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Everything posted by Trellum

  1. You could watch the movie I just watched, the french in the movie was very clear and great for students! I'm talking about ''La vie en Rose''. It's a 2007 movie about Edith Piaf, I had heard some of her songs before, so I thought of watching it! I was very happy about it, it was a very enjoyable movie! She was nothing like I expected her to be, but that's a good thing, she was temperamental like most artists, but she never forgo her dad and best friend, she helped her dad til he died. That tells me she was a good person. Watch it, I even enjoyed the french in the movie
  2. I really like the word ''Soir'', I liked it when I head someone say in a movie ''ce soir...''. I thought it sounded very cool and mysterious at the same time. I like how different the way is written is from the way it's pronounced. So cool!
  3. Yo tambén pienso en lo que está pasando en Africa y en en mundo, me pregunto si en realidad todo está bajo control aqui en américa o si la situación no es buena. Al parecer no ha habido nuevos casos de Ebola ultimamente en USA, eso me tranquiliza
  4. I did it a long time ago It was fascinating! I just love everything about those countries, I think my fascination started with their mythology tho, even to this day I hold in a very high esteem those countries (specially Norway). I was so lucky to have been to those countries before and I truly hope I can see at least Norway once again. I'm dying to see the Aurora Borealis.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your relationship being over, but glad to hear you are still learning the language! I also love Scandinavian countries, I really like Norway and Sweden, those two are my favorite countries! I was learning Norwegian for a while, I wanted to do the same with Swedish, but life got in the way. What did you like most about Sweden?
  6. There actually are plenty of Latin apps out there ! Yep, totally contrary to the belief that there aren't Latin apps out there, one of my fav one is ''Latin Trainer''. You could also try ''Learn Latin'' and ''Latin Phrases''. Those are really helpful apps You can find them on the Play store easily.
  7. I truly think there is no way to calculate a fixed rate. I'd dare to say learning Latin can help to understand and even learn other romance languages, but not much, since the spellings are so different.
  8. As far as I know ''vosotros'' is only used in Spain, it basically mean ''Ustedes'', sometimes ''Vosotras'' is used as well, it's the feminine form In Latin America they only use ''Vos'', but never vosotros and many countries in Latin America don't even use ''Vos''.
  9. Then odds are your teacher wasn't very professional. Because the norm is giving your class in the language you are trying to teach, if you start giving in and use english sometimes, then the students will surely get note and will not stop using their mother language to make questions and apparently make everything easier for themselves in the short-term, but in the long term ruining their own learning experience.
  10. As a former teacher I can tell you this is for the own good of the student, actually speaking in the language you are trying to teach is very desirable, because if you start giving the students to speak english, then they might end up using it way too often. It's better they make an extra effort and learn to communicate only in Spanish, even if they have to use body language. This is a very normal thing to do and it often shows the professionalism of the teacher.
  11. Heh, you'd be surprised, but shoes or ''zapatos'' have different names in some places in Latin America. Some people call them ''tacos'', ''calzado'', ''chapines'', ''chanclas'', etc. In my country we use both calzado, zapatos y chanclas. If you want to know the name of the different kind of shoes and how we call them here, then check this out: Shoes in Spanish Botas = boots Sandalias = Sandals Huaraches = Sandals but mostly to wear around home. Botines = short boots Tacones = High heels Tenis = Sneakers Zapatillas = Flats
  12. Eh, this should be quite obvious for anyone studying Spanish... but oh well. Es and está are two different things and both are valid when used in their own context. In this case when you say ''El cuchillo está limpio'' you are stating the knife is clean right now, which is ok because we are talking about an OBJECT and its current state. ''El cuchillo es limpio'' sounds so weird, and is never really used like that, but if instead of ''Cuchillo'' you use ''Raúl'', then it is right to use ''es'' because you are saying Raúl is a clean person. It's also right to use ''Está'' when talking about a person, because you are saying ''Raúl'' is clean right now, and not talking about a positive trait.
