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      Best ways to learn vocabulary - Page 2 | English Vocabulary Jump to content

      Best ways to learn vocabulary


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      When I was younger I was quite fascinated with the family dictionary. I would just be flipping around, looking for strange or funny words. It really improved my descriptive ability and gave me the flexibility to be loquacious.

      Word games are great for testing words you already know. Word jumbles and word searches are popular ones, as is the crossword though that is more trivia than vocabulary.

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      I agree that reading is probably one of the best ways to learn vocabulary, particularly, comic books. I think it's better to see characters interacting as opposed to just whole walls of text, since with character conversations and interactions, you get to know context a lot more and the examples you get from it are closer to practical usage.

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      In my opinion, I think the best way to study new words as vocabulary is write it down on the sticker and stick it every where in your room or your house as much as possible.

      I tried that way when i began to study English. I wrote the words, the meaning, practice pronounce those words everywhere and everytime.

      More over, you should take English class with the foreigner teacher, I'm pretty sure your speaking skill will improve a lots.  When you talk with your teacher about new words, it would be easier to remember those words than you study by yourself. And remember that if you do not know how to pronouce, you can use internet or electronic dictionary to check them.

      Hope my answer helps your skill.

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      The best way to learn vocabulary has to be reading. And I don't mean sitting with the dictionary next to you searching for the explanation of every word in the novel that you don't understand. Read the sentences and try to understand the context in which the word is being used. This way the word will be embedded in your mind and you can use it in your day to day life. Although you need to have intermediate vocabulary before you can do this.

      Rote learning new vocabulary is a no-no. You might remember the word and the meaning for a while but if you can't use it in a sentence it becomes pointless. If you have found out a new word, try using it in a conversation atleast 5-6 times in a day. Good luck!

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      Whenever I am reading and I had read a word that is new to me, I will get my notepad then write it down and research the meaning of that word from whatever source be it in a dictionary or in the internet. After that I try to memorize the word again and again until it is already stored in my brain. This is my way to learn and understand a new vocabulary easily and fast. :)

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      • 1 month later...
      • 3 weeks later...
        On 7/28/2013 at 12:26 PM, dtommy79 said:


      What do you think are the best and most effective ways for an adult learner to learn English vocabulary?

      I'm especially interested in beginners.


      1. learn the sound each letter in the alphabet makes

      2. always have a dictionary on hand(to search for word meanings)

      3. keep a notebook on hand to write down words and there meanings

      4. learn part of speech and their uses. eg. verbs are action or doing words

      5. practice speaking and writing standard English at all time so it becomes the norm and everyday way of life.

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      I believe that the best way to learn vocabulary is to write down new words as you come across them :cool:. Then use them to make new sentences and be sure to use them in your conversations :smile:.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      The most efficient way to learn vocabulary is to read everything you can. It is especially helpful to read things that interest you so that you can stay motivated and attentive. Every time you come across a new word you don't know, look it up and keep track of it. There are plenty of ways to learn vocabulary, but they can be pretty boring. Reading can keep you interested and it's pretty easy.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      I think the best way to learn vocabulary is by picking a few words that you want to learn and then integrating these words into your every day speech.  That way you remember what the word is, its meaning and how to use it in a sentence.

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      There's a website that can help you build you vocabulary fast.

        Quote helps you learn new words, play games that improve your

      vocabulary, and explore language.

      IMO, this is the best way because you not only get to see the words you're learning used in a number of different sentences but since you see the words you're learning frequently, it's hard not to remember them.

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      The most popular way to increase your vocabulary has always been to keep looking up meaning of new words which you might come across in your daily life. This is a very effective method which has been tried and tested over the years. I would also recommend reading some books like, Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, which have a number of exercises for increasing your vocabulary.

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      • 2 months later...

      This is a classic advice that I would be giving. The best way to learn and expand your vocabulary is through reading and application. You must read a lot so you get to encounter a lot of words. And those words that you've encountered, you have to apply them of course, so your memory will hold tighter on them. It's preferred that you apply or use the words 10 times for you to be able to use them simultaneously.

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      Flashcards. Flashcars is the best method of learning anything new in a language if you ask me. Of course learning processes are very individual, and the best way for you is something you got to discover for yourself... But personally I learn insanely quickly by using flashcards, even from the first time seeing them I learn the quickest with flashcards.

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