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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. I totally agree with you! I think this will be the case for me in Dutch! I really hope I don't end up insulting someone by mistake, because my pronunciation just sucks and well, you know your own language well I don't know any dutch swear word yet, but there is a huge chance I might end up insulting someone b mistake if I don't learn how certain swear words are pronounced, hehehe. I will make sure that once I learn the basic in dutch i get a list of the most common and popular swear words, as well as witty insults
  2. Totally,how else could you ever dare to say you have mastered the language? If you haven't learnt enough slang to be able to curse, then you cant say you have mastered the language or that you are really fluent in it. Let's face it, profanity is a big part of most languages, its a big chunk of what we know as ''slang'' so learning it is of vital importance. So yeah, in order to master a language you truly need to learn as much slang words and terms as possible, or else you will be leaving big voids! People needs to learn that and surely will one way or another, unless they stop using the language at all.
  3. Hahahaha! OMG! I never thought that term was so old and had been used back then. Woah... the more I learn about the english language the more it amazes me. LOL, also amused at the word dude being used back in 1883! Just amazing! I thought it might have started back in the 80's... Also amazed at LOL. The last bit did hit close to home, hehehe, I often use it that way as well. Shame on me, I know!
  4. If you are truly serious about learning the language I'd not bother with YouTube. There are many good courses out there, like for example the ''For dummies'' series or the ''Teach Yourself'' ones. If you want to get to speak the language quick then you should really try the Pimsleur method! You might not learn a lot grammar or how to spell the words with the Pimselur method, but you will surely get to speak the language fast!
  5. Eh, if you can master the pronunciation I'm sure you will have no issues with your exams in the future. Spoken exams are probably the most stressing of them all, you just need to find a way to relax before the exam, because most of the time the accumulated stress is what makes us fail at many things, including exams. Just try to relax and everything should be fine. As they said unnecessary pauses are a big no no, whenever you have a similar test also remember to speak as naturally as you can.
  6. Hi there! I hope you can still see this! I'm a fan of Pedro, I love most of his films, but the ones I really think you should watch first are: The skin I live in, all about my mother and talk to her. I think those 3 will get you all hooked up to his films! I loved those 3 films, the others are also good, but those 3 are in my opinion the best films of this guy... and of course... the best known!
  7. Ehh, of course isn't a dialect! It's a totally different language! I mean, would you think that french is a dialect of Spanish because they have words that are written in a similar way or that sound similar? Of course not! They are two different languages! Just like french and Spanish, but those 3 have a lot in common because they are romance languages. Hence the similarities.
  8. I really liked ''El Esclavo'' by Francisco J. Angel, this is probably the only books I have finished reading in only one night, that's how much I liked it. I loved the plot, I loved everything and the way it makes you change your perception of life and death. I loved it, it makes you see life in a different way. I heard about it thanks to my cousin, he was going to a therapist because he tried to kill himself, the therapist asked him to read this book. He liked it so much he recommended it to me and here I am
  9. Heheheh, well done! You seem to have a lot goals Good for you! Hahahahaha, I laughed at the bit where you said you'd like to learn Spanish so you can rub it on your boyfriend's face, lol. That sounds like something I'd do, lol! As for the funeral director career choice... good for you! I personally would never like to have anything to do with funerals and dead people, but it's great you have very clear what you want to do. I never really had so clear in my mind what I really wanted to do and that's why I could never decide properly.
  10. That sounds like a really nice goal, Traveler Best of luck learning the language and finding a good job in Mexico! I think you will really appreciate the Mexican culture and cooking. There are many beautiful señoritas in Mexico, if you want to find a truly beautiful one head to the north of Mexico That's the best place to find the really beautiful señoritas!
  11. Aww, that's so very sweet! I'm doing the same, but with dutch instead of Spanish I understand what you mean, there is no better way to communicate with your significant other than his or her mother language. Best of luck learning Spanish, isn't the easiest language ever... the verb conjugations are a pain in the.... but with the help of your partner I'm sure you will do it
  12. Uhm truly Mexican cartoons? Well, those are the only ones I can think of right now: This cartoon is based on a very loved Mexican TV show, an old one. It was known as ''Chespirito''. It's actually an American series, but it's supposed to be very representative of Mexican culture... in a very exaggerated way, of course, lol. But you can find it in Latino American Spanish for sure. This one is named ''Mucha Lucha'', also an American cartoon that is more like a mock of the lucha culture in Mexico, but I really enjoyed it as a kid. You can find it in Latino American Spanish too.
