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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. It depends on why I'm taking the exam If it's an exam I need to pass in order to be considered for a job, then I get a bit nervous, if it's an academic thing then not at all. I really don't like the timed exams tho, they always make me feel nervous and I end up freezing for several minutes, even if the question isn't that hard. I don't do well with exams that aren't multiple choice, not at all! I need a reminder of what I studied
  2. That's so exciting, congrats on the trip! I'm sure they will have a lot fun over there, sadly I don't know of any Thai freeware Thai software. I'm not even sure I've hear of a Thai software for kids (Thai isn't a very popular language to learn). But if I find something I'll let you know!
  3. I was just 16 years old or so, I started learning English without even learning it or even thinking it. I just felt this urge to try to learn a few words and see if I could communicate with others. That's why I started hanging out around yahoo chat, listening to what the people said and paying attention to what others wrote there. I then started writing to people around the world, my pen pals. It was fun. After that I tried instant messaging.
  4. Wow! It seems Russian is a really complex language, in my language we also distinguish the different colors as well We have different words to differentiate different color shades It's interesting to learn in Russian they have the same! It'll be an interesting experience to learn this language Thanks for sharing the story of the Russian flag!
  5. Too bad I was abroad when you posted this I did watch the Olympic games In the home where I was staying they loved watching skating on the TV. I didn't like it that much tho, but I did watch it from time to time! I couldn't understand a word of it tho, but I did enjoy watching it! Thanks for the vocabulary list, I hope you decide to come back anytime soon, I truly appreciate your cultural lessons!
  6. I loved your quotes I'll use one of them (the love/hate one) in Skype, I loved it and find it to be so true. So far I think Russian people must be so cultured and very educated people, in my country on one reads and couldn't care less about author quotations, let alone be a sign of status. The more I learn about the Russian society the more in love I fall with it and the more I want to learn it
  7. Awesome! Russian people do really sound ie my kind of people! The fact people are expected to really say what is going on in their life when asked ''How are you?'', speaks volumes of the Russian people To me it means Russian people are in a way more social and open we actually are. I've always complained about the fact most people here in the west always throw their ''how are you'' as a mere formality, not caring at all about the answer, and if a person dared to give a long and honest answer they'd instead get a weird look or an awkward reaction.
  8. Hi Christina! It's so nice of you to come here and offer your help to all those who might be interested in learning Hungarian, sadly learning that language isn't in my plan. It might in the future, but not now. What abut you? Are you looking to learning a new language?
  9. Not at all, I thought TV was bad enough for that, but music? It's way worse! Specially for arabic, but it can help a little bit if you already know arabic and are just trying to enjoy some music (you can understand most words if you are good enough), you can use it as a confirmation... just that's it! I recommend a more serious method... like for example an online course or taking a course at a local school, maybe an embassy?
  10. Eh, not sure! I mean, it might help to hear arabic on TV, but not much really. I know because the TV didn't help me that much learning english. It was all about practicing and learning some words in the written form for me, but of course everyone learns different. Some are more visual than auditive, others learn better by writing, other needs to put more emphasis on practicing...
  11. Context, it's all about the context when it comes to the written form. I love Swedish tho, it might seem like a very complex language to some, but it really isn't so bad, specially if you like the language as much as I do I say: If you want to learn a language, no matter how hard it is, but if you really have the desire to do so... you can do it! If you really want to go for it, then do it! Just make sure to get as much materials (online) as you can, and also try to socialize with Swedish people online.
  12. I honestly dislike live mocha! There are far better online platforms to learn languages out there. Much much better ones! I haven't checked if some of the ones I used in the past also offer Finnish tho. Your best option would be to order a course online: book and audio CDs. I tried that approach and it worked for me. You could get the Rosetta Stone software as well or Pimsleur.
  13. Awesome post! I love the fat you don't only introduce to us the words in Russian, but also include an approximate pronunciation. That's amazing, kinda sad to see you are no longer active on here I hope you come back here and see some people on here really appreciate your effort! To be honest the only thing that kinda confused me and even scared me was the ''declensions'' part. It was really confusing, but I guess I will really be able to tell once I start studying Russian.
