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      Spelling - Page 3 | English Grammar Jump to content



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      By my personal experience I can tell you that sometimes I don't know how to spell it right, other times I simply forget or don't put enough effort in it. When you're writing fast and to your close friends for quite a long time, you start forgetting about grammar and proper spelling. Then, when you come across with a forum or another place where you should write properly, you start getting confused and misspell a lot.

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      So many people spell words wrong and say "It was a typo", but to be honest, spelling "Difficult" as "difacult" is not a typo. That's just someone who doesn't know how to spell. And I personally thing it's 1) laziness; not spending the time to spell it right/remember how to spell it or 2) bad education.

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      • 4 weeks later...

      I think some misspell words because they are quite in a hurry but these are just typographical errors while some others do have poor spelling skills. :) Also nowadays, younger ones are more into sms or short messaging systems and all sorts of short cuts that their spelling skills suffer. :)

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      • 1 month later...
      • 3 weeks later...

      I'm also particular with the spelling of words, especially when I'm not texting. I think that wrong spelling can only be excusable when you're texting, but when you are typing something on a computer, then proper spelling and grammar should be practiced.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      Well, it's something common with most people. I make significant mistakes these days with spelling words. It's not I don't know them, it's about forgetting or getting confused. I don't know exactly the reason, but while I keep on using them, I tend to remember.

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      You are right.  It does seem there are a lot of spelling errors.  I believe communication skills overall have gone south with the age of technology, because here is less face-to-face communication.  I think it flows into writing or typing as well.  Maybe people do see spelling errors, but just don't feel the need to correct, because they just assume the other person will know what they are talking about.

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        On 8/26/2013 at 4:40 AM, A0130 said:

      In this day and age, spelling is less of a necessity. With the internet and spell checks, kids learn they don't need to spell anything right, the computer will fix it for them. So I feel there should be a heavier emphasis on language learning as well as spelling. All I see on kid's papers are "u" and "4" in replacement for actual words. It's kind of sad in my opinion.

      I agree. Spell check and auto correct has made things much easier. And while these tools are convenient, they tend to make us lazy. I myself used to be more conscious of my spelling. Now I just watch out for the red squiggly lines. It's a terrible truth but a truth nonetheless.

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      I think there are more than one reason for this. One reason could be that the education level vary very much between countries. For example I experienced high school in the US to be very elementary compared to the education level in sweden at the same age. When i talk to my american friends (or read their posts on facebook etc) their english is actually very poor compared to my own and the level of english I'm used to in sweden. I think it's interesting that people with english as their main language care less about proper grammar and spelling than people with english as their 2nd language.

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        On 8/4/2013 at 2:57 AM, efpierce said:

      Is it just me, or are people now days not able to spell very well? Is it because we are all typing so quickly or just a lack of proper education? It's hard to blame it on keyboards when the words that are misspelled have corresponding letters that aren't anywhere near each other on a standard keyboard in the first place.

      Spellings, I use to hate it when I was going to school, because some words spell different from how they sounds. It was always difficult for me and even now I still have trouble spelling some words. It was this morning I ask someone to spell Stoop, I was spelling it Stope . So you see I hate spellings.

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      It is very important that you are able to spell words correctly while using written means of communication. This is due to the fact that sometimes misspelled words may convey the wrong meaning to the recipient. It also causes frustration to the reader. The reason for degrading quality of spelling these days is mostly the haste with which people type/write their messages.

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      • 2 weeks later...

      I think texting has played a major role in the decline of people's spelling skills. So many people have gotten used to using abbreviation and texting short hand , that they have forgotten what the proper spelling of some words look like. Writting the full actually word has become a rarity. I think it time we all got out the spelling books studied our words for Friday's test , like we used to back in Elementary school.

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      I think it is getting worse definitely . The use of random letters to spell out a whole phrase.....LOL, OMG etc..... has killed spelling I think.  I know that they are thinking of getting rid of it in the school curriculum which is crazy to me.  I hope they rethink that.  I don't think there is any way to bring back the use of actual words, but I do hope we don't lose them all together.

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      • 2 months later...

      Technology in my opinion, is certainly a major factor in the poor standard of spelling nowadays. Children have access to many electronic apparatus from a very young age,and have become accustomed to programs such as a spell checker,that there is no reason to learn how to spell words  correctly.

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      I wouldn't blame miss-spell words so much on the lack of education. We are doing everything now at a fast pace and I just think it has a lot to to with not having enough time to edit. Also, a person may notice the error but because it's something  informal they don't bother to make the correction.

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      Well, I really think it's all on the internet and texting in general, because the internet and texting has changed the way we communicate.  Actually before I started using the internet I never thought of using shortcut words or anything like that.  When I first heard about that I thought you needed to be incredibly lazy in order to attempt to save  few secs by writing a message with word shortcuts. It sounded so crazy!

      Well, long story short, I ended up doing the same, but I'm happy to say that didn't last too long!  I came back to my senses and started communicating properly online and while texting; no shortcuts for me!

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      I think it's because many people are used to doing the things that they don't really have to be bothered by spelling like speaking and reading. Although in reading, you see how the word is spelled, you don't really see them that way, that they are spelled the correct way. When you are reading you are more inclined to see the word with its meaning and not how it's spelled so the spelling of the word doesn't really register in your head. Another reason many people are poor in spelling is because they don't write often, which is among the best way to practice and employ correct spelling.

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      I think the lack of decent grammar and spelling is due to a LOT of things. Short hand texting on cell phones is a big one to be sure, but what was the excuse before cell phones and such things came a long?

      Some people have dyslexia and never really learn to read or write very well; still others might just be too lazy to learn. For some folks, it just might be that spelling and grammar are just really hard for them to understand while they excel at maths and sciences. Sometimes it's just due to the way you're wired.  :wacky:

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      ^That + English doesn't always have a rule for spelling. And when they do there are ALWAYS exceptions. I have lived in America for a long time and those exceptions still trip me up.

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