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Are you a slow/ fast reader?

Guest akasha24

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My reading speed depends on whether the material is something important or not. If I find it really interesting then I will read pretty slowly and try to get as much out of that text as possible, if it's not really important I'll probably just skim over it really fast without worrying too much about whether I got it all or not.

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I consider myself an "impatient reader". I always try to skim through an article without fully reading it if it was too long for my interest. Which is actually a bad habit. It's rude to not thoroughly read through something that someone has put efforts into writing it out. Also when I try reading faster I usually find myself missing some important messages or information that an article contained. Only by reading at a slower pace that I can fully understand something that I am not familiar with.

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It seems that I am a fast reader. I usually jump over the details, but I understand the main idea. If I enjoy a book, I read it slower and I am more careful at every single word.

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I consider myself a very fast reader. If I'm reading something very information-dense though, I'll take my time and often read through it several times. Otherwise, I can scan through pages quite quickly.

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I'ma fast reader, but maybe I should go a little slower, as I tend to get distracted very easily and then I have to read everything all over again. Plus, I have an attention deficit, which makes it all worse. I can't do anything for more than 5 mintues without getting my mind on the moon....

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I would say that I'm a fairly fast reader. I have learnt to read quickly though all my studying and reading in university. Whenever I'm reading something with a friend, I always find that I finish reading a lot faster than they do. Sometimes I have to slow myself down and read a little bit slower, as I often miss important parts of books!

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I am in fact a fast reader in English, Spanish, Latin, and Portuguese. I am however a slow reader in Japanese, French, and Hindi. I do not however read aloud, because I was taught not to at an early age and that has apparently stuck with me. That said I am not a fan of the concept of speed reading, because I feel as though information is lost if only due to lack of analysis while reading.

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I consider myself a moderate speed reader.  I feel like somehow I understand what I am reading by reading out loud even though I am trying really hard not to do this as it slows your reading speed down dramatically.

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It depends on the book/reading materials - Interesting? Slow and steady as I don't want the reading to end quickly. Boring? Fast as in skimming  :tongueout:

Good point! I do this too. Whenever I am trying to read boring text like terms and conditions, I usually just skim through it and even though I still pay attention to every single word, I usually go through it a lot faster since I want to be over with it as quickly as possible. If I'm reading something for entertainment purposes, however, I tend to take my time and really immerse myself in each sentence.

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I'm a very fast reader and always have been. When reading aloud in class and such, I try to slow down. I was always told I read too fast when I read aloud but I think I've gotten better at it.

In Russian I read very slowly though, because of the Cyrillic alphabet which I'm not that used to.

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I'm a fast reader, ever since elementary school I would usually be the fastest reader be it aloud, or just reading in my head I was generally the fastest.  The thing is that I'm not a fan of reading but when I do have to read I'm pretty good at it.  :cool:

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I'm actually kind of the opposite of what others have mentioned. In school whenever we were asked to read something silently to ourselves, I was always one of the first done (and usually had fairly good understanding and recall of what I'd read) But when I'm reading for pleasure, I tend to read a lot slower. I have no idea why:)

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I am a fast reader especially if I am really into a book. Such as Martina Cole I can read her novels within a few hours they are real page turners. I never read out loud unless im reading to someone else.

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I'm a rapid reader when reading silently in my head, but when I am reading out loud, my speed decreases. I try to read as much as possible, whenever possible to keep my speed up. Thankfully I have a ton of textbooks to keep my reading skills up...  :bored:

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I am a slow reader. I like read slow because it helps me to understand what it is I'm reading. Reading is good for the brain, so I take my time to catch on. I sometimes have to read twice.

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Is there a test of some sort that determine if you are a slow/fast reader? I never give this matter much thought, but I am guessing I am at least an average reader >_>

Sometimes I try to skip things but not reading too much into them when I have a good idea of the messages that an article is trying to convey, maybe that's considered a little cheating?

If I am not reading out mind I tend to go through articles faster though, or that doesn't necessary means I get everything out of it. To fully understand a subject I am not familiar with I usually need to go through it for a few times.

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I'm a fast reader. I usually read through 300-400 page books in less than a few hours. I hate to wait on what's going to happen next, so I have to hurry and read through the book to get to the ending. XD

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I think I am a medium speed reader. Reading out loud is slower, but I will read out loud if I am having trouble focusing on what I am reading and want to really understand it.

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I'm such a slow reader. I like to take everything in and really get to know what I'm reading. Sometimes I even read the page twice  :tongue: But I can also read very quickly, it just depends what I'm reading to be honest.

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I am a relatively fast reader especially if the subject interests me, I can read a book in a few weeks no problem, but if I don't like it might take me several months.

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I often speed read one or two paragraphs and then go back and start reading slowly again. It happens without my knowledge. I think this has helped me to comprehend the content in a better way.

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Unfortunately, I'm one of those people that get distracted easily when reading pretty much anything.  Whenever I become conscious of my "inner reading voice" I always slow down my reading ability to pay attention to subtle things more than the topic as a whole.  This really annoys me because I over-think things in social situations, too.  I think the only time it is better to read something slowly is when you're dealing with a math subject or trying to understand something in detail, therefore you don't have to quickly glance over it and then come back to it two or more times, but that's just my 2 cents.

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