What makes a word useful?
Many people would say that a useful word is one that can be applied many different ways. This versatility would give great power to the person who uses it.
Some people would say that a useful word allows a person to write and speak with efficiency.
A word that definitely meets the criteria of versatility and efficiency is “thus.”
How is “thus” used in a sentence?
Use “thus” in a sentence to show the manner or way in which something is done. Use it to describe the extent or degree to which something has taken place. Use the word to show that one event is the result or consequence of a previous event. “Thus” can convey that something happens in the manner you have just described or in the manner you are just about to describe.
Where did “thus” originate?
The word “thus” first appeared prior to the 12th century in Middle English. This earlier version of English was written and spoken in England.
Middle English is an ancestor of the Modern English spoken today. In Middle English, the word “thus” was used to mean “in this or that manner or way.”
Although “thus” continues to be written and spoken today, it is usually reserved for more formal situations, such as writing important speeches and drafting official documents.
What part of speech is “thus”?
The word is an adverb, which describes how, when, where, or to what degree something happens.
With that being said, “thus” can also function as a sentence connector. This is a word or phrase that combines sentences and expresses relationships between thoughts.
“Therefore” is a very common sentence connector.
In the following exchange, “thus” functions as a sentence connector as well.
Jamal: What did you and your team members learn about your hypothesis?
Evan: We were wrong. Thus, we must learn from our mistake.
“Thus” can appear anywhere in a sentence, including as the very first word or the very last one.
What are some more examples of using “thus” correctly in a sentence?
Use “thus” to mean “in this or that manner or way.”
Jose: Do you see the situation from my perspective now?
Luchia: Yes. Described thus, the situation seems less important.
Another use for the word “thus” is to describe an extent or degree to which something has taken place.
Lonna: Have you encountered any problems with painting your house?
Greg: Thus far, it’s gone according to plan.
“Thus” can show that one event is the result or consequence of a previous event.
Abigail: Why did you take a taxi to work this morning?
Brianne: I couldn’t pay my parking tickets. Thus, my car was towed away.
The word “thus” can stand for an event that happens as you have described or as you are about to describe.
Aaron: How did Vincent get injured?
Stephanie: He ran into a burning house to rescue children. While thus engaged, he suffered a broken arm.
Eduardo: How did Janice get interested in restoring cars?
Manny: She helped her brother fix them. Thus, she discovered her interest in rebuilding engines.
“Thus” can introduce an example or instance of something. It is very uncommon for the word to be used this way.
Karen: Did you join the restaurant’s Frequent Diners Club?
Tim: Yes, it’s a great deal. Thus, if I spend $30 a month, I’ll receive a free meal the next month.
What are some “thus” synonyms?
This word can take the place of “thus” in a sentence where you want to show cause and effect between two events. “Consequently” would be appropriate to use in more formal writing. It is not as colloquial as some other synonyms for “thus.”
Darren said, “I had underestimated the amount of time the meeting would require. Consequently, I was late arriving home.”
You can substitute this word for “thus” to show that the occurrence you are about to relate is the result of the occurrence you just related. Using the word to begin a sentence should be reserved for less formal writing.
Cora explained, “The movie dealt with tragedy. So, it succeeded in making me sad.”
“So” is also a strong synonym for “thus” when you want to describe a situation starting in the past and extending to the present.
Ruby: Are you enjoying volunteering at the school?
Sandy: Yes. It’s a very rewarding experience so far.
As follows
This phrase can replace “thus” to indicate that important information is about to be presented.
In this way
This phrase works well in place of “thus” when you refer to an idea or observation that was stated in the recent past.
Phillip: The problem needs to be addressed immediately or many people could be hurt.
Claudia: Explained in this way, I understand the urgency. I will take action right away.
Frequently asked questions about “thus” (in a sentence)
Does “thusly” mean the same thing as “thus”?
“Thusly” is an Americanism that originated in the 1860s. It means the same as “thus.” Having said that, some people who write and speak English consider “thusly” to be a useless synonym for “thus.” These people don’t use the word, or they use it in a humorous manner. You don’t see the word “thusly” very often, whereas “thus” is pretty common in certain contexts.
Can “thus” be used as an exclamation?
Yes, if it is followed by a demonstration of the desired action. This applies to both written and spoken use of the word.
Student: How should we stack the books?
Teacher: Thus! [the teacher demonstrates how to stack the books on a shelf]
What is an example of a sentence where “thus” can be the last word?
“The instructor explained the correct method. I was careful to follow it thus.”

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of linguaholic.com. Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.