The present world is already facing a lot of problems, and that includes effective communication-related ones.
Communication entails the need for language users to speak, write, read, and listen, wherein each of these skills has its can of worms.
Language per se is a whimsical entity; hence, the natural occurrence of sense-making challenges, especially in writing.
Today, we’ll devote at least three minutes of our time to understand a popular writing concern, which is whether or not a comma should come before the word “considering.”
Identifying the cases that ask for a comma before “considering”
A language can be compared to a naughty little child that may endlessly annoy first-time parents.
In particular, the written language form is quite a hard nut to crack due to the absence of the writer’s voice and facial expressions.
Even more so, the need to get the hang of the punctuation system further adds fuel to the fire.
This is especially true with the comma, which is one of the most frequently used punctuation marks in writing.
Comma placement concerns have been occurring quite a lot over the internet, especially before the word “considering.”
Besides being a verb and an adjective, “considering” may also function both as a preposition and conjunction as per grammar studies.
It serves its purpose as a preposition when it is directly followed by a word or a phrase that functions as a noun.
Whereas, it works as a conjunction when it is used to link a subordinate clause to an independent one, forming what we call a complex sentence structure.
Placing a comma before “hence”, “thus,” or “therefore” are also a common concern over the internet, which is quite similar to the topic being covered in this text.
The comma placement before “considering” may depend either on syntax or stylistics, thereby suggesting that comma placement is governed both by grammatical rules and writing style.
To see these cases more clearly, listed below are the circumstances that dictate the necessary comma placement before the word “considering.”
When “considering” is used as a parenthetical element
A parenthesis is a rhetorical device that is used to accessorize a sentence, thereby making it more attractive and persuasive to its audience.
As parenthetical elements are not grammatically vital, it means that some linguistic devices are needed to mark their independence from the whole sentence; hence, commas work their magic by doing so.
Parenthetical information may come anywhere within the sentence, and therefore, it is needless to say that two commas have to be used when it appears midway.
Put simply, we need to use a comma before “considering” every time it introduces a parenthetical statement, especially midway or towards the end.
You can refer to the next example for clarity.
As you may have noticed, the pre-comma has prompted you to read the second part of the sentence with emphasis.
That’s how you can attach a parenthetical prepositional phrase towards the end of the sentence.
Meanwhile, you can also do this halfway through the sentence, as in the example below.
A similar idea can be applied in understanding the necessity of the comma in the example above.
And, in order to know whether the statement is a parenthetical insertion, we can simply remove it from the sentence.
If the sentence still makes perfect grammatical sense, albeit with less context, then the comma placement is essential.
You may also refer to our other post that covers comma placement before or after a parenthesis in ample detail to fully make sense of this idea.
When “considering” appears after a parenthetical element
Now that we know that about the essentiality of commas in marking parenthetical elements, this particular guideline should be a lot easier to digest.
A comma before “considering” is also needed when it appears right after a parenthetical statement that comes midsentence.
Here’s an example to illustrate the explanation.
Applying the same logic as earlier, the comma before “considering” in the sentence above signals the reader to read the rest of the sentence emphatically.
However, again, bear in mind that the sentence can still be perfectly grammatical even if it ends on “speech.”
This also suggests that the sentence part introduced by “considering” is also a parenthetical element per se.
When “considering” is used as a coordinate adjective
The next case that entails a much-needed comma usage before “considering” is when it is paired with another equally crucial adjective to modify a noun.
A comma should come between two adjectives that describe a noun in equal strength. These are what we refer to as “coordinate adjectives” in grammar.
When “considering” is used as a coordinate adjective particularly in the latter position, a comma should automatically come before it.
In the example above, both “empathetic” and “considering” refer to the noun “gaze” in equal strength, and thus, the necessity of the comma.
When “considering” appears after an introductory element
Lastly, we also need to use a comma before “considering” when and if it comes after an introductory element.
Introductory elements are set off with a comma to let the context of the main part or parts of the sentence sink in.
In a nutshell, the same comma should precede “considering” if it immediately comes afterward, just like in the example below.
Understanding the ungrammatical comma placement before “considering”
Since we’ve already covered the essential pre-comma placement, we’ll also look into the cases in which a comma should not come before “considering” in this section.
Placing a comma before “considering” would create an ungrammatical sentence if it is used as a grammatically important element.
We can do so when it functions particularly as a verb, preposition, conjunction, or adjective in a non-parenthetical manner.
In other words, no comma should come before “considering” if it follows any of the guidelines listed below, so long that the necessary pre-comma conditions listed previously aren’t met.
When “considering” is used as a restrictive verb
We can use “considering” as a verb in any progressive tense, which means inflecting a verb in its continuous form.
The progressive tense can be inflected in the past, present, and future forms, depending on the timeline that we want to represent.
No comma should come before “considering” when it is used in the manner explained in the last two sentences, for it is a highly crucial element of the sentence.
When “considering” is used as a restrictive preposition
A pre-comma would also make the sentence ill-formed if “considering” is used as a grammatically essential preposition.
Again, “considering” has to be followed by a noun phrase in order to function as a preposition that means “in view or light of.”
Putting a comma before “considering” in the example above entails ungrammaticality because of how the meaning of “without” is linked to “considering.”
When “considering” is used as a restrictive conjunction
Thirdly, a comma should not appear before “considering” when it functions as a conjunction that attaches a subordinate clause to the main clause that comes beforehand.
As a conjunctive device, “considering” is also often followed by “that” which is essential in completing the thought of an argument.
Here’s an example to show that.
When “considering is used as a restrictive adjective
Lastly, a comma is not to be placed before “considering” when it is used as an adjective that single-handedly pre-modifies a noun.
Just like how ordinary adjectives behave, a pre-comma would entail ungrammaticality in the sentence below because “considering” is an essential part of the sentence.
Again, you would only need a comma before “considering” if it is used as a coordinate adjective, meaning it is adjacently paired with another equally vital adjective.
Now, let us wrap up what we just learned in this article.
When do we need to place a comma before “considering”?
A comma should be placed before “considering” when it introduces parenthetical information or comes after it, appears after an introductory expression, or is used as a coordinate adjective. But, a pre-comma must not be used if it functions as a restrictive grammatical element in the sentence.
Frequently Asked Questions on “Comma Before ‘Considering’”
What does “considering” mean?
As a progressive verb, it means “thinking something through.” As a preposition and conjunction, it means “in light or view of.” As an adjective, it means “in a manner that depicts careful thinking.”
How can we use “considering” in a sentence?
We can use “considering” as a preposition, a verb, a conjunction, and an adjective in a sentence. The most widely used sense of “considering” is the one that means “in light or view of” something.
What is a synonym for “considering the situation”?
“Considering the circumstances” or “all things considered” can be used in place of “considering the situation.”
The written language makes use of punctuation marks like commas to assist readers in the interpretation process.
At the same time, commas also allow writers to represent their thoughts more thoroughly and accurately.
For these reasons, reading a blog or two about comma placement will always be beneficial to anyone who uses writing as a relevant skill, just like our comma cheat sheet.

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.