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What language do you like most and least?


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Hey guys!  Was wondering what language you like most and least!  For me the language I like the most is Norwegian, that's a language I'd be so eager to learn.  I like the way it sounds, spelling it is so easy and the grammar couldn't be easier!  I love it!  If I could chose a language to learn it would be Norwegian.

Sadly this language is only spoken in Norway, unlike English and Spanish that is spoken in so many places.  So learning it could be seen as kinda useless by many!  Useless for me as well, because I know if  I don't use it often I'll start forgetting it.

As for the language I like least I'd say I'd have a hard time between Dutch and Icelandic, lol. I don't like Dutch so much because it's so hard to know for sure what the spelling of most words are, because they sound so different!  In my language things are are written almost as closely as the way they sound, so it's confusing. 

What language do you like most and least?

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well i love german i just love the pronounciation and also french. but hey i love my native language english because its so popular so im glad i speak english.

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Hey guys!  Was wondering what language you like most and least! 

I think I'd have to say that I like French most... it's so beautiful when spoken and not guttural like some languages are.

Least...  hmmm.... I think I'd say Chinese because learning to write in a way that doesn't use actual letters would be so very difficult for me.

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The language i like the most is spanish. I like it because i think it sounds really beautiful. To be honest i really don't like English that much. The language i like the least is probably my own mother tongue. Unfortunately growing up, we were conditioned to think speaking our mother tongue was embarassing.

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French has always been my favorite language. It just sound sweet to the ear. Most other languages will sound like the speaker is upset or arguing but French is quite the opposite.My least favorite Language is Chinese. I hear the Chinese business owners here speak it quite often to each other and it just sounds grouchy and like they are speaking about someone behind their backs.

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Hahaha! Yeah! I get the very same feeling actually, I don't like the sound of Chinese, it sounds to me like a very difficult language, plus it really seems they are talking about someone behind his or her back.  We have a lot Chinese business owners over here, so I know very well the way the sound.  I dislike German as well, sounds like they are angry!

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The language i like the most is spanish. I like it because i think it sounds really beautiful. To be honest i really don't like English that much. The language i like the least is probably my own mother tongue. Unfortunately growing up, we were conditioned to think speaking our mother tongue was embarassing.

Wow, do you really speak Swahili???  I had never met someone who could speak it!  I heard it was a very difficult language to learn!  Btw, I know what you are talking about!  I read about the kind of things that happen where you live, how some people are ridiculed for having certain mother tongue.  I remember reading about it a long time ago, maybe 6 or 7 months, so my memories aren't even that clear.

Shame on those who make you feel that way, what a bunch of jerks!  No one should mess with others just because their mother language is different.

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I think I'd have to say that I like French most... it's so beautiful when spoken and not guttural like some languages are.

Least...  hmmm.... I think I'd say Chinese because learning to write in a way that doesn't use actual letters would be so very difficult for me.

Hehehehe, it seems the least favorite language is Chinese!  And the favorite and most preferred french.  To be quite honest with you I don't see what the big fuss about french is.  I don't find french so appealing, but maybe that's because  I'm used to the accent and people speaking french. 

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I don't really have any special preference for any language. I like them all, and those that I speak well, I like even better. ;-)

I like the melodic sound of Italian and the flowery feeling of English (well, it feels like that to me). German is powerful, while Spanish is fast and pushy. And my list goes on. Basically, I find beauty and fascination in every language.

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The language I like the most is Italian because I think it sounds so beautiful and I'd love to learn it but I don't know if I should because I'm afraid of ruining its beauty. Anyone know what I mean? When I don't understand it I only listen to the beauty of the words instead of hearing actual words I can understand and then ruining the listening experience for me.

The language I like the least might be Finnish. There is no language that I really hate but Finnish just sounds like jibberish and I cannot find any pattern at all. I do know a few words though because of an internship I was on four years ago with three Finnish girls. I understand all the other Nordic languages (Danish, Faroese, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic) because I speak Faroese and Danish fluently and hence the other languages are very similar but Finnish doesn't belong with them because it has NOTHING in common with the Scandinavian languages unlike German that is similar to Danish in a lot of aspects.

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I really love Italian and its melodic sound. It's (usually) like music to my ears. I find it romantic and also comforting in many inexplicable ways. My grandfather is from Italy, but for some odd reason, I never got around to learn how to speak Italian properly, although I can understand a lot of it. I would like to go and live in Italy for at least half a year and absorb the Italian mentality and culture, and also the great food and art, while learning the language. But, until that happens, it will take a while... :)

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I think I would be biased and I would say that the language that I like the most would be English and Tagalog because those are the languages that I'm fluent in. I also like Spanish because you can use it in several countries that speak it. I don't like those languages that have characters in them like Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Russian, etc because I think it would be hard to learn them, it's like deciphering drawings.

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I hear ya!  i truly love the japanese culture, mostly because I love their anime, but trying to learn that languages would be almost impossible for me, at least to a fluent level. Mostly because I have no motivation to learn it, after all I just like to watch anime!  I don't need it to learn japanese in order to truly enjoy my loved anime ;)

I have a friend who is really motivated to learn japanese tho, he also loves anime and wants to actually move there. No idea why tho, maybe his desire to move the was born when he started watching anime :P  I love anime, but I'd never go as far as for wanting to move there!

