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      Are there any techniques to help me memorize words? | Language Learning Jump to content

      Are there any techniques to help me memorize words?


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      As the title says, is there any techniques to help me memorize more words?

      I don't have a great memory, so memorizing the vocabulary of a language is always so difficult for me. I've read about a few memory techniques, such as mnemonics and acronym. Can these techniques be applied to language learning? If yes, are they effective?

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      I used to put pics including the world all around the house when I studied for German tests at school.

      I put some sticky notes picturing words on my desk, fridge, above the bed. It really helped me, especially with more difficult words. Maybe you could give it a go :)

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        On 11/9/2013 at 11:06 PM, IssamH said:


      As the title says, is there any techniques to help me memorize more words?

      I don't have a great memory, so memorizing the vocabulary of a language is always so difficult for me. I've read about a few memory techniques, such as mnemonics and acronym. Can these techniques be applied to language learning? If yes, are they effective?

      My technique is called "repetition". Sometimes I think I do it until my heard starts to ache. Despite this, I know it works well. I also find that if I can get a tape/CD/recording with the words to repeat the words to me, then I will be able to catch on very well.  :grin:

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      I believe the best technique to be writing. Reading is also good when it comes down to expanding your general capacity of words, but it isn't as good as writing when it comes down to memorizing them. If you practice writing  and get your 'creations' checked at the end you could easily spot which words you often misspell. Once you know where to focus, the only thing you should do is pay attention when you write and/or pronounce that specific word.

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      The best way to learn new vocabularies would be repetition. What I usually do is find a new word, then look up the meaning in the dictionary, write it down. Then find a way to pronounce the word, which can be done through some of the online programs or websites that offer pronunciations. Then make a few sentence off the word you're studying. The last thing is write repeatly until you finally memorize the word. Writing down the words and the definitions will help you to memorize the words as you're writing down.

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        On 11/10/2013 at 2:53 PM, Lin said:

      My technique is called "repetition". Sometimes I think I do it until my heard starts to ache. Despite this, I know it works well. I also find that if I can get a tape/CD/recording with the words to repeat the words to me, then I will be able to catch on very well.  :grin:

      hehe, well it's the best technique till date  :wink::tongue: I myself learn words in batches and repeat them, I then move on to the next batch and then come back to the previous batch to see if I still remember the words or not. Practice makes a man perfect, so I practice until I learn the word  :devil:

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      The best way to learn and practice new words (for me) has been making lists of words by categories.  Like for example verbs related to cooking, once I get that list I try to use those new words as much as possible.  Building phrases on a notebook with them can be really helpful as well! 

      You can create your own methods, but this one is great for people who are more the memorizing by writing type.  If you are not, then you can create your own cards with images and text.  Then print them, I use that special material they sell at the stationery stores to coat my cards and protect them, this material comes with a special glue.

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      Thank you all for your suggestions!

      Yeah, I find repetition useful too. Whenever I want to remember something I just naturally keep repeating it, but sometimes it just doesn't work. No matter how many times I've repeated a word, I just keep forgetting it, that's why I was wondering if there is something else I can do to help.

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      I often associate words with familiar language so it's easier for me to recall. For example, "oyahou", is Japanese for "good morning", so I remembered it as "Oh, hi, you!" in English, and I imagined it as something you'd say in the morning. I never forgot it since. Good luck!

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      Some previous comments have mentioned it already but am just gonna take the advantage and say it again. Pictures work well with me. Funny thing though, as much as the pictures work so well with my poor memory on languages that is not the case with people and their names. I can see you dozen times but still forget your name but I deal with that by avoiding calling you by name if am not sure of it. :smile:

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      This is a very succesful technics to memorize new words.

      The new word have to be in sentences. Never learn words alone! It's good to read a series of different sentences introducing 1 new world. Actually each sentence of the group contain the new word. After repete the group of centences 3- 10 ways , you can repeat the same exercise with an other new word. 

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      Like other people here have said, I find repetition to be the best way to memorize things. Try flash cards for the words and definitions. I'd also recommend writing out sentences using the new words to see them in a different way.

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      One of the best strategies is to create flashcards with pictures on them. That way, whenever you see the word again, your mind will recall the associated image.

