If you were new to English, and I used the expression “to bite the bullet” without further explanation, you probably would have no idea what I’m talking about. After all, “biting a bullet” makes no real sense when you think about it. However, if I gave you a little historical context and told you that …
To know how to use a word in a sentence, we need two things. Firstly, we need to understand its meaning clearly. There can be no ambiguity in its definition. Secondly, we need to know which part of speech it belongs to so as to know where it belongs in a sentence. With that in …
The English language pulls words from all over the place. In that sense, it’s a lot like today’s word: eclectic. How do you use “eclectic” in a sentence? The word “eclectic” is an adjective meaning that something such as a book, system or method combines practices or theories from different religions, philosophies, systems or …
Gratitude plays a pivotal role in society as it reinforces positive effects on the physical, psychological, and social welfare of human beings. This means that gratitude is a major building block in daily human interactions, which is key in holding society together. Gratitude can be expressed in several ways in the form of gestures, compliments, …
In English speaking countries, some expressions are so ubiquitous that it seems you run into them everywhere you turn. And, if you don’t know what they mean, you can be left scratching your head, feeling that there is some vital piece of information you’re missing out on. One such expression is “opening hours.” You see …
For some people, grammar is a rigid structure that does not change over time. They believe that it consists of a set of logical rules that are as constant as the rules of maths and physics, and these tend to be the same people who are easily offended by any grammatical infraction, believing that it …
“Worse comes to worst” or “worst comes to worst” “Worse comes to worst” and “worst comes to worst” are both correct. In fact, “worse comes to worst” is a bit more logical. It means “should the worst-case scenario happen.” Yet, the original expression was, “if the worst come to the worst,” which later changed to …
What is it that compels us to always want to prove ourselves even when there is no need for it? Why is it that when we see someone do something, we feel that we can still do it better? And, what part of us feels infuriated whenever we see someone do something inefficiently? If you’re …
The gaming community has given us countless words and expressions to use in our daily lives. Some of these expressions have been obscure and esoteric, such as the expressions that have come out of the Twitch community. For instance, unless you are talking to someone well versed with Twitch culture, it is almost impossible to …