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Everything posted by Firelily99

  1. No I haven't, I find learning the language hard enough without doing something like that. Maybe when I become more fluent but for now I have to keep it simple.
  2. Honestly, I have never thought about keeping track of my vocabulary. If that is something that you like to do then go for it. I really have no reason to do it.
  3. I'm very visual so speaking is the most difficult by far. Reading and writing don't have the issues that speaking does with the accent and syntax. If you can read it and spell it is far easier than speaking it.
  4. Interesting that it isn't a very difficult test, one would think that these types of exams would be more standardized. It makes it more difficult for those who are being tested in their non native language when there isn't any consistency.
  5. Its okay but it is free so it is more likely they will have mistakes in the translation. I have used other translation sites and they were okay too, no major spelling and translation gaffs.
  6. Awesome quotes, very inspiring to scroll down the page and read them all. A few I had heard before but most of them were new to me.
  7. Perhaps Chinese although their are so many others that I'm interested in. Portuguese, Italian, and perhaps Arabic are a few that I would consider.
  8. I'm okay with it as long as I am focused on what it is that I am trying to read. Somedays I am so drifty that I wonder if I ever learned to read and write!
  9. I really try an make a game of it as much as I can, keep it interesting and full of variety in terms of my learning options. I love to hang signs around the house with the name of the objects in the language that I am learning. I leave the cat alone though, she really wasn't into having a sign hanging around her neck.
  10. I had been trained extensively for these types of situations and yet I found myself nearly immobilized with fear. My mind continued to spin and spin, racing through all of the possibilities and scenarios. What was going on here and why was I consumed with such a fearful dread?
  11. Getting as immersed in as you can with speakers who are native speakers or fluent in the language. Learn to read it at the same time - it helps me to be able to read it and improves my ability to speak it.
  12. Americans do have a compulsory requirement in terms of learning a second language but its not as rigorous as in other countries. Perhaps if they started students at a much younger age then it might be more effective. At this point learning a second language in schools is simply something that students must do to graduate to the next level.
  13. I always get something out of them and find that they are a good way to brush up on things in a quick manner. Generally I use them for review and relearning and not often for learning a new language.
  14. Speaking, by far its speaking! I can pick up a new language fairly quickly when I am reading it but learning it just by speaking really drives me crazy. I'm not sure why that is but probably its due to the fact that I am primarily a visual person. Without seeing it in writing really slows down my ability to learn.
  15. Manhole is interesting although yesterday I found mandate funny - clearly I need to be getting more sleep! Some days words all sound normal to me and then I have stretches when almost everything I hear is hilarious!
  16. Fabulous quotes, I saw quite a few that really caught my attention and even inspired me! I usually have a few quotes handy but forgot my bag when I came to the library this morning - thanks to all of you who shared!
  17. No I haven't and its pretty safe to say that I will probably never try to. That would make my brain shut down if I attempted it so I am going to keep things simple so that I can keep up.
  18. Good news about being on Facebook, its a terrific venue for increasing your visibility on the internet, it won't be long before you are getting tons of "likes". This is a fascinating site and one that I have learned a lot from. The vast majority of posts are thoughtful and well written which is great to see.
  19. I know a number of people who dramatically improved their En lish by watching American TV. Its a way to immerse oneself in a language and its entertaining at the same time. I haven't tried it with Spanish, they talk way to fast for me right now. When I become more advanced I will try it again, just not right now.
  20. Google translate isn't always accurate so I don't bother with it anymore. There are a ton of translation sites out there and all I ask from them is to be accurate when I use them. If they aren't then I put them on a personal blacklist.
  21. Italian or French would be the logical choice for the next language, its a very close decision so I really can't pick either one of them. I don't think that you can go wrong either way although one side is probably going to be unhappy with the decision.
  22. It fairly simple for me; if I studied then I feel confident and if I didn't hit the books then I don't stress when I know its going to be a bomb. As a rule I do study and feel very relaxed when I get to my seat for the exam. Occasionally I will have a bit of start when I see something that I missed when I was studying but not very often.
  23. It would be interesting to know but I really don't have the time to do it. I have been more curious about how many words that my dog knows, he is extremely bright no doubt has a fairly high vocabulary.
  24. I have nothing to add to what the others have said. Its all English but the idiomatic differences and some spelling can make them seem like totally different languages at times. I do enjoy the UK way, I find it quite charming. Its been the way it is for a very long time and I suspect it won't change. The Aussies have also come up with a few English language quirks that are delightful as well.
  25. I think I have a general idea of what the question was but I think the best thing that the person who asked it would be for them to rewrite and rephrase it. I think that they were referring to technology that will allow a mute person to speak although I'm simply guessing on that.
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