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There are many different types of feedback. Feedback can be positive, negative, or constructive, and it can be sent in an email or delivered in person. Whether in a professional, academic or personal setting, responding to feedback is always a tricky thing to navigate. The most important thing to keep in mind is not to …

Read More about 27 Great Ways to Respond to Feedback (Positive, Negative)

We say good things to people all the time. This keeps our relationships intact and intimate. One of the things we say is “It was a pleasure speaking with you.” This expression is used as a goodbye message to a person or group of people after spending time with them. However, we sometimes feel like …

Read More about 14 Other Ways to Say “It was a pleasure speaking with you”

A career fair can be a great way to make connections and maybe even find your next job. You probably did a lot of preparation ahead of time, working on your resume and your online profile. However, you can’t sit back and relax once the fair is over. You need to follow up with an …

Read More about How to Write a Great Follow-up Email after a Career Fair

Even the most common question like “How’s your day?” can be a little tricky to deal with at times. We hear it all the time, yes. We ask the same question to others quite a lot too. Interestingly, our response mainly depends on how we feel about the person asking how our day was or …

Read More about 13 Great Ways to Respond to “How’s your day?”

What is the meaning of please advise? “Please advise” is a phrase that means the sender is seeking advice or input on a specific matter. It is commonly used in business emails and letters. While polite, overuse can seem impersonal. Providing context helps clarify the feedback needed. No matter how seasoned we become in our …

Read More about 10 Ways to Use “Please Advise” in Business Correspondence

As you may already know, transition words and phrases like “with this in mind” make our ideas more cohesive in writing and speaking. These expressions become way more important in the world of texts. This is because they are used in connecting ideas and defining their relationships. Human as we are, our thoughts are naturally …

Read More about 17 Great Alternatives for “With this in mind”

Despite having its roots in military communication, “keep me in the loop” has become quite of a useful phrase in business English too. When someone says “keep me in the loop,” that person is asking you to give updates on whatever task, project, event, or activity you are doing. Sometimes, though, we feel like this …

Read More about 16 Other Ways to Say “Keep me in the loop”

After lots of searching, working hard on your resume and several interviews, you’ve finally found a job. You’re settling in, getting to know your coworkers and figuring out where the best nearby lunch places are — when suddenly you hear from your dream job, or at least a better job than the one you have. …

Read More about How to Write a Resignation Letter for a Job You just Started

Although labeling an envelope might seem to be a harmless task on the surface, it is something that needs some amount of deliberateness. Writing the correct labels not only on an envelope but also on other detail-dependent items like parcels is key in making smooth transactions happen. So, in our post today, we lay down …

Read More about How to Label an Envelope in 5 Easy Steps