  14. Yes, I have. I have found in several tests when I have applied for different jobs in the past. Some were extremely easy and obvious, but others were a real challenge. I hated those! But I guess they are necessary, after all they want to make sure you are a good writer and can use the language well. That doesn't make that kind of questions more pleasant tho
  15. OMG!!!!!!! I love your post!!!!!!!! It's so full of a lot cultural information, I have learnt a lot today thanks to you. The aspect that makes learning Russian really attractive is learning more about their rich culture. For some reason I really dig Russian culture! I love to learn more and more about it! I'll definitely be learning the language as a hobby once I have time to have a hobby
  16. I'll never get tired to say I really love your posts, but it seems you are no longer active in the forum, russian_pianist I hope you come back soon, your posts and overall effort are really appreciated! I'm starting to dig in more and more the idea of learning Russian once I'm done learning dutch! Thanks to you Thanks for another great post!
  17. Thanks for another amazing post I love your cultural notes and the way you include a lot vocabulary I might go to Russian on a holiday in the future, we will definitely go to the theater! I really love going to the theater, but most of our plays here are more like a joke! I'm sure Russian plays are awesome, when I think of Russian I often think of it as a place full of interesting cultural things, great plays, great shows, etc.
  18. Awesome! I'll definitely check this out when I have the time! This is the first time I read one of your posts and I must say I loved your post! I loved the fact you included a big bit of Russian culture, because when learning a language I believe that learning about the culture where the language is spoken is important too. I find Russian mentality interesting, so it's so nice to hear what a Russian native has to say! Love it! I've felt curious about Russian for a while, once I'm done learning dutch and I get enough time I'll surely try to learn Russian (and Hebrew), I truly hope to see you around here then
  19. Just like in the title, yes, I was thinking today it'd be nice to learn some Russian once I have the time, I'd also like to learn colloquial Hebrew. All this would be after I'm done learning dutch and I have enough time, so no idea when or how this is going to happen, but I feel really motivated right now! I love the idea! I really think this forum has served of inspiration to bring back that enthusiasm I once felt for learning languages jut for the sake of knowing a new language, but I know it would require a lot of work, patience, but overall... practice! I'd like like to know if there are things I should consider before even trying to learn Russian tho, hopefully someone here can tell me.
  20. I had the same motivators to learn language when was younger, well, back then I thought I just wanted to learn languages just for the fun of it, but in retrospective I really wanted to know other languages so I could watch movies and series in their native language, plus my main interest was being able to communicate with people who spoke other languages. Sadly life got in the way, I grew up and woke up to smell the coffee and see my life was a really busy one, there was no time to spend it on learning a bunch of languages just because; I had to keep myself focused on my career and social life. Now I'm trying to learn a language which isn't easy because I got no time and motivation to do it, but I know I really have to try.
  21. I honestly like English a lot and have always had. I like the fact it sounds so natural, no weird accents or sounds, English can be such a neutral language! But my mother language (Spanish) really isn't. I dislike the way it sounds! I just don't like the way it sounds, those weird accents and sounds. It's hard to write a perfect Spanish, but it is possible to write in perfect english. Spanish is so full of ambiguity... English not so much!
  22. Hi there! I'm a native Spanish speaker and let me tell you I don't take offense at your comment, in fact I agree with what you said, lol. I just don't understand why some people think Spanish sounds so incredibly beautiful, to me it doesn't at all. I very much prefer English, I feel much better when speaking English than Spanish. When I speak Spanish I feel weird, I feel like even my voice sounds so weird when I speak it, but when I speak English it sounds so nice and natural to me. I have no idea why, but I find it easier to communicate deep and complex ideas in English than in Spanish, I can do it in a more concise way!
  23. Oh my, I actually have to learn Dutch but I'm not that happy or even motivated about it. I wish I felt the same way you do about that language, but I don't. Maybe it's because I barely have any time to dedicate it to learning the language or maybe because deep down I might be a bit afraid of failure... or maybe because I just don't like the way it sounds and how difficult it is for me to spell most words right, hehehehe!
  24. Same here, I feel the same way for french and have no idea why people like it so much! I don't understand what the big fuzz is about to be honest. But I guess it's all about icons and romanticism linked to France and the french language and culture. I'm not totally against it or anything like that, it's just I just don't find it that attractive at all.
  25. Oh yeah, Dutch humor doesn't crack me up not even one bit. And yeah, I'm sure isn't about the language, not that much (but it makes it worse), it's more about their humor being different to our humor. Dutch humor is actually kinda odd, it's hard to really grasp it! I have tried more than once, but I really can't! I wonder if other immigrants feel the same way I do! I bet they do! I miss the sense of humor of my country!
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