      Another tactic I like to use is focusing on learning the word itself, NOT the word's translation. For example, let's say I am an English speaker trying to learn German. The German word for apple is "apfel." If I were to see the word apfel in an exercise, I would try to call to mind the image of an apple without actually thinking the English word "apple." Like the first strategy I mentioned, this technique involves training your brain to associate a foreign word with an image rather than a native word.

      EDIT: Just wanted to add one more suggestion that you might find useful once you become more familiar with a language. Try watching films or tv shows in the language you are trying to learn. Watch them once with subtitles, then re-watch them without subtitles. You'll be surprised how many words you can pick out based on context clues!

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      For me, I like to remember the order of things using pictures or other visual devices. For instance, to remember a phone number I will visualize the pattern that my fingers will take along the keypad. I may also use pictures to link to the word. I especially try to focus on which root words match a certain subject area.

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      I used to use this when in school. Once I learned a new word, I'd write it down. I then construct a few sentences using the word. Writing down a word [more than once] after you've learned it fixes it in the mind or at least, that's what I've discovered.

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        On 11/9/2013 at 11:06 PM, IssamH said:


      As the title says, is there any techniques to help me memorize more words?

      I don't have a great memory, so memorizing the vocabulary of a language is always so difficult for me. I've read about a few memory techniques, such as mnemonics and acronym. Can these techniques be applied to language learning? If yes, are they effective?

      I prefer flashcards!  I'll take five at a time, learn them front and back, back and forth, and then add five more new ones and do the same thing to them until I've went through my stack. 

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        On 11/11/2013 at 3:46 AM, Trellum said:

      The best way to learn and practice new words (for me) has been making lists of words by categories.  Like for example verbs related to cooking, once I get that list I try to use those new words as much as possible.  Building phrases on a notebook with them can be really helpful as well! 

      You can create your own methods, but this one is great for people who are more the memorizing by writing type.  If you are not, then you can create your own cards with images and text.  Then print them, I use that special material they sell at the stationery stores to coat my cards and protect them, this material comes with a special glue.

      I would have agreed with others who said repeat and write the words, since I think the hand eye coordination does reinforce memorization.

      This suggestion from Trellum though I have never thought of, meaning grouping words by topic.  I think this is such a good idea as it may be more familiar when you hear someone speaking about the topic.  It seems this would also help the mind associate the words with concepts.  Excellent idea.

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        On 11/11/2013 at 10:53 PM, wynnyfryd said:

      One of the best strategies is to create flashcards with pictures on them. That way, whenever you see the word again, your mind will recall the associated image.

      Another tactic I like to use is focusing on learning the word itself, NOT the word's translation. For example, let's say I am an English speaker trying to learn German. The German word for apple is "apfel." If I were to see the word apfel in an exercise, I would try to call to mind the image of an apple without actually thinking the English word "apple." Like the first strategy I mentioned, this technique involves training your brain to associate a foreign word with an image rather than a native word.

      EDIT: Just wanted to add one more suggestion that you might find useful once you become more familiar with a language. Try watching films or tv shows in the language you are trying to learn. Watch them once with subtitles, then re-watch them without subtitles. You'll be surprised how many words you can pick out based on context clues!

      I like the picture flashcard idea.  And the movie idea!  I've never thought about that but I'm sure it's helpful when learning a new language...I think I'll turn on the Spanish stations and see what I can understand :)

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        On 11/10/2013 at 6:28 PM, rebel said:

      I believe the best technique to be writing. Reading is also good when it comes down to expanding your general capacity of words, but it isn't as good as writing when it comes down to memorizing them. If you practice writing  and get your 'creations' checked at the end you could easily spot which words you often misspell. Once you know where to focus, the only thing you should do is pay attention when you write and/or pronounce that specific word.

      You make a good point here pal. Even with my native language, I still find that if I really want to improve on it, I have to do more writing. Believe me, it works.  :laugh:

      I believe writing causes you to think even deeper than how you would when reading. Well, at least that's the case with me.

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      • 2 months later...

      When I memorize words I usually use various techniques. I sometimes put one word each on flash cards and have someone say the translation of the word to me. I also make a list of words and repeat them  several times and this helps me a lot. Also, I find that using the words in a sentence helps me to remember them too :cool:.

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      Yes I think the easy and simple and probably only way to do this is by using these words again and again, try to think of making sentences with these words, try putting them in situations and also use them in your writings and conversations. The more you use them, they'll just be placed permanently in your brain and you won't have to remember them.

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