Through the advent of technology, emails have replaced written letters and stressful face-to-face interactions.
In correspondence, a sign-off message is an important politeness marker which serves as a closing cue to end an interaction.
Interestingly, these all-too-common sign-off messages may imply a variety of tones and meaning to the audience.
To shed light on these peculiarities, this post discusses the meaning behind the complimentary closing remark “Warmest regards” and its alternatives.
What is the meaning of “warmest regards?”
‘Warmest regards’ is an affectionate sign-off conveying goodwill in personal and professional contexts. It strikes a balance between warmth and professionalism, suitable for familiar colleagues.
“Warmest regards”: In-depth analysis
“Warmest regards” is a closing or farewell remark which is also commonly known as a complimentary close, or more technically as a valedictory statement.
Closing remarks, as much as greetings, play a significant role in written communication for their presence implies an organized manner of writing.
In contrast, the absence of these farewell messages may elicit non-observance of the fundamental writing strategies.
The expression “Warmest regards” is the author’s way of using language to deliberately wish for the welfare or good fortune of the message recipient.
Put simply, it is similar to saying “take care” or “good luck” when saying goodbye in oral conversations, which is worth-saying and hearing.
When “Warmest regards” is used in business correspondence, we can presume that the sender aims to convey a personalized tone in the message.
That said, the usage of this expression is dictated by various circumstances, which may or may not be applicable in some cases.
“Warmest regards” in business correspondence
As mentioned, the tone conveyed by “Warmest regards” contains warmth, emotion, and a sense of personalization.
This, therefore, is more applicable in outreach scenarios that are based on assistance-seeking such as in solicitation letters.
Also, it can be used when reaching out to people in the business industry whom we consider as socially familiar like business cliques.
“Warmest regards” in solicitation gratitude letters
The act of mendicancy or solicitation entails the deliberate seeking for assistance from other individuals or organizations.
Any form of assistance given, whether monetary, in kind, or in goods, deserves sincere recognition and reciprocity from the donation receiver.
This is done either to infuse or maintain a favorable relationship between the assistance seeker and provider or simply out of politeness and gratitude.
The receiving party may knowingly add a personal touch in the gratitude message to reciprocate the act of kindness provided by the other party.
Subject: Gratitude Letter for Charity Donation
We, the entire staff of KND Orphanage, would like to express our utmost gratitude for your generous financial aid amounting to $1,500.
Rest assured that your donation will be used to purchase basic necessities for our orphaned infants such as milk, reusable diapers, and washcloths.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warmest regards, Teresa
“Warmest regards” in reaching out to a business clique
Another possible scenario wherein “Warmest regards” can be used in business correspondence is when communicating with people within the “inner-circle”.
This means that the message content is likely propelled by personal intentions, as opposed to transactional or task-based reasons.
Similarly, we may use “Warmest regards” as a complimentary close when writing gratitude emails and invitations to familiar business cliques.
Dear Paul,
In honor of our 5th wedding anniversary, we are seeking for your presence in our intimate celebration with our valued friends and relatives next month.
Please know that we forever cherish your major role in our relationship. Thank you for being the main reason why I and your best friend met each other seven years ago.
Warmest regards, Amy
What are some alternatives for “warmest regards?”
Since “Warmest regards” is typically used in conveying more emotional content, it can be adjusted to other phrases to match other circumstances.
This section focuses more on the task-based or transactional message exchanges between relatively-distant business relationships.
Here are a few alternatives for “Warmest regards” that can be used in formal to neutrally-formal tones in writing emails.
“Respectfully yours”
“Respectfully yours” is a more formalistic equivalent complimentary close to “Warmest regards.”
It can be used when communicating with initial contacts, in particular, with individuals belonging in the higher hierarchical chain in business.
The initial contact stages with unknown people could make or break a business relationship, hence the necessity for increased amount of politeness.
For example, we can use it in writing a follow-up email to a rescheduled job interview but needs further details, i.e., final date and time.
Dear Ms. Elizabeth Jones,
Greetings to you, Ms. Jones! I am writing to follow up on the final date and time of my rescheduled interview in your good office, should you have the necessary details available at this point.
I was informed earlier this week that the final schedule will be provided to me by email before the week ends.
However, for some reason, I have not received any confirmatory email until now.
Your assistance in this matter is truly appreciated.
Respectfully yours,
Herbert Davis
“Kind regards”
Another expression “Kind regards” can also be conveniently used to convey a neutrally-formal or semi-casual tone, without sounding too withdrawn nor too personal.
We may also use this phrase in cases when we are undecided as to how to address the recipient, or when the relationship is either indirect or unestablished.
In a nutshell, “Kind regards” is more appropriate than “Warmest regards” in transactional emails, yet it is less impersonal than “Respectfully yours.”
We may close an email message by this remark, for example, when generally reaching out to existing clients for new product or service promotions.
Dearest Customer,
Good news! Your bank’s mobile application has added a new feature to increase account security measures. Using the new payment control system, you can now turn on or off payment transactions at your convenience.
We will continue to improve our services and make sure to regularly provide safety reminders to you.
Kind regards,
ABC Bank
“Best regards”
The third semi-formal alternative for “Warmest regards” is “Best regards” which has a relatively less formal connotation than “Kind regards.”
As opposed to the general outreach email earlier, we may want to use “Best regards” in direct email transactions.
Although slightly more casual than the previous remark, “Best regards” is one of the most commonly used closing remarks in emails.
This has been made possible because of its “friendly yet polite” connotation, therefore it can be safely used in task-based messages to colleagues and subordinates.
Dear Paula,
Please see attached file for the PowerPoint presentation you requested yesterday. This was the material used in our employee engagement training last week.
Best regards, Julia
Furthermore, it may also be observed that as the business relationship gets closer, the remark might change into even more casual, single-word variations such as “Best” or “Regards” only.
However, we also have to note the possibility that an abrupt or inconsistent change in the sign-off message could imply “coldness” or that something might have “gone wrong.”
Therefore, it would be wiser to consistently use a polite and neutrally-sounding remark at all times to avoid any unintentional misconceptions.
Frequently Asked Questions on Warmest regards in correspondence
Can I use “Best wishes” instead of “Warmest regards?”
“Best wishes” can be a good replacement for “Warmest regards” in business correspondence for as long as the relationship of the author and recipient is not socially-distant.
Can I replace “Warmest regards” with “Best regards?”
Yes, particularly if the intention is to increase the formality of the remark’s tone. “Best regards” is more formally-sounding than the former phrase, yet still contains a friendly and polite connotation.
Which is more formal, “Warmest regards” or “Kind regards?”
“Kind regards” is more formal and less personal than “Warmest regards.” It is also slightly more formal than “Best regards,” but both work perfectly well in transactional or task-based emails.
Apparently, closing remarks are responsible for keeping a good written structure in business and personal correspondence.
Although these sign-off messages seem peripherally insignificant, each specific expression does contain a variety of implications.
Hence, discretion is advised when choosing a particular remark in written business correspondence.

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.