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Language Badges !!!

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Dear all

I am very happy to announce that a new rank system has been implemented on linguaholic.com.

Based on post count you will get a nice language badge. As you probably already noticed, this badge will be displayed under the medals and is always related to your post count. There are about 12 badges in total for the moment. Not all of them are "in use" yet, as one will need a very high post count to attain those later ranks :=)) Hope you like them! I do!  :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the multi cultural and diverse flair all those medals add...just like our community.  I always liked the graphics on this site and the badges just add more.  Thanks for thinking of a recognition for us.  We love to post anyway but it is nice to get the badges.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

What a clever way to keep people motivated and they look nice too!  I like to post as much as I can on different forums, especially this one.  It sharpens my mind and writing and I learn quite a new things about language, and the learning of it, each time I log on.

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What a clever way to keep people motivated and they look nice too!  I like to post as much as I can on different forums, especially this one.  It sharpens my mind and writing and I learn quite a new things about language, and the learning of it, each time I log on.

I am really happy to hear that you are enjoying the badges! My friend drew all of those badges for linguaholic.com. It was pretty hard work and also not for free...but I guess it was worth it !!!  :cool:

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Phew, I was a bit worried yesterday when I noticed mine said "Slang Poet." I wasn't sure if I was caught using a lot of slang or what. Now that I know it's just a level based on the number of posts I've made I'm cool with it. :)

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Phew, I was a bit worried yesterday when I noticed mine said "Slang Poet." I wasn't sure if I was caught using a lot of slang or what. Now that I know it's just a level based on the number of posts I've made I'm cool with it. :)

Hehe, that's pretty funny! Yes, you don't need to worry. You will gradually climb up the ladder, no doubt about that  :grin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually pay attention to what badges I get to earn as my post count gets up, and I also look at other people's badges too to see what it says when you have reached a certain number of posts, so I guess that's one way of encouraging activity to the forum, so good job admin!

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Thank you Sidney! The badges are just the beginning. I will try to find new ways to make this forum as enjoyable as possible. The most important thing will still be the content, though:=)

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