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Imagine a world where punctuations and cohesive devices do not exist. It must be quite easy to pass our grammar-based assessments with flying colors. However, it must also mean that written texts will be crowded, monotonous, and nonetheless illogical. Therefore, it is needless to say that non-lexical symbols or punctuation marks, altogether with cohesive devices …

Read More about Comma before or after “meanwhile”: The Definitive Guide

Ever feel like punctuation marks are secretly judging you? Like they’re sitting there on the page, silently mocking your every misplaced comma and unnecessary exclamation point? Well, you’re not alone! And if there’s one punctuation mark that’s practically oozing with smug superiority, it’s the semicolon. Yep, that little half-comma, half-period hybrid is like the punctuation …

Read More about ​The Semicolon: The Secret Weapon of Punctuation​

One of the hardest things about writing is knowing whether you are using the correct word in different contexts. For instance, some notorious homonyms trip up people regularly. Some famous examples are “your” and “you’re;” “their,” “they’re,” and “there;” and “to,” “too,” and “two.” On the other hand, some words can be hard to use …

Read More about “Also” at the Beginning of a Sentence: These Rules Apply

If you’re here, odds are you are a fan of the TV show “True Detective,” which features the iconic line ‘Time is a flat circle.’ In its first season, the protagonist Rust Cohle, portrayed by Matthew McConaughey, articulates this profound concept. This assertion might have left many of you puzzled. I know it confounded me. …

Read More about “Time is a flat circle”: Here’s What it Really Means

Have you been using your punctuation marks properly? If not, then you must have had caused a heart attack to a grammar pedant or two. Well, no one actually blames you for that. Don’t worry. In fact, punctuations are “all Greek” symbols to many normal human beings, both historically and idiomatically speaking. So, if you …

Read More about Colons in the English Language: The Complete Guide

At least once in our lifetime, punctuation marks have tripped us up. Some punctuation marks may be pretty easy to use, but others might just be trickier like semicolons, colons, and commas. Commas may not seem that threatening in our ordinary reading and writing days. They do become a burden, though, when they appear in …

Read More about Comma Before With: The Definitive Guide

Some words are used so frequently that they can get exhausting to type or write over and over. Sometimes, English and many other languages adopt common shorthand signs or symbols as a result. Let’s take a look at one of the most popular English symbols, the and sign or ampersand (&).       Is …

Read More about The “And Sign (&)”: How, When and Why to Use it

If there’s one definite way to describe how languages work, well, I’d probably not be writing this article at all. Language is complex, albeit novel, and nonetheless arbitrary. Yes, language prescriptivism has proven to be one of the most effective ways to decode the human communication process. However, this approach may not be generally applicable …

Read More about “Before” or “By” when using Dates & Temporal Expressions

Part of the beauty of the English language is that it has a lot of words with subtle differences. So what are some of the alternative words you can use to describe a beautiful woman?   A word about beauty Before we list our choices, it’s important to remember that beauty is in the eye …

Read More about 10 Words that are Stronger than Beautiful (but not Perfect)