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How often do you dream in another language?


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This has only ever happened to me once or twice. I would be learning a language or binging on a show that's spoken in that language and fall asleep at some point. I didn't realize that was the language being spoken in my dream until I woke up. Then again, when I see subtitles enough, I also dream with subtitles.

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A good majority of my dreams are lucid and after a minute or two I find myself mentally muting everyone in the dream. Three fourths of my day is noisy and I really can't stand loudness unless I'm willingly at a concert. At night I find myself seeking solace to the point that I sense the perfect silence in my dreams. I wouldn't appreciate my dreams if they were noisy as well.

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My native language is Spanish, but I tend to dream quite often in English. I guess it's not a surprise because I spend almost 80% of the time talking, reading and writing in English. I've never dreamed in French though.

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It must be your subconscious reflecting your consciousness. I dreamed of other language I guess a couple of times but it’s a language I never heard before. I’m not sure if it’s Latin, one thing I’m sure of, it sound so out of this world. It’s almost as if I understand what the voice was saying but I never heard the language before in my life.

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  • 1 month later...

My native language is setswana, a very difficult language even for native speakers. I also grew up speaking English, and most people around me and across the country prefer to communicate in English. interestingly; when I dream, I dream in English,very rarely in Setswana.

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I have never actually had a dream in another language than English! I also actually just realized that I haven't even had a dream in my native language at all! Which is rather bizarre.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I don't have such dreams very often but they do happen from time to time. And each time when I wake up, I say "Wow, that was really cool" because when I speak a foreign language in my dreams, I always speak it very fluently. A couple of times I happened to "learn" a new word from my dreams. I guess it was buried somewhere deep within my subconscious so I recognized it as new when I woke up.

Language dreams are quite pleasant :)

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I am dreaming in English all the time!! Last week I had a dream about an interview at Oxford and it was in English!! It's hilarious!:D

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It was around 2007, a year after I enrolled at the University, studying English language, that I began having dreams in English. The entire dream would be in that language and everyone would be speaking only English. I would also be aware, in some particular dreams, that I spoke English instead of my mother tongue, and would even find it impossible to speak native language, in such dreams.That perplexed me. Our brains are such magnificent machines! It never ceases to amaze me what we are all capable of, and how much dreams can be affected by everyday life.

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Now that I have been studying German every day, I find myself dreaming in German more. Most of the time it is only a few sentences, but once I had a whole dream in German! It was really funny to realize I was dreaming in another language when I woke up. I think it was all correct, too :).

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On 25 November 2013 08:45:22, True2marie said:

When I began speaking in Spanish regularly, I also started dreaming in this language.  My dreams seem to be either/or.  They are either in Spanish or English.  They also occur about 1x a week depending on how active I am at using Spanish.


What about you?

I've dreamt of scenarios in which I spoke Spanish. Those dreams were the best and they especially kept flooding in  when I was studying for my major Spanish exams. The dreams were so vivid and real and I felt as though I understood everything that was being discussed in the Spanish dialect. When I woke up I was so disappointed because I felt as though I wanted to stay in the dream in order to continue to build my Spanish knowledge.

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On 16 December 2014 08:51:01, c9h2ua said:

It is a funny topic because I have never dreamed in other language.

I should say, I don't even speak in my dream, so how can I speak in other language!!

Anyway, have a nice dream tonight!!

I do think that whatever language you dream in  doesn't really matter. The fact is that we all will understand what we are dreaming about no matter what language we're dreaming in. It's amazing how creative our mind spaces are though... I've learned so much from my dreams and I've even gotten information about people in my dreams.

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I don't usually dream that often, so this might not be the best answer, but most of my dreams are in English. Could be that it's because on a daily basis I'm constantly speaking it and writing and then when I come home I put on an American or English TV show. What always bothered me about my dreams in English that I'm often put on the spot and I manage to spout such elegant and eloquent English that I absolutely cannot reproduce in real life in such a manner.

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