In certain situations, you may be required to refer to somebody by an honorific or some respectful form of address. In Japan, you may call an older coworker or classmate “Senpai.” If you work at a grocery store, then it’s polite to refer to a male customer as “Sir.” In a similar vein, it’s polite …
Search results for: unnecessary
Hey, there! It’s so great to see you at Linguaholic! Thank you for taking a few clicks and scrolls to be on our humble page. You must have been wondering when to punctuate “hence” with an after-comma that’s why you’re here. Well, worry no more because we’ve got you covered. Hope this post helps you …
Ask a random person about whether a comma should come before an ampersand and you’d end up getting a sigh in return. The point is…why would you even ask a random person in the first place? Alright, kidding aside, I’ve tried to cover this topic as comprehensively as I could, so you’ve come to the …
Deciding on whether to place commas in sentences can be a thorny and gruesome path to take. And, it is safe to assume that everyone has come to this conflicting point at least once in their lifetime, natives and non-natives alike. So why don’t we try to disentangle the web of guiding principles on comma …
Comma, comma, comma, comma, comma chameleon. You comma go, you comma go, oh. Nah. That was a really bad one. Really. But, whether the first line made you sing or, most likely, cringe, we are actually going to talk about lots of commas in this text. Join me in breaking the barriers on the comma …
Have you ever silently scolded yourself for being confused about whether to place a comma before a word in a sentence? Well, as far as the complexity of the English language is concerned, pondering upon these things is but normal. Before scrolling further, maybe a cup of joe would help you focus more on this …
“Especially” appears quite a lot in texts, and a comma sometimes appears before it, but other times doesn’t. Why is this so? Are there rules that guide the pre-comma placement? If you’ve reached this site because of these queries sitting apprehensively at the back of your head, you certainly came to the right place. …
“I know what pronouns are, but I’m kinda confused about the idea behind relative pronouns and I have no clue on how to punctuate sentences containing relative pronouns. If that’s totally you, you’ve certainly come to the right place. But don’t worry, Linguaholic got you covered! You’re welcome. You can thank me later for writing this …
Making a choice between two closely-related words can be sometimes tricky, not to mention taxing. Although it feels quite uncanny to get confused about a language that we seem to know by heart, linguistic doubts are indeed natural. So, why don’t we take a closer look between “which” and “what” to find out the nuances …