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      Hungarian for Beginners | Language Learning Jump to content

      Hungarian for Beginners


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      Hi everyone, I thought that I will teach you a few greetings in Hungarian. If you would like to learn hungarian or any language at all I recommend, you just have to register, it's free and you can find pages and pages full of audio and coursebooks. And now for something completely different (Monthy Python anyone? No? ok)

      Hi! - Szia (see-ya)

      Good morning - Jó reggelt. (yo reh-gelt)

      Good day - Jó napot (yo na-pot)

      Good afternoon (? not really in use, maybe 'have a nice afternoon)  - Szép délutánt 

      Good evening - Jó estét (yo esh-tet)

      Good night - Jó éjszakát (you ay-sa-kat)

      Thank you - Köszönöm (kur-sur-nurm)

      You're welcome - Szívesen (see-vesh-en)

      Bless you /Cheers - Egészségedre (aa-guess-shage-add-ra)

      See you later - Viszontlátásra (vee-sont-laa-taash-ra)


      I love you - Szeretlek (seh-ret-lek)

      p.s.: when you try to pronunce egészségedre you should also feel my pain that I have to learn how to pronunce "dumneavoastră" in romanian, siiighh

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      I noticed the use of Yo and Jo on some of the greetings. I am wondering if the language is somewhat similar to French and Spanish. Do you require a different keyboard version to type in Hungarian as I see some characters above?

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        On 10/13/2015 at 9:47 AM, hungary93 said:


      p.s.: when you try to pronunce egészségedre you should also feel my pain that I have to learn how to pronunce "dumneavoastră" in romanian, siiighh

      It's spelled something like "doom-neah-voa-strah".

      Koszonom szepen for writing all of this :D

      PS: the Hungarian course is about to be finished on Duolingo.

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        On 10/13/2015 at 10:36 AM, kurdapia said:

      I noticed the use of Yo and Jo on some of the greetings. I am wondering if the language is somewhat similar to French and Spanish. Do you require a different keyboard version to type in Hungarian as I see some characters above?

      Thank you for your question, and yes. 

      We have several accented characters, here are the ones we use in hungarian,

      á  - just like in father

      é - café

      í - leek

      ó - go

      ö - heard

      ő - long ö just like in boeing

      ú - fool

      ü - maybe in turkish

      ű  - i really have no idea (?) a longer, more statemented ü

      And about the jo sound it means Good. On the other hand Hungarian doesn't have any common with Spanish or French, it's more like a Balcanic and German influenced language. Academics say that it has a lot of common with Finnish and that's what we are being taught in school, but as a native speaker I don't see much resemblance just a few words. 

      Edited by hungary93
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      Maybe a few things, because I really enjoy this. I will write down a few compliments today, because everyone need some positive vibes, especially in this rainy autumn afternoon.

      Nagyon cuki vagy! Nagyon aranyos vagy!  - You are really cute.

      Nagyon szép vagy! - You are so beautiful.

      Tetszik a hajad! - I like your hair-

      Szép a mosolyod! - You have a beautiful smile.

      Olyan jól érzem magam veled. - I feel so great when I am with you.

      Ez nagyon érdekes! - This is really interesting.

      Tetszik ahogy gondolkodsz! - I like the way you are thinking.

      Annyira jó barát vagy. - You are such a good friend.

      Mesélj magadról. - Tell me about yourself

      Hogy érzed magad? - How are you? / How do you feel?

      Ugye milyen szép napunk van?  - We have such a nice day, right?

      Örülök, hogy megismerhetlek. - I am so glad that I met you.

      Now go and find a boy or girl and say nice things to them in hungarian!

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      Thank you so much for your comment I think that your language is interesting to learn. And yes I noticed those accented letters that you have posted. I wonder if it would be difficult to look for a keyboard that is intended for this language. 

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