests might be a little harder. It doesn't actually do handwriting recognition, so if you wanted to practice your kanji then you could write them on a piece of paper then check.

Otherwise, unless your screen is tiny, the rest should work ok. Enjoy the app! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I know I posted on this earlier but they've made a MAJOR update since I last posted, and it's like a million times better! Just letting everyone know. They're supposed to be putting in capabilities to make your own vocabulary lists to study (for like class or words you want to know) if they haven't already. I didn't use my tablet at all over break so everything's gotta update :)

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