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I really love Italian and its melodic sound. It's (usually) like music to my ears. I find it romantic and also comforting in many inexplicable ways. My grandfather is from Italy, but for some odd reason, I never got around to learn how to speak Italian properly, although I can understand a lot of it. I would like to go and live in Italy for at least half a year and absorb the Italian mentality and culture, and also the great food and art, while learning the language. But, until that happens, it will take a while... :)

Visiting Italy sounds like a really lovely idea :)  I hope you get the chance to do it very soon!  I'm sure that would be a really good experience, and  it would surely serve the purpose of mastering your Italian ;)  There is nothing more motivating than traveling to the country where the language you want to learn is spoken, you just feel the urge to communicate back with the locals when they try to speak to you in their languages.

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The language I like the most is Italian because I think it sounds so beautiful and I'd love to learn it but I don't know if I should because I'm afraid of ruining its beauty. Anyone know what I mean? When I don't understand it I only listen to the beauty of the words instead of hearing actual words I can understand and then ruining the listening experience for me.

The language I like the least might be Finnish. There is no language that I really hate but Finnish just sounds like jibberish and I cannot find any pattern at all. I do know a few words though because of an internship I was on four years ago with three Finnish girls. I understand all the other Nordic languages (Danish, Faroese, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic) because I speak Faroese and Danish fluently and hence the other languages are very similar but Finnish doesn't belong with them because it has NOTHING in common with the Scandinavian languages unlike German that is similar to Danish in a lot of aspects.

Oh yeah, I hear ya on that one.  Finnish is a very odd language, lol.  It's really really odd and makes no sense to me, the words are nothings like Ive ever seen, I mean, at least with dutch or Norwegian you can recognize some words, but Finnish?  Finnish doesn't seem to have any kind of link to any other language.

It might sounds crazy to you, but when I was younger I wanted to learn it, lol.  I did it because my goal was to learn as many languages as possible. The verb ''to be'' is so weird to start with!  A girl who used to be my friend of mine actually moved there and had to learn it.  I still think I'm way luckier because I don't have to learn Finnish :P

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Just going by sound alone, I really like the way French sounds.

Going by culture, and the places you can visit/live, I really like Germanic languages like German and Dutch.

However, my favorite language overall is Spanish. It's a really sexy language, and it's ordered really well.

My least favorite language is probably Russian for no reason. It just seems really complex to me.

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As far as learning goes, I enjoy learning German. It's interesting and the pronunciation is fun. However in school I always loathed learning french because I had a lot of trouble figuring out pronouns and such.

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I enjoy the sound of French, German, Italian, and Chinese. Chinese is tonal, which makes it interesting to me. I can't say there is a language I "hate" the sound of. Interestingly, though, even though Spanish and Italian are very similar, I don't find Spanish very pleasant to listen to. Italian is very lyrical, almost like singing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't say that I disliked a language more than another. All languages have their pros and cons but I would say Latin is my least favorite. This is solely because I was forced to learn it in high school when I wanted to do French.  :sad:

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My favorite language to hear has always been German. I was really into German music when I was in middle school, especially the band Oomph! I love how German speakers can be so hard and so soft with their language, and can sometimes seem to speak harshly and softly at the same time. I also really like Spanish, but that might just be because I have worked with it for so long (I took four years of Spanish in high school, two of which were at college level).

This is an unpopular opinion, but I really don't like the French language. It always seems to be everyone's favorite, but it just sounds like they need to blow their nose. I also have a hard time differentiating between words, as many French syllables seem to sound nearly exactly the same. But that's probably just me. I really wish that I liked French, because there are so many great films and books written in French but I just don't.

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I like the Japanese language the most.  Aside from being an anime fan, I really love their vocabulary.  They have words which are addressed to teachers and professionals in the form of honorifics.  At the same time, they also have words which are addressed in a somewhat negative or unfavorable way, such as "kisama", or the person talking to the addressee in a hostile manner. 

As for the language I like the least, it's Arabic.  Maybe it's just me, but I just don't appreciate learning the language at all.  Besides, we have been using English more frequently in Saudi Arabia, where I stayed for 8 years more or less.

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Hey guys!  Was wondering what language you like most and least!  For me the language I like the most is Norwegian, that's a language I'd be so eager to learn.  I like the way it sounds, spelling it is so easy and the grammar couldn't be easier!  I love it!  If I could chose a language to learn it would be Norwegian.

Sadly this language is only spoken in Norway, unlike English and Spanish that is spoken in so many places.  So learning it could be seen as kinda useless by many!  Useless for me as well, because I know if  I don't use it often I'll start forgetting it.

As for the language I like least I'd say I'd have a hard time between Dutch and Icelandic, lol. I don't like Dutch so much because it's so hard to know for sure what the spelling of most words are, because they sound so different!  In my language things are are written almost as closely as the way they sound, so it's confusing. 

What language do you like most and least?

I love English the most and french the least, I just find french to be so difficult.

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I love French and absolutely hate German. I fell in love with the French pronunciation a long time ago, it's simply amazing. German, on the other hand, is awful. Saying I love you in German sounds like a death threat to me.

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I love French and absolutely hate German. I fell in love with the French pronunciation a long time ago, it's simply amazing. German, on the other hand, is awful. Saying I love you in German sounds like a death threat to me.

Haha, it looks like we have opposite views! I wonder why it is that some people prefer certain languages over others.

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Haha, it looks like we have opposite views! I wonder why it is that some people prefer certain languages over others.

Looks like we do! I've read your reply again and I couldn't possibly disagree more. I don't want to get into a fight, but French just sounds better than German, period.  :wink:

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