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Everyday or Every day


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I was making a poster theme for work about fire prevention. I wrote "Every day is Fire Prevention Day", but my boss corrected me. She said that it should be "everyday". However, I did a research, and I found out that "everyday" is an adjective.

Can anyone clarify this to me? Thanks a lot!

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I am pretty sure it actually is 'every day'

Everyday(adj): commonplace, ordinary, or normal.

Every day: Each day.

If we were to replace 'every day' in your sentence with 'each day' then would it make sense? Yes.

"Every day Each day is Fire Prevention Day"

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I Think both are acceptable in this situation, but just that everyday is probably a little more common to use. From what I understand, it is synonymous with the word daily, while every day is more like saying each day, which is a bit more of a long version. I think people recognize the singular word a lot more and it's probably why your boss prefers it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

These two words are often confused with each other, and I agree with thewakeupcall that it's EVERY DAY.

How often are you celebrating Fire Prevention? = Every Day (adverb of frequency).

Use 'everyday' when describing a noun, and you're right it's an adjective.

It often comes before a noun.

How will you describe your 'everyday' life?

The police said that gambling is an 'everyday' occurrence in that part of town.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually use the word everyday instead of every day at the beginning of a sentence. If I am saying that I "go to school every day of the week" but "everyday is a blessing"

Not really sure if the correct way is either or but I think that you can use them both in the same way.

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Both have the same idea in my opinion. It's usually depends on the situation of the sentence. But I rarely use "every day" because it's in the same context as "everyday".

Feel free to use whatever you like but I prefer using "everyday" because it's commonly used rather than "every day".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Interesting, I am learning so much here. I had no idea when and how to use the two so I normally just use anyone my mind tell me to at that given moment, which I do know is not necessarily correct. Thanks for the prep up guys as even though I am a native English speaker, I still do need a lot of lessons.

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  • 1 month later...

everyday is indeed an adjective to describe something that is a common occurrence. Every day is the correct term to be used on the poster, I believe; since the part of that sentence you're referring to on the poster isn't an adjective, you're right to think that it is every day and not everyday.

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everyday is indeed an adjective to describe something that is a common occurrence. Every day is the correct term to be used on the poster, I believe; since the part of that sentence you're referring to on the poster isn't an adjective, you're right to think that it is every day and not everyday.

Agree, agree :) A lot do indeed think that they are interchangeable. But they really aren't as they function differently. People think they are interchangeable because of the assumption that they function the same way. It is for this reason that this entry is often included in lists for common errors.

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I agree with your boss, "every day" seems to be the correct choice in your particular case. I've always wondered if there is a difference between the 2 words, and now I know what exactly, since the other members have explained it, and thanks also to this link: http://grammarist.com/usage/everyday-every-day/

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