  13. You could do the way the 2,000 words method is intended to be, then what would be the point? Just focus on learning the most used verb conjugations and words, if you do that then kudos! You can go on and learn more. Believe me, I did the same with english and thanks to that I just kept on learning more and more words and verbs. Try not to think too much about it and just do the things. Sometimes thinking too much about something instead of doing it can ruin it all. Just make a run for it!
  14. Thanks a lot for sharing this, I'll check it out right away! I really love learning thru flash cards, because I'm a very visual person, but I also need to write and hear in order to learn something new tho I hope they also have flash cards to learn the most popular languages, the language I'm learning right now isn't very popular tho, but I'm sure I'll find it there.
  15. I have no issues in that department to be honest, I only seem to have issues when I go back to my country and start speaking my language... I often use words in english instead. I don't do it on purpose tho. This is something most people don't understand ,specially most people in my country, since there are few bilingual people here.
  16. Uhm, you mean and audio books that comes with the transcription of the course? Gee, that's hard! Maybe you should try a standard course that comes with audio. But most audio books are just that audio books, but I understand your predicament... I was learning dutch with an audio book, but felt really frustrated because the course doesn't even come with a transcription of at least the phrases and vocabulary used in each lesson. Major bummer.
  17. Isn't the teaching method that is old-fashioned, it's the graphic of her software, which is understandable, because it was created back in the 90's. So no wonder it looks so old-fashioned If I was learning Swedish I'd surely use her software, after all the graphics aren't everything, also when it comes to video games
  18. Yeah, please do. Her software isn't so bad, most of her software comes in the shape of a game, so you play while you learn. The design might be a bit outdated but that means nothing when it comes to how effective it is. Trust me. Plus it's free, lol, what else could someone ask? She decided to make it freeware, but back in the 90's it wasn't freeware, so that says something
  19. Not studying German right now, but when I was younger I really wanted to learn it. It was the first language I developed a honest interest for, but I never learned it. I started feeling interested in other languages, but I was planning to learn it later. I guess my main motivation back then was listening music in German, my fav band was ''Rammstein'' back then. I wanted to understand their songs so badly!
  20. Yeah, I think German should be one of the many languages that should be offered at school. The children would benefit from learning more languages, it's kinda boring that almost everywhere in the US they offer Spanish and french, ugh, a lot kids already know Spanish from their parents. I say... why not expand the kid's horizon and teach them something new? That would surely make a huge difference.
  21. I personally love the Rosetta Stone method, but I know a lot people out there hate it... I think that's mostly because it is so expensive, but if you have the cash for it then it's a great idea! For real! There are way cheaper options out there, but the Rosetta Stone method is really effective, I love the program (I have the Hebrew one) it's very interactive and you will surely learn with it. But of course it really depends on the kind of learner you are, if you are very visual and auditive, then you'll surely benefit from it!
  22. When learning a new language learning the alphabet has never been my first step. I learnt english by just listening and repeating; using it as much as possible. So if it was me teaching my kids the first thing I'd do is introduce them to the spoken language and make them feel eager to learn it! I'd then make some materials for them, teach them a few useful phrases, the basic verbs and words, after that I'd teach them some new vocabulary. Once all that is done I'll make them use the language as much as possible! Because there is no way you can master a language unless you practice it.
  23. I'm learning a language that is a lot like German, but I can honestly say I envy those who have to learn German instead, since this language I'm learning... let's say the spelling makes no freaking sense. I totally hate the pronunciation; makes no sense! So by the time I learn this I'll be able to understand some German I think I'll understand what most German people say.
  24. I know a few: ''Money talks'' - This basically means there are many people out there who will do just about anything for money. ''Money is the root of all evil'' - Literally! ''It takes money to make money'' - Ever heard of the rich getting richer? ''A fool and his money are soon parted'' - It basically means that slow people will always find a way to spend their money on useless things or not so useless, but still. ''Throw good money after bad'' - To waste additional money after wasting money once.
  25. Do you feel stressed even a few days before it? I do! But I try to see it positively, because feeling that way makes me want to hurry up and review everything I have studied, just to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. There are times tho... when you have to just hope for the best (when you didn't manage to understand or learn everything you had to for the exam)and just go for it.
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