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Is spanish the best?


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There is not such thing is as a "superior" language, as there is not such thing as a "superior" race.

Remember that such type of "superiority" was what triggered World War II.

What it's a real fact is the importance that Spanish is gaining in non-Spanish speaking countries.

Just in the United States, Spanish is today the second most widely used language, displacing French, that used to be the second language to learn at schools.

Today most American-based websites have a Spanish version, particularly true when it comes to large companies or federal offices. So, based on these facts, yeah, Spanish is actually the best option as a second language to learn ;)

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In my opinion, English and not Spanish is the best language. The reason I said this is because English(whether with good grammar or not) is spoken in most part of the world than Spanish. Though Spanish is an international language but I think English is more of an international language than Spanish.

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It's definitely quite world-wide. Spanish is spoken in a lot of places around the world and it has a lot of speakers. If you want to travel and want to learn at least one language, then yeah, Spanish is probably the best.

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Best is subject in a case like this, and I would like to think that Spanish is the best. I've only tried learning a few languages, but Spanish seems to be the most attractive for me. I did well in Spanish during high school and excelled in Regional Examinations. So, that's just to prove how much I love learning it. It is the best.

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I'm a native spanish speaker, and to be honest I'm not 100% spanish is the best language out there... or the superior one. I don't think there is something such as ''a superior'' language; there are highly functional languages tho... the best of the best in different ways: the easiest to learn, the most armonic one, the sweetest one, etc. 

But I don't think there is one I'd dare to call the best of the best... every language has something special and unique!  So not even english or spanish could be considered the best... unless you meant this question to be answered in a subjective way.  But in an objective way... not sure many people will dare to claim x or y language is the most superior one.  If someone does... I'm dying to check their sources, lol.

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I think the reaction would have been different if this question would have been followed by a qualifier of some sort such as "...to learn as a second language" or "...for your resume or job search", etc. and not seemingly a question of "superiority".  As a native English Speaker I would never say it is best or better than any other language unless there was a purpose attached.  With for example, China doing so much manufacturing is it the best (...for a global manufacturing market?).  I think the fact that Spanish is becoming more prevalent in the US is based on shifting demographics not that it is "better" than French.

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