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      You know/realize you are a language nerd, when...... - Page 3 | Language Learning Jump to content

      You know/realize you are a language nerd, when......

      deen the breen

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      Got a tablet and it came setup in Chinese.

      Being my first tablet, needles to say I had no idea what I was doing trying to change the language to either English or Spanish, which are the languages that I understand.

      Now, it's a piece of cake and I use to set it up back to Chinese any time my sister wants to borrow it because I know she can't understand Chinese either :laugh:

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      Taking note of every new word that you heard or read then searching what it means in your dictionary right away.

      When you heard an unfamiliar word from a friend, you’ll pester him or her for its meaning and say or use the word again and again and again.

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      ... when you're in French class and don't know how to answer a question and you want to say "Wakarimasen (わかりません).

      ... when you hear someone nearby talk in another language and you eavesdrop because you think you know the language too (when you really don't).

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      When you hear someone nearby talk in another language. You can recognize the language by the accent and stuff, but you don't really understand much. My friends keep on being surprised when I tell them: "That girl next to the door is speaking Swedish. The boy behind us is speaking Dutch." or when you can understand the language (e.g Finnish) and you just translate the convo to your friends.

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      • 1 month later...
      • 3 weeks later...

      I always used to believe I was the only one who had thoughts in that language! I do this all the time, and also turning off subtitles because sometimes I get annoyed by them.

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      Luckily I've memorized the position of every single option in my phone, and most of them have little pictograms accompanying them. I've had that problem once when I had to use Google Translate because I accidentally set everything to Russian. Spending two hours trying to decipher Cyrillic wasn't the most fun thing in my life, let's just say.

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      • 2 weeks later...
        On 7/28/2013 at 11:01 AM, deen the breen said:

      setting the main language of your mobile phone to Chinese and then you need half an hour to switch it back to English xD :laugh:

      hope you got some funny stories 2.

      Tried it with my cell phone too and had to be in and out of the Spanish lexicon and the phone menu trying to reset the language to English.

      I'm done setting my phone language to Spanish. I rather read a book in Spanish.  :cry:

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      • 2 weeks later...

      you have a thought in one foreign language, forget some of it's vocabulary so you just complete the thought in another foreign language :wacky:.For example:necesito una stylo :laugh:.

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      When you start a sentence and realize that you don't actually have the words to finish the sentence (in that particular language) and I end up freezing and just frowning, then starting all over with a sentence that I can actually complete with my given vocabulary.

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      ...when you accidentally answer a Spanish question in French (and vice versa).

      ...when you strike up a conversation in Japanese with someone in your French class.

      ...when more than half of the music in your playlist is not in English (or your native language).

      ...when you can't think of a word/phrase in one language, but you know it in another language and want to say that instead.

      ...when you start speaking in a random language to someone who doesn't know it.

      ...when you start answering "oui" or "non" to any question.

      ...when you join in a conversation with people you don't know when you hear them speaking in Chinese.

      I read all of these, and I think they are hilarious. I know what it feels like, but it's still so fun learning languages!

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      • 1 month later...
        On 7/28/2013 at 11:01 AM, deen the breen said:

      setting the main language of your mobile phone to Chinese and then you need half an hour to switch it back to English xD :laugh:

      hope you got some funny stories 2.

      Oh yes, I did that once just to see what it would look like and had to download the manual for my phone from the web so I could figure out how to get the language setting back to English or any other language I can read (I can read some Chinese pictograms but not nearly enough to figure that one out!)

      And I know I'm a language nerd when I start talking to myself in a language I'm learning!

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      • 3 weeks later...
      • 2 months later...

      ...when your non-language-nerd friends start giving you weird looks for using foreign words in the middle of sentences.

      Also, when you manage to use five languages in the same sentence xD

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      i agree with kristi with this one, when you start dreaming in a foreign language even if you barely have the basics down. its so frustrating when you wake up and realise it was all a dream.

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