  13. Thank you for the link I bookmarked it already! I'll give it a try! Sad to see Dutch isn't included, but it ill surely come in handy for english and Spanish Thanks for sharing! By the way, I just checked the forum and it's just amazing, I just wish they added DUTCH.
  14. Why not to try finding some language exchange partner at Polyglot? I think that's the best way you can learn and practice a language, by learning I basically mean brush up your french But it's almost like learning again, but way easier than actually learning something form the start.
  15. I agree with you! I could say the same about french rap, lol. So sorry fans of french rappers, but rap in french sounds so odd to me, kinda funny and silly, hehehe! Their movies aren't the worst tho, I believe the movies from my country are far worse, which is sad because some decades ago our cinema was really good. Now we no longer have idols, not like they did back when my mom was a little girl.
  16. I have told my boyfriend the second one a lot in english, he has done the same I remember trying to learn French some years ago, and I kinda did! I had met a Lebanese guy, he spoke french and arabic, but I obviously wasn't going to learn arabic, lol, since it's too hard! But french sounded like a wonderful idea! I did learn some, I remember learning a few of those phrases you mentioned Sadly the language and cultural differences were too much and we didn't last together.
  17. Call me crazy, but the only french singer I like right now is ''Lolita''. Here is a video of my fav song: I've all the mixes and remixes of this song I love electronic music, the first time I heard this I was just amazed!
  18. For me it would be: Bob’s your uncle - A weird way to say ''there you go!'' Hairy at the heel - Someone who is either dangerous or untrustworthy. If you’ll pardon my French - I think everyone knows this one already, I've always wondered why they use ''french'' and not another language? I guess it sounds better? Chew the fat - It basically means to have a chat. A weird idiom if you ask me.
  19. My fav one is the first one I have done a lot things to the hilt, hehehe! ''war of words'' seems to be such a relevant idiom right now, just like ''turf war'', I think we are seeing a lot of that lately. Just look at Putin and his threats to the west! Many say it's all talking, a word of wars, I hope so!
  20. Eh, the title of your post is kinda odd! You mean dialects of different languages? If so, well, just studying both simultaneously do, but it varies from dialect from dialect. For me it would be easier to learn catalan than learning let's say sorani or kumanji! I think it's really about learning the main language first, then moving onto the second one.
  21. Hehehehe! Yeah, I used to have problems with that too, amazingly enough there are a lot people who have issues with that. But the ''tildes'' are important, I mean just look at this: It made me laugh! But it is true, actually the tildes can change the whole sentence a lot, also where you put the commas and so on. I actually don't have the best punctuation, my education was weak in that department, I should have paid more attention.
  22. I hear ya, Spanish comes with a lot tenses and conjugations it's ridiculous, fortunately we don't use all of them! I mean, some of them are just so archaic and no longer in use, so much you'd sound ridiculous if you did. I guess they will weed out those tenses in the future, since they are rarely used nowadays. Great to hear you found that site, I'll mention it to my so. It will come in handy if he ever get serious and decides to learn the language
  23. Woah, that sounds rather ambitious and cool! I like it I've always wanted to work in the dubbing business, is it really hard to get into it? I hope you are successful, the things you want to do once you speak Spanish well sound so interesting!
  24. In most cases the ''Yo'' isn't that necessary at all, but sometimes is added to reinforce what you are saying, like in this case: Yo soy espiritual. The ''yo'' should really be there, at least to put more emphasis on that fact, but ''Soy espiritual'' is also fine, it sounds weaker tho. Don't worry about it, the ''yo'' is barely used most of the time, specially when the conversation is barely informal.
  25. Hey there! Not interested in polish, but I really think this forum should add as many languages as possible I mean, who knows, maybe someone interested in polish might sign up here tomorrow, but might lose interest if she or he see there is no sub forum dedicated to the polish language Personally, not interested in polish I've heard it's such a hard language and not many chances to use it, unlike other languages. But it sounds beautiful
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