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“Hydrate or diedrate”: Meaning, Usage & Examples

“Hydrate or diedrate”: Meaning, Usage & Examples

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Expressions are funny things.

Some expressions and proverbs teach us fundamental life lessons. After all, we all know that “talk is cheap” and “actions speak louder than words.”

Also, the television shows we watched as kids taught us that “fortune favors the brave” and that “knowing is half the battle.” These proverbs all make us wiser and better suited to face life’s daily challenges.

Then, you have other expressions that warn us of our biases and caution us from succumbing to our human yet flawed nature.

For instance, “big things come in small packages” reminds us that there doesn’t have to always be a correlation between size and value. After all, some of the most valuable things can be very tiny.

On the other hand, you have the expression “time and tide wait for no man,” which reminds us that the world doesn’t revolve around us and that we aren’t as significant as we like to think.

Moreover, there are types of expressions that might have a grain of truth in them but are mostly comical.

A classic case in point is the old expression “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Even though it does highlight that food can be a big part of any relationship, the expression is mostly used today for comical effect.

Another chuckle-worthy expression is “hydrate or diedrate.” Let’s take a closer look at that one.


What is the meaning of “hydrate or diedrate”?

It means that if you don’t drink enough water and stay hydrated, you might eventually suffer the consequences, the worst of which is death. The expression is meant to remind us of the importance of drinking water and of staying hydrated.


How to use the expression “hydrate or diedrate”?

There are a couple of things worth pointing out.

First of all, the expression is meant to be funny. So, you can’t really use it in serious situations unless you’re intentionally trying to inject humor.

For example, if someone running a marathon drops on the ground as a result of dehydration, that would be a bad time to tell them that they should “hydrate or diedrate.”

Additionally, this is quite an informal expression. As a result, it would be unprofessional to use it with your boss or in the workplace in general.

The final thing to know is that this is a relatively unknown and obscure expression. In other words, most people will not recognize it, and some might not even understand it.

Nevertheless, if you want to use it, you should keep it among your friends and close ones. You can even use it with strangers if you’re trying to break the ice with them for instance.

Here are a couple of examples.

Let’s say you’re jogging in the park, and you spot a fellow jogger running beside you.

Now, you have seen this person a few times jogging around the park, but you two have never spoken together.

After finishing jogging, you go to the nearest water fountain, and as you finish drinking a healthy sip of water, you notice the other jogger coming towards the fountain to have a drink themselves.

So, in an effort to make a new friend, you tell them, “As they say, hydrate or diedrate.”

Odds are this will elicit a chuckle from them, and then you can move on to introducing yourself and getting a conversation going.

Another example is when you and your friend are out during a hot summer day. The following conversation might ensue.

You: let’s stop at that cart, I need to get a bottle of water. You want anything?

Friend: Nah, I’m good. I’ll wait here for you.

You: Are you sure you don’t want a bottle of water as well? They do say hydrate or diedrate for a reason.

Friend: Hah. I guess I’ll take my chances.


Where does the expression come from?

To be honest, if you live in a civilized part of the world -and you probably do since you are currently reading this article on the internet- the likelihood of you collapsing on the ground and dying of thirst is small.

Yet, the dangers of dehydration are real, and it is important to drink plenty of water every day.


The many benefits of drinking water

You have heard doctors implore you to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. But, why?

For starters, water ensures that every system in your body is functioning as it should.

It does this by transporting oxygen and nutrients to your cells, getting rid of any bacteria stored in your bladder, helping with your digestion, preventing constipation, regulating body temperature, keeping electrolytes balanced in your system, protecting your organs and tissues, and so much more.

The bottom line is that water is necessary, and staying hydrated means giving your body enough water to do all that it needs to do.

And, what happens if you don’t get enough water?

Well, you get dehydrated. This means you might start feeling weak, your blood pressure may plummet, you might start feeling dizzy, and your urine will turn dark in color.

The bottom line is that you need to get plenty of water.


What about the expression? What makes it comical?

So, many things are working in favor of the expression.

First off, the expression uses the comedic tool of exaggeration. It’s the same tool cartoonists use when they want to make fun of a public figure.

For instance, when a cartoonist tries to make fun of a politician with a large nose and whose known to be a liar, the cartoonist will draw said politician with a nose that approaches Pinocchio-like dimensions.

In that same vein, the expression exaggerates what will happen to you if you don’t drink water. You won’t die, but you will suffer serious health repercussions.

The second element that makes the expression funny is the use of the word “diedrate,” which isn’t an actual word in the English language.

Instead, it is a play on words and a combination of the words “die” and “hydrate.”

In fact, a big reason this expression might be a bit obscure is that the word “diedrate” does not exist in the English language.

However, not only does “diedrate” perfectly rhyme with “hydrate,” but it is also composed of the same exact number of syllables.

This lends a musical quality to the expression, which just adds to the comedic effect.

After all, the tools of poetry, including alliteration and rhyme, have been used to make people laugh since time immemorial.