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      How many languages do you speak? | Language Learning Jump to content

      How many languages do you speak?


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      Hello everyone! How are you today?

      I am able to speak three languages which are Vietnamese, English, Cantonese ( Chinese).

      Vietnamese is my native language and I did study English few years ago. I did start learn Cantonese last year.

      Hows about you guys? How many languages do you speak?

      Have a nice day!

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        I speak French and English fluently.

        Italian and Spanish I can understand most of it, but I don't really speak it. It's similar enough to French for me to understand a good part of it.

        I know a few other languages but only the basic stuff really (Cantonese, Tagalog, Dutch, Japanese...). I tend to learn a language for a few months then lose interest in it and move on to another one. I just can't decide on which one I want to stick with.

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        I speak two languages, which are English and Chinese. Moreover, in Chinese dialogues I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin. I grew up speaking Cantonese, which I learned Mandarin when I was 3 years old. I think Mandarin is a harder language to learn comparing to Cantonese. In other words, I think English is the easiest language to learn.

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        Good day to everyone!.. Well I speak three languages.. my native language which is Tagalog, my second language which is English and the language of my husband which is the Korean Hangeul which I am currently studying and learning the language more. And it's great learning a new language! :)

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        I can speak 3 languages. My native language, (tagalog) my second language (english) and the last one is german. I don't know if I can really count german, because I'm still in the process of learning. I'm not that fluent yet.

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        I speak English and Chinese, but I'm not that fluent in Chinese. I'd still consider it useable though, I probably will have a relatively easier time in China over the average person if I had to go there, but it would still be difficult for me to some degree, especially since their accent would assumably be a lot thicker than what I'm used to.

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        Hi there! I also speak three languages. Greek, which is my native language, English and Spanish. I've been in touch with English since i was 12 (I am now 21) and I started learning Spanish at the age of 16.

        I now want to find some time and get more serious about learning Italian!

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        I speak two languages fluently, which is English and Portuguese (main language). I can understand a bit of Spanish, French and German (which I'm currently studying and really excited to learn), but I hope I can fluently speak those too someday.

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        Currently I speak two languages fluently: Bulgarian and English.

        I can speak very well in German, although I'm not perfect.

        I can also understand Russian and form a basic sentence. Other than that, I understand a little bit of Italian, however I cannot say anything.

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        Russian is my native, can read/write really well in English, perhaps slightly below native's level, My English speaking and listening levels are perhaps in the advanced intermediate level. I can watch movies but understand about 80% of what is being said. That without subtitles of course.

        Also started to learn Spanish, I thought it would help advance my English especially if I use it to learn Spanish.

          On 11/6/2013 at 2:22 AM, rebel said:

        I can also understand Russian and form a basic sentence.

        Попробуй напиши чего-нибудь!

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        • 6 months later...

        I am presently fluent in my native language Jamaican Creole and English. Right now I am learning French and Spanish and pretty soon I intend to master at least one.

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        I speak one language totally fluently, that would be English.

        Another language that I can *almost* speak fluently in would be Spanish.

        I'd say that I know 3/4 of the Spanish language (and that's a huge amount of words!)

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        If you count being able to say a few sentences/just a bit of school-sentences:

        English (fluent, A-level as far as marks goes)

        Swedish (native)

        German (3 years of school studynig, but I am no longer studying it: I do remember quite a bit though)

        Japanese (currently studying, very limited knowledge as far as vocab/actual talking goes. I can however say a few words...)

        So, yeah. I guess you can count for yourselves. I'm not one who aims to go around and brag that I can speak 12 different languages fluently or something... I learn languages for other reasons than to brag with how many I can speak :)

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