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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. My interest for German started when I was just 14 years old. I have fond memories of it Because back then I wanted to learn it mostly because i wanted to understand the lyrics of my favorite band: Rammstein. I couldn't afford a language course yet, so I bought a German dictionary that had a couple simple lessons inside. I was so happy with it!
  2. Tanks for working so hard, guys! I really like your idea, it sounds really interesting and innovative! I'll surely give it a try one of these days, as I'm trying really hard to learn a new language I will be using very soon!
  3. I'm not sure, I prefer Duolingo for now, it seems more simple and straightforward. The only thing I like about Live Mocha is the fact they seems to have more languages available, but that's it.
  4. It definitely is worth the price if you are serious about leaning the language and only if you actually want to learn it for a good reason, like for example because you will be moving to a country where that language is spoken. Otherwise it might be a waste of money, because if you are not going to be using that language soon and need to learn it fast, then I'd take a different approach.
  5. The S word, like I like to call it is definitely a swear word, not a very strong one, but it really gets to me when I see people using that one just because. Specially in phrases like: ''the **** those people is what is making them sick''. I mean, can they be more vulgar or gross expressing like that about someone's diet! I sometimes use that word, by the way, but not like that. More like when I break something and suddenly I let that word out. Hehehe!
  6. I only use swear words when I really see fit, which is very rarely because I really dislike swearing! I don't see the reason for that, when we have so many good words to use, so why not use those to communicate with others better? Isn't like swear words will helps us get understood better.
  7. Trellum


    Is anyone here learning Dutch using Duolingo? I am! I must say it's a great start, at least while I wait to get my hands on that course I just ordered! I must say I'm so impressed with this site, so far I have been trying it out for a few days, at first I was hesitant to try it because I thought it was one of those paid sites that just showed you enough to let you hooked! Fortunately it wasn't like that! I really dislike those sites because they just give you a small taste of what they offer, not long enough to see if they're really worth it. Duolingo is just amazing, I just hope they start offering more languages! Looking forward to seeing Hebrew and Russian added there!
  8. Trellum

    'De' words

    Thank you for the correction! I missed that one! I supposed meisje was a het word because of the ''je'' ending. But to be honest that was my only clue, lol, because I can't really tell the gender of dutch words yet, I mean, for us (Spanish speakers) the gender is clear. I need to stop thinking in Spanish and more in dutch! Thanks for letting me now and glad to see you are back I hope you and I can ''chat'' in dutch over here very soon I'm trying really hard to learn it, using Duolingo right now
  9. Trellum

    Het words

    Thank you, hehehe! I'm glad you think this is a good list, it means a lot coming from a native Dutch speaker As contrast, for us Spanish speakers it's so easy to know when to use 'el'' or ''la'', and is kinda difficult to explain how or why to people learning Spanish, so I know what you mean
  10. Try Duolingo, that web site is wonderful, it's currently in its BETA phase, so it might not stay free! So you better hurry before they start charging for their amazing courses! You will not regret to give them a try... they have such a nice and intuitive way to teach.
  11. Uhm, none come to my mind right now. I guess that happens because I'm getting more and more familiar with the english language, I actually feel very confident using it. I rarely have to second guess when using a word or a phrase, unlike when I had just started using the language. Back then I thought a lot words had weird spellings, like for example ''wheeze''.
  12. Hahaha, loved the finale! I'm familiar with most of those phrases, but the third one caught me by surprise. I had never heard that one before, thank you, I'll have to add it to my overly melodramatic english idiom repertory :shy:
  13. The english language can be a bit too intense sometimes, lol. But I'm guilty of saying things like: ''I feel like dying, I haven't slept for more than 6 hours during the last 2 nights''. Yup, I find myself saying that kind of things pretty often! My favorite one is: ''I'm half dead right now, I've been in front the PC writing for so long!''. I'm a dramatic girlie, I guess.
  14. Thanks for the irregular verbs list, guys! I no longer seem to have issues with most of those verbs anymore, but I don't want to imagine what is going to be like when it's the turn of dutch irregular verbs, lol. Still, thanks a lot!
  15. I was just wondering if the admin had been thinking of adding Norwegian? I studied Norwegian some years ago and would honestly love to seeing that language added to the forum.
  16. I don't trust reviews, I know some reviews are legit, but even if they are legit I'd not trust someone who has different tastes from mine to tell me x book is good because y reason, bleh bleh. I always try to check the book before buying it, possibly read a few pages before or at least browse the whole book. I don't trust the judgment of others, because well, everyone has a different definition of what is good, we all have different standards! Plus a lot reviews are done by people who haven't even read the book. Some people get paid to make reviews. Yup, even products ones, so writing a book review wouldn't be such a weird thing for someone getting paid for that, even if she didn't read the book, but can gather come info online.
  17. Very nice song I liked it, it sounds like a very soft spoken one, really soft! Do the dutch people from the south really sound so soft spoken? I thought the ones in the north sounded kind harsh when speaking :shy: :shy:
  18. Trellum

