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Everything posted by Muthoni

  1. Language is amazing because it keeps growing. With the advancement of technology, new words keep coming up. Yes I have been using some of the words included in the list. I am amazed at the development of language that I do not understand some of the newly invented words. It will be a good thing to have a dictionary where we can look up the meaning of these new words.
  2. My country has so many tribes that speak so many languages; therefore it is always interesting when they greet you in their native languages. In my native language we greet someone by saying, wi mwega? This is asking someone if they are well. Slang is also very common with casual greetings like “sasa” which can be translated to how are you? There is another common greeting that can fit in any situation, “Habari Yako?” This is translated to what is your situation? There are so many greetings that I can keep going on and on.
  3. Yes I am a writer, I stand to be counted. English is not my first language and sometimes the words do not flow as they should. I do my best by using word program so that I can notice spelling and grammatical errors. Writing is a passion that keeps the fire burning to get those words out to the readers. I guess that is all most writers hope for.
  4. I like studying in the most quite place. The interesting part about the library in my nearest town is that it is never completely quite. I get distracted when people walk in or move their seats. I am currently living in a house that has very thin walls, the radio has to be on for me to concentrate when I write or read anything. I yearn for a quite place.
  5. “What is this? in my native language would be translated into “ino ni nduu” the dot in the I is replace by this sign ~ . When I was growing up, our native language was included in the school syllabus. They have removed it today. Most kids do not understand or speak the native language. This is very sad as far as I am concerned.
  6. Yes, I would like to teach my kids all the languages I know. I would also make sure to enroll them in a school that gives them the opportunity to learn and master other languages. Maybe it will motivate me to learn alongside them. It is such a wonderful thing to talk to people that we meet in their native language. It has the power to cement great relationships.
  7. There is something beautiful about music no matter what language it is sang in. I love songs that have been sung for most soaps that are aired on television. These songs are usually in Mexican or other languages that I have not been able to establish. That does not prevent me from enjoying the music immensely.
  8. Yes, I would love to master the French language. I think that it is time I took the lessons again. I have tried learning it on three other occasions. Every time I hear someone speaking French, I get the urge to get back to the classroom so that I am able to participate in a conversation one day. Learning French is still in my bucket list.
  9. My favorite word in English is okay. I use it so often that most people notice. I will never forget an incidence where I was having my hair done. The lady who was braiding my hair had a small child. Out of the blues the child started saying Okay. I had not noticed how much I had used the word until the child started imitating me.
  10. I guess this saying would come in handy in almost any situation. For example it would be consoling to tell someone that they are many other fishes in the sea after they lose their job. This will motivate them to look for another job instead of staying home worrying about the future. It is commonly used in relationships to encourage someone to get out there and date after their heart has been broken.
  11. I believe that a review is a personal opinion of someone. There is a reason why one man’s meat could be another man's poison. Besides, a number of authors and publishers can hire people to give a good review of their books. The only way to know is by reading the book. Remember to give it an honest review after you are done reading.
  12. I am not a native speaker but I have heard this idiom so many times that I understand its meaning. A chip on the shoulder means that someone has an issue weighing them down. When someone is carrying something heavy, their shoulders are bowed from the weight. Here is an example, a man can have a chip on his shoulder when relating with women if he has been betrayed by one before.
  13. There is one in my native language that I can translate into English because I like it a lot. That someone who leaves home cannot leave a banana baking under the hot ashes. This means that when one goes away from home, they can be delayed getting back or not come home at all. Therefore one has no guarantee that the banana baking under the ashes in the fireplace will not be consumed.
  14. Kids learn so quickly, you can teach them more than one language over time. That said it is up to you and your husband to decide what you want for your daughter. People will always give suggestions on what they think is the best. At the end of the day it is you and your husband who has the final say. When your daughter is older, she can learn other languages if she is interested.
  15. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Every time I write the word Cheque on my word document it shows a red line below it to indicate that it is an error. I usually leave it as it is, because I did not know that it was changed. Actually after this I am going to search for the word on the search engine. I am amazed, thanks.
  16. I guess that is what we refer to as healthy imagination. I am also very good at imagining things. Every time I take the public bus, I imagine what it would be like to work in a certain job or be the wealthiest person in the land. A story takes shape in my mind until I get to my destination where I can then be me. A great imagination is good because it is almost impossible to get bored. Enjoy this gift you have been given.
  17. Honestly speaking, I was also surprised that these words have not been invented recently. Anyway it is said that things are done in circles. We keep coming back to the same thing. There was a time people in my region were complaining that skirts won by young women keep getting shorter. An intelligent person pointed out that some years back, most young women wore very short skirts.
  18. One time when I was going for an interview, I was very nervous. When I talked to my mom on the phone she quoted these words “The Worst They Can Tell You is No” I do not know who said these words originally. They changed how I look at everything today. The meaning of these words is that there is no need to be afraid when making a proposal for business or approaching someone for a relationship. The very worst they can say is no and you can move to something better.
  19. I started learning English in primary school when I was ten years old. My parents are both retired teachers; therefore they insisted that we speak in English even when we went home. I have always wanted to learn how to speak French and will be happy to register for classes if I was matched with the right teacher. I have tried learning the language two times previously without much success.
  20. I think that it is an amazing thing to learn a language of the place you will be visiting. People feel honored if you can speak their language even if it will not be perfect. They will find you friendly and may be willing to offer help should you need it because you put the effort to learn their language.
  21. I was very surprised to discover that a volunteer at a children home where I frequent was not an English native. Her English is so impeccable. She told me that she is from Sweden with English being her second language. Most people assume that white people are excellent in speaking the English language. Furthermore they do not understand about accents.
  22. There are several beautiful buildings in my nation especially in the capital center. There is an old building called Kenyatta conference center where many activities are held. This building is named after our first president. It stands majestic in a beautiful setting; the portrait of our first president is crafted in stone with water fountains around the building; it is so breathtaking.
  23. I decided to drink the cup of tea that was cooling by now so that it would relax me as I thought of a better plan of attack. I could not believe it when I suddenly felt drowsy. An Aha moment occurred just before I drifted into dreamland. Could the man have drugged my tea when I went to other rooms looking for him?
  24. I remembered reading books called ladybird that had several short stories when I was a kid. My parents are now retired teachers; they were very particular that we read extensively when we were children. My mom is in her sixties and you will find her on occasion laughing until she cries reading a good book. I admit that I inherited that from her.
  25. I must admit that I enjoy a good feeling book. I love motivational books that make me have hope that everything will be right with the world. I feel very disappointed if I read a book and the character I like gets into trouble or dies. “ And they live happily ever after” is the perfect ending of a good book for me.
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