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Everything posted by Firelily99

  1. He nodded his slowly, never once taking his eyes off of the photo of his daughter.
  2. "No" the Abomination roared at her. "What were you thinking when you put that dress on?"
  3. Oiled Tanked Hammered Buzzed Wasted (also applies to drugs! :sweating: Cranked etc, etc.
  4. I get the difference but I do see that a lot of people don't. I learned it as the apostrophe was code for "a" which gives me you are! I think its just laziness on the part of some people, especially in forums.
  5. The Scottish accent is the best and I do love hearing someone from Brooklyn, NY!
  6. Its fiction so many of the hard and fast rules simply don't apply. The story is at the heart of fiction and not perfect grammar.
  7. I learned this in grammar school and have never forgotten how to use those three words. I am constantly amazed how many people mix them up or simply don't know how to use them.
  8. When I am reading for pleasure I go through the material fairly quickly. A lot depends how much what I'm reading is catching my attention. If I'm into I will really fly through the material because my level of concentration is high.
  9. Everybody has it covered, there isn't much more that I could add to that. Very well done everybody!
  10. I have had that happen but I remembered enough of my high school Spanish to pick up what the speaker was saying to me.
  11. It is hard to write short sentences but really make an effort to do so. I find that I have a tendency to really run on and on to the point that the sentence becomes a mini paragraph! Not good writing to say the least!
  12. Terrific quotes, many of them are on my favorites list! Thanks to everyone who shared!
  13. I had not had to speak Spanish for quite a few years and then found myself in a situation where it was the primary language. It was amazing how, in a little over a month things started coming back to me. First it was understanding what people were saying and then it was an increased ability to speak it.
  14. I don't have to do it very often which is a shame because I am probably far better at writing it than speaking it. Perhaps in time I will be able to write it more but for now I am generally just a speaker.
  15. I found that one of the harder things to learn and do well is accenting in a new language. I can see how someone might find it insulting if the accenting isn't correct but perhaps they need to be more patient with the beginner.
  16. Good to see that you are expanding your site to a greater number of followers! Linguaholic is one of the better sites that I visit and its nice that it will be more available.
  17. I had to learn French in junior high school but have never really had any cause to use it. It pretty much has vaporized from my memory with only bits and pieces popping up when I least need them.
  18. So many languages, so little time! A new language takes time to learn and has to be practiced constantly to become proficient. I'd choose Dutch which is the language of my grandparents.
  19. Its really tough to pick one! Its the first book that I read (in junior high) that really impacted me in a powerful way. My older brother gave it to me on the sly and I was told to not let my parents see me reading it. That alone made it an exciting book!
  20. I do enjoy non-fiction and read a lot of it as a way to break up my time reading fiction. There are some wonderful autobiographies and biographies out there and I love to read them as a companion to a historically based novel that I am reading.
  21. Thanks for posting that link, I have always been a Salinger fan!
  22. Its really hard to choose considering how many6 different languages exist in the world! I love Italian opera and have been considering taking a quick Italian course so I have an idea of what it is that they are singing about.
  23. He looked like someone out of the pages of a murder mystery with his dark rumpled overcoat and the scruffy beginnings of a new beard.
  24. If I were getting a tattoo(which I wouldn't) I certainly would make sure that I knew what the words or characters meant. It would be risky not too and if I'm inking up with characters just because I think that they are cool then I'm not being very smart with my money.
  25. I go crazy with the sticky notes and have them all over the house, both words and phrases. It really helps me to remember the basics as well as seeing it in writing.
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