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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. It is for me too, I don't like covers that have a 80's design, like really old fashioned, but I feel so drawn to antique looking ones though. I like nice covers, but not too ostentatious. I like simple covers, mot too ostentatious, but also not looking like a 5 year old designed it.
  2. Totally! I mean, what about someone who is black has lived all his or her life around white people only? He or she will want to use both black and white characters, maybe Asians, why not? She is familiar with both black and white people, so why not add Asians too? I'm so happy not many writers are like that.
  3. I understand what you are saying, e-books are not ideal if you are looking to have an in depth reading. I prefer physical books or even e-books, because you can easily take notes. After all what's the point of reading if you don't get to fully grasp the main idea of a book. That's why I don't like e-books.
  4. This applies to other languages as well, OP. Practicing is the key to truly learn a language, because if you don't, then it's very easy to forget all the things you have learnt. A language requires the active participation of the learner. Thanks a lot for sharing this site with us, I'll recommend it to my SO!
  5. Hi! Well, no problem at all. I can easily understand what spaniards, mexicans, colombians and others try to say to me all the time. The differences aren't big at all when it comes to listening and speaking it, but it's totally different if you are trying to pass a spelling or grammar test. You guys will do fine! Just try to learn as much spanish as possible before the trip!
  6. Same here! Duolingo is really worth its weight in gold, it amuses me the site is free and doesn't require you to purchase anything... yet. I'm using it to learn dutch and I must say I'm really amazed!
  7. It's so nice to meet a dutch person trying to learn my language! If you need a language partner let me know, I'm currently trying to learn Spanish and wouldn't mind to get a language buddy. If you need someone to practice your Spanish language with, then let me know. I'm looking to do the same with dutch. As for your question... join Duolingo! That site is just amazing!!
  8. Don't lose hope, sadly Spanish is a language that is kinda tricky and hard to learn for people whose mother language isn't a romance language. Just keep trying! Try using a site like Duolingo, it's free for now, but who knows for long it will continue that way, so try to check it out as soon as you can.
  9. Hi there, OP! I have a similar story to share... the way I learn english was very immersive and natural I had no idea what I was doing back then to be honest, I just knew I wanted to be able to talk with more people online, for that I needed to learn English. I started using Yahoo chats, sit there, look at the things people wrote and hear what they said. After a while I started searching for language buddies, I wrote emails to them, we kept doing this for a while. I learnt by making a lot mistakes and having them corrected
  10. No doubt about it! If a person isn't a language learning enthusiast, who is also presented with the choice of learning a new language said person isn't even interested in, then for sure that person will get frustrated. You are so right! But when the incentive is good enough, and you are forced to learn... a good and attractive language course can be the key Nothing worse than boring thick boo with a bunch of grammatical rules!
  11. Awesome suggestion! You are right about the context and that's why using a dictionary or an app won't really help her to memorize the new words. Reading things both offline and online is really helpful to learn new words I always check the words i don't get!
  12. I understand your concern, OP, but in all honesty I don't think an app could be the absolute answer. For me a better way for you to learn more new words is to simple read more, read books and magazines, once you find a word you don't understand highlight it, then search it online. No better way to learn new words than this, believe me. Keep a list of those words nearby, as a reminder.
  13. Eh, that's a tricky question, I really think it depends what you consider learning a language, I mean... what level? I have managed to learn some dutch in a matter of few days, I still have a lot to learn tho, but I'm doing very well. I'm guessing it will take me a few months to get to a conversational level and hopefully master most aspects of it.
  14. Aw! I wish we wre studying the same language over there, I don't have any language learning buddies over there. I might try posting a similar thread on here and other sites, so I can get some language learning buddies over there, because right now I'm all alone.
  15. I'm so excited, their Swedish language course is 99% complete! They are also going to add other languages: Turkish, Hungarian, Polish, Russian and Romanian. How I wish they added Hebrew to the list, it would be a dream come true, but I'm actually very happy to see Russian in that list I'll surely go learn it there! Are you happy about the news? Is the language you want to learn in the list? What language would you like to be added to the list?
  16. I recommend you to wait for Duolingo, they are going to release a Swedish course that will surely be as good as their other courses. So fr their Dutch course has taught me so much! I really recommend them, but not sure how long they'll continue to be free, I guess once the BETA is over. So if I were you I'd hurry!
  17. Here is a short list of professions in Dutch, if you'd like to add a few more words you know, please feel free to do so, because it would be great others could use this list as a reference Male: Female: acteur actrice Actor toneelspeler toneelspeelster Actor (stage) bakker bakster Baker boekhandelaar boekhandelaarster Bookseller schrijver schrifster Writer boekhouder boekhoudster Bookkeeper dokter Doctor tandarts Dentist kassajongen kassameisje Cashier slager Butcher ingenieur Engineer rechter Judge advocaat Lawyer journalist journaliste Journalist kapper kapster Hairdresser postbode Mail man monteur Mechanic kantoormedewerker kantoormedewerkster Office worker verpleger verpleegster Nurse muzikant muzikante Musician officier Officer schilder schilderes Painter fotograaf fotografe Photographer verkoper verkoopster Salesperson secretaris secretaresse Secretary zanger zangeres Singer soldaat Soldier chirurg Surgeon leraar Teacher
  18. Trellum

    'De' words

    Ah!!!!!!!!!! That explains it all!!!! So, the diminutive -je ending was added to make it more clear we are talking about a small girl! Like in the sentence ''Het meisje is een kind''. I have a lot to learn, this language is really tricky! I'm still trying to find my way around, but I have to make it! I'm going hardcore on this! But tell me something... maybe as a native speaker you can explain it... When is ok to use ''Je'' instead of ''Jiij''? I'm still having a hard time with that, I really don't see the difference sometime, specially with ''Ze'' and ''We''.
  19. Awesome site! I just checked it out really fast, it looks really good! You site really seems to have a lot potential. Thank you so much for investing all that time and effort on this, I have already bookmarked your web site... I'll be using it a lot in the future for sure! Might use it for english as well!
  20. OMG!!!!! Your idea is just brilliant! Please let us know when your app is out, I definitely love the idea of being suggested different conversation topics, so I can talk about it with someone else and feel basically o pressure while practicing a language. Your idea is just brilliant, love it! I have never heard of a similar idea, best of luck with your app, you are obviously a genius
  21. I honestly don't like using YouTube to learn languages, specially not fr the language I'm currently studying, because I have already found a great way to study it! YouTube can be a great place to find some additional material, so I'd not say it's totally useless for me. I'll most likely go there to when I need to hear different accents and need to improve my listening skills.
  22. Woah, as soon as I read this I thought about all those LDR that couldn't be because of the language barrier. This could be a great thing, could mean more opportunities for a lot people, people who might not have had those opportunities because of the language barrier. Like for example some business people who had to hire a professional translator to communicate with other business partner.
  23. Use the Duolingo app, they have an app for android, I'm sure of that. If the app is as wonderful as the web site, then you will be in for a really great learning experience! Give it a try! I'm downloading it right now so I can practice dutch on the go They also offer french and a few other languages, they'll be offering more soon
  24. I totally love Duolingo, I'm actually thinking of tell my SO to use it as well, he said he'd like to learn Spanish and to be honest I really think he could learn so much using Duolingo! Everything about that site is magnificent, I love the simple approach of the site...
  25. I totally love Duolingo, they've added a lot languages already and are going to add Swedish. I wonder how much it's going to cost to use the site in the future? I hope isn't too expensive, I really like their method, better than that Mocha site... it's so complicated in comparison!
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