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What is the most difficult language to write?


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What is the most difficult language to write?

Because of the use of symbols, I think Japanese is hard to write.  I think that languages that use the same letters as your native tongue are easier to learn how to write in.  You are already familiar with them.


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I guess it'a toss up between Chinese/Japanese(any east Asian writing system, really) and Arabic. Both variants are so vastly different from the latin alphabet that it has been the main reason of me being so intimidated into dabbling with them. Greek, Cyrillic etc. get a honorable mention.

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Japanese is easier than it looks ;) I, personally, think that Arabic and some Indian languages look difficult. But everything is just a matter of practice.

Obviously, the languages that use "our" alphabet are the easiest to write, but I think that without variety the world of languages would be rather boring ;)

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My Korean students told me it is harder for them to study or write Chinese characters than using English. Korean alphabet is somewhat similar to Japanese. But by the looks of it, seems to me that learning how to write in Chinese is more difficult. :wink:

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I think the most difficult language to write is Traditional Chinese, which has more strokes than Simplified Chinese. I have been knowing Chinese since I was little, but still have trouble writing some of the characters because I have forgotten a lot of words.

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I'd go for Chinese/Japanese due to the Chinese characters, but Arabic must be something really hard as well, writing those "things" from right to left really must mess with one's brain accustomed to write from left to right...  :nerd:

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Aside from the complicated Asian characters that were already mentioned, I would like to add that Russian and Arabic would be the hardest language to learn, their symbols are quite complicated! I wonder if 1 symbol stands for 1 letter or it can also stand for words? Just thinking about it makes me all the more not wanting to learn it.

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Not just Chinese and Japanese languages are hard to write, but also Arabic, Greek, Russian, and all other those languages that requires the use of a Cyrillic keyboard.

There is software to use this type of keyboard or perhaps can be set by changing the system operating language but, who can write on Cyrillic languages here?

Probably very few of us.

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Since my first language is English, I think any language with a foreign script is hard. The first time I tried to learn modern Greek at a Greek church, I quit after 2 weeks. It was literally "all greek to me". I couldn't get it. Fast forward a few years... I signed up for an Ancient Greek class in college. To my surprise, I finished the class with good grades and a smile. I had a ton of fun working my brain in that manner.

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I wouldn't know if it's the most difficult, since I don't have experience in writing many other languages like Arabic, but Chinese and Japanese seem to be pretty complex. One omission of a stroke could mean the word changing its meaning completely, whereas when writing in English or probably any other language that utilizes this alphabet, missing a letter is a little more okay.

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