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      Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/15 in all areas

      1. Filipino language may not be popular as other languages such as Chinese, Spanish, German, English etcs. but Philippines because of its beautiful spots, this country is one of the favorite destinations in Asia. That is why I am wondering if anybody here has/had interest in learning the language of this country which is Filipino. Anyone? And if yes, why do/did you have an interest to learn the language?
        1 point
      2. I have met a lot people who are trying to learn as many languages as possible, all thanks to Speaky and other web sites to find language exchange buddy. I've met kids as young as 15 years old who already speak 3 languages or more and are interested in learning many more! To be honest I don't see this as something odd at all, because I went through the same thing when I was 16-17 years old. I don't quite understand why I had that fascination with learning as many languages as possible. I guess I saw hoe english had opened so many doors for me, so I thought that by learning more languages more doors would open up for me.
        1 point
      3. Back in 2006 I used Heisig's RTK1 (free PDF of the first 100 or so characters), with paper flashcards to learn to "learn" all 2000+ kanji in the book in about 7 months. It was really hard, and I was very proud of myself. It's helped me tremendously with my Japanese and Chinese. That being said, while I think for most westerners the mnemonic method is the way to go, I don't think learning the whole book is the right thing to do for most people. Learners who would benefit the most from learning all 2000 at once are: 1) those who plan to study very intensively, meaning several hours a day for 2 or more years 2) those who already have a strong background in the language As others have stated, this method only teaches you to recognize a character, and to write it if you are given an english keyword. This doesn't mean the method is useless, it just means that you need to know some vocabulary and do some reading to give it value. If you have very little vocabulary, then either you will need to use an SRS, or something to review, to stay on top of this knowledge, or you will forget it.
        1 point
      4. Haha! Yeah it does look nice, and I love your way of saying it!
        1 point
      5. I used to watch NHK World before. Right now I'm at the NHK World site where they have a section on learning Nihongo. It's pretty interesting and I'm refreshing up on my Nihongo language skills. I just finished learning Elementary Nihongo 1 and I admit that I have been a bit rusty in my language skills since I haven't had any practice lately.
        1 point
      6. kurdapia

        Latin For Beginners

        I only hear about the Latin language being used in church mostly on the songs and that depends on the liturgical calendar of the Catholics. I am curious to know if Latin is still being used on a day to day conversation.
        1 point
      7. I think the best way to go is to learn one language first and apply the 80/20 rule to it. Once you have enough efficiency on your first language, learn the next one applying the 80/20 rule once again and then learn another one until you get to five languages or more. Then once you have the basics down on the languages you've learned, you can relearn them and study them to a higher mastery level. In my experience, I found that it my Spanish helps in my current learning of French because they have a lot of similar words or roots!
        1 point
      8. Wow. Seriously? I really admire those people who have the ability to learn/study 5 languages at the same. Learning even just one language is already difficult to do, what more if you are trying to acquire fluency in 5 languages simultaneously? I think it's possible but very hard to do.
        1 point
      9. Probably the reason why you always get bored whenever you try to study a specific language is because you lack the willingness to acquire new language. If you have passion for something, no matter how difficult the lessons are, no matter how tedious they seem to you, you would still try your best and pursue it until you become fluent in it. Ask yourself again if this is what you want or not. Because if it's not, I am sorry to say but it would never work effectively on your end.
        1 point
      10. Honest_Abe, I'm afraid I can't offer any life changing miracles! The way I stay motivated is by striving to do more and learn faster. The better I perform, the more I am motivated to keep going. Just the achievements in themselves are motivation enough for me to keep at it. I'm not sure how you can get around hitting a plateau. You reaching that stage, does it have anything to do with you giving up? Being in a classroom setup also spurs me on, because I have a bit of a competitive streak. So when I'm around others I want to do better. It helped me at uni that we also had an incentive that spurred us on. Each year, 2 best performers got to go to France for a few months to attend a Language University, and got to be taught by native French speakers, all expenses paid, so it was something to work towards. I'm very proud to say, I got to grab this opportunity one year
        1 point
      11. I say if you want to do it, and think you have the time, then go for it! I am currently studying 4 languages, although I started hem all at different times, so I'm at different levels in them all. I will most likely add a fifth (and sixth, and seventh ) at some time in the future, as the mood strikes me. But since I just added the fourth one very recently, it will probably be at least several months to a year before I add another....
        1 point
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