    Het words

    I made a post covering the rules for ''De words'', I promised I'd create a post covering the Het ones, even tho they are not as used as DE, but it still is super important to know the rules. When you try to remember what article to use, if Het or De, try to remember this list, and ask yourself: ''when is ok to use HET? 1- Diminutives: -je, -tje, -etje, -pje or -mpje. 2-Infinitives as nouns - the gerund, ie: Het lopen van de hond. 3-Words ending in -um, -aat or -isme. Excepting nouns that refer to people, ie: De advocaat. 4-Words consisting of two syllables and starting with be-, ge-, ver- and ont-. 5- Languages, names of metals, words ending with -isme, -ment and words derived from verbs. 6 - Most nouns beginning with ge-, be- an ver-. 7- Compass points, ie: Het noorden (the north). 8- Gerund: Het zwemmen (Swimming). 9- Names of sports and games.
  19. Trellum

    'De' words

    You are welcome! Don't worry, I mentioned I'd add a 'HET words' list as well, and I will I actually will do it today, I just finished the list and will gladly post it here So stay tuned and check it out! And by the way, sadly isn't as simple as this: Because you need to pay attention to the word endings as well and there are some exceptions. But let's not think about the exceptions Right now all I'm doing is trying to remember those rules
  20. That's very interesting Are you planning to migrate there as well? Swedish isn't spoken in many places, only in Sweden and some parts of Finland, but that's it. I'm guessing you want to go to visit your friends to Sweden and eventually stay there? I honestly love Sweden, it's waaay cheaper than Norway... if someone manages to live close enough to the Norwegian-Swedish border, (living in the Swedish side) and work in the Norwegian one... it'd be like heaven!
  21. Oh, so sorry if I sound nosy... but you were you both on a long distance relationship? I ask because I used to be in one... those are really hard to keep alive and kicking, unless you both have immediate plants to move in together pretty quick. I learnt that the hard way, sadly. As for Sweden... I'm sure you will love to see the rest! If you have the chance go to Norway, the true beauty can be found in the Finnmark county. If you can check the aurora borealis there... if you are photographer, even an amateur one you will surely love it there...
  22. Hi guys! I found a really amazing web site the other day, the resources are completely free, I must admit the design isn't the best and a few areas seem to be incomplete, but the material is very good. Plus it free! But you can also buy a USB containing all of the contents of the site plus other extras for $30. http://www.heardutchhere.net/index.html
  23. Trellum

    'De' words

    I made a short list to remind me when DE must be used There are many cases in which 'De'' must be used, actually about 75% of words are what I like to call ''De words''. Here is a short list with useful reminders of when and what kind of words are ''De'' words. 1 - ALL plurals. 2- All the professions. 3- Obviously masculine or feminine words (there are exceptions, ie: het miesje) 4- Vegetables, fruits, plants, trees, names of mountains and rivers. 5- Nouns ending in -tie, -thie,-sie, -aar, -eur, -er and -or. 6- Words ending with: -ie, -ij, -heid, -teit, -a, -nis, -st, -schap, -de, -te, -iek, -ica, -theek, -iteit, -tuur, -stuur, -sis, -xis, -tis, -ade, -ide, -ode, -ude, -age, -ine, -se, -ea, -esse. 7 - Written out numbers and letters. If any native speaker notices a mistake, please feel free to correct me
  24. I know hat you mean! You speak Portuguese, but the words aren't spelled the same way in Portuguese as they are in Spanish! And this is why I don't agree at all with people claiming that already knowing a romance language can help you learn another language, as if this was the best and safe way to do it. When it isn't! Actually it can be more confusing, because you will find false friends, like I did when i was studying french. The spelling and overall language learning can be affected by it, and this is why when I learn a language like for example German or dutch, I try to forget I know english I pretend like this is totally new for me and never assume a word means something, until I check the dictionary.
  25. Aww, don't worry, I used to make the same mistakes with english The word order wasn't as confusing as it is for a lot Spanish speakers english tho, because I remembered the rule for that. You can do the same, just remember that if an object ends with a, the ending of the adjective to describe it will also end in a Of course this isn't right all the time, but most of the time it is Don't lose hope and go on, Spanish is full of irregularities but I'm sure you can